Jerry jones

LOL, then why spend so much energy arguing about why he's there in the first place?

Jerry Jones plays by different rules because of who he is, what he owns, and how much $ he has. Most of the time this works in his favor. In this case, it probably means he should speak on it, whereas maybe a normal person who lives by different rules wouldn't feel compelled to. To be clear. I am not saying any of this is fair. It just is. I don't think you should be shedding so many tears for him over it, tho.

People who hunt for past racist behavior need to look beyond what WAS, and instead hunt for what IS. We all have done jackassed, sinful, stupid, nefarious things at sometime in our past. The real question should be, have we learned any better, grown and adjusted, even if slightly, into a better person? If we are just looking for a hammer to hit someone on the head with, we are as bad or worse than the past person we're denigrating. But as I often say, humans gonna human--such a pity.
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