Jerry jones

He doesn't owe anyone an apology. No one has proof he even did anything but stand in the back of a crowd watching a chaotic scene. He should tell you and "these people" to eat a bag of dicks and take a lap unless you have proof he directly engaged.
I mean took at knee with his team during a divided time. Lebron still wears Nikes for profit
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Next you know he’ll end his show with girls jumping on a trampoline or refer to them as juggies
If he was the kid in the front, I'd agree it's a bad look. From his position, it means absolutely nothing. Doesn't move the needle any more than the photographers position. That's my position. The rush to admonish is annoying.
Oh I don't think it's anything to crucify him over, I was just saying I could understand someone like him saying that in general. That's if, and only if, Huff had ever said a word about Biden saying what he did. I probably didn't word it correctly like I meant
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Because he was in school that day? Because he was watching probably the most noteworthy event that happened while he attended?

What’s the bad look? Am I missing something?
went on to become a billionaire, employ life changing money to 100’s of blacks and Dat Nguyen decades later. But yes, bad look for Dallas and all the families over the last few decades he’s been able to provide jobs too.
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Let's say JJ was a devout racist at 14. Is he still one today?
Is a man better because he improved himself or better because he never had anything to improve?

The implication that a former Klan member gets extra good person points compared to a non-former Klan member, or someone who participated in a lynching for example is better than someone who didn’t because they “improved themselves,” is backwards in a lot of ways IMO
The implication that a former Klan member gets extra good person points compared to a non-former Klan member, or someone who participated in a lynching for example is better than someone who didn’t because they “improved themselves,” is backwards in a lot of ways IMO
Maybe you'll answer. Why is this such an issue, but not one single one of you have a problem with the current president saying he didn't want his k7ds going to school with black kids? Do Democrats get a pass? I'll guarantee you can't find trump saying anything near as racist as that, but you called him racist? I'm genuinely trying to understand.
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The implication that a former Klan member gets extra good person points compared to a non-former Klan member, or someone who participated in a lynching for example is better than someone who didn’t because they “improved themselves,” is backwards in a lot of ways IMO
I will provide explanation to help your understanding if your mind isn't already closed to new ideas (like a racist's mind, ironically).
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Maybe you'll answer. Why is this such an issue, but not one single one of you have a problem with the current president saying he didn't want his k7ds going to school with black kids? Do Democrats get a pass? I'll guarantee you can't find trump saying anything near as racist as that, but you called him racist? I'm genuinely trying to understand.

It sounds like you're peddling whataboutism to different people, but I have no problem saying Biden has said/done plenty of racist things. He said you ain't black if you don't vote for him lol
I will provide explanation to help your understanding if your mind isn't already closed to new ideas (like a racist's mind, ironically).

I think I get the idea, I just don't necessarily agree with it. Of course, the former Klan member has come a long way and the guy who "never had anything to improve" is probably lying or has a blind spot anyway, so that person both (a) didn't improve and (b) doesn't even have the self-awareness to realize it.

Having said that, as a black person, let me hang out with the guy who was never in the Klan, haha. The other side of the coin from the above paragraph is that the people talking about how "reformed" the Klan member is often aren't the same people that were targets of his hatred. It can easily be more akin to his buddies patting him on the back, and the "improved" person turns out to be not so improved after all
It sounds like you're peddling whataboutism to different people, but I have no problem saying Biden has said/done plenty of racist things. He said you ain't black if you don't vote for him lol
He essentially got away with saying that. Astonishing.
It sounds like you're peddling whataboutism to different people, but I have no problem saying Biden has said/done plenty of racist things. He said you ain't black if you don't vote for him lol
No, I'm just wanted to see someone who had issues with this picture, actually condemning Biden for his racism
I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."

They're going back because the media is pushing this. The insanity you communists are pushing is what causes so much anger. Guilt through assumption, that's you guys push

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