Jesse Waters' comments about Fauci

I am taking issue with the word "engineered" I am not sure we've proven that. As I recall, and I could be wrong, the evidence points toward the conclusion the virus escaping from a lab, but still of natural origin.

The word engineered is being intentionally used by Fauci to mislead. People say reasonable things like “could this have been caused by gain of function research in Wuhan or is this the biggest coincidence in world history”

and then he will respond with nonsense like “no one engineered an intentional superbug!”

It’s an intentional moving of the goal post on his part to present it as a crazy conspiracy rather than as the most plausible explanation that it actually is
I am taking issue with the word "engineered" I am not sure we've proven that. As I recall, and I could be wrong, the evidence points toward the conclusion the virus escaping from a lab, but still of natural origin.
Are you familiar with the term "gain of function?" That's the research that Fauci denied ever being involved with, and also the research referenced WORD FOR WORD in his own personal emails.

I can screenshot if that would be easier for you.
Can anyone point to a video of these comments? All of the videos are of how Fauci responded. Which once again is not the key element of this story. Makes me feel like more fake news. If he actually said something bad, show us
It’s not a “baseless” claim since there is plenty of evidence that it could be an engineered virus.

You sure didn’t have a problem running with the baseless claim of the pee tape.

Never made a comment about any pee tape ever.
Why do y'all let LG trigger y'all on FN disparaging post? Sitting ducks and don't know it. These can be combined in the coronavirus threads but y'all will fuss while he grins.
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Okay. Just finished the video and as expected it’s more fake news. That’s why they lead with Fauci’s response rather than what was actually said.

Here’s my question. Do you actually fall for these things yourself or is this just trolling?

Did you just assume the daily beast was being fair and honest and not check for yourself? Or did you know nothing in the speech indicated anyone should harm Fauci, but posted it anyway because it goes along with your political side of the isle and their narrative?

I really can’t imagine being this dishonest
Can anyone point to a video of these comments? All of the videos are of how Fauci responded. Which once again is not the key element of this story. Makes me feel like more fake news. If he actually said something bad, show us
No, but I found a dozen links where Fauci is calling for him to be fired. Sounds like more fake news deflection from their own problems with things like pedophilia and sexual assault.
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The word engineered is being intentionally used by Fauci to mislead. People say reasonable things like “could this have been caused by gain of function research in Wuhan or is this the biggest coincidence in world history”

and then he will respond with nonsense like “no one engineered an intentional superbug!”

It’s an intentional moving of the goal post on his part to present it as a crazy conspiracy rather than as the most plausible explanation that it actually is

both sides are guilty of shifting of goal posts
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Why do y'all let LG trigger y'all on FN disparaging post? Sitting ducks and don't know it. These can be combined in the coronavirus threads but y'all will fuss while he grins.

I’m just always curious of his actual angle. I’m guessing you don’t think he’s dumb enough to actually believe this and you simply think he’s trolling?
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both sides are guilty of shifting of goal posts

He’s not supposed to have a side. That’s the real issue here. When the man we are supposed to look to for answers, intentionally behaves as a political hack, that’s a serious problem that undermines our nation’s ability to respond to an actual pandemic.
No, but I found a dozen links where Fauci is calling for him to be fired. Sounds like more fake news deflection from their own problems with things like pedophilia and sexual assault.

Agreed. The worst of media sources actually has the video and it’s a big nothing burger. What he calls the “kill shot” is asking Fauci why he would fund risky research in a lab with a known history of poor safety protocols, while holding a copy of the grant. Makes sense that media matters would be behind this, given it’s their typical MO

“Kill shot,” “deadly,” “ambush”: Fox host Jesse Watters tells audience to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci
Speaking of use of the word "engineered," that was PRECISELY the word that the initial team of experts used when analyzing the virus last winter:

View attachment 422362

That was actually two Winters ago and at the end it says "those opinions could change." I'd like to know, did those opinions change? My guess is that they've since gotten smarter about their communications and sensitive emails will be hidden from future FOIA requests
LOL Seriously Clark? Just to jog your memory though... why were there death counters on EVERY single CNN moment when Trump was in office?
1. CNN isn't the only game in town and you know it. The board favorites just sell a different regional flavor of fear porn, albeit with a healthy side dish of constant anger
2. Can't jog a memory I don't have. I haven't watched CNN in a couple decades, and I've seen Fox only by accident in physical therapy waiting room.

I don't have broadcast or cable TV.

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