Jesse Waters' comments about Fauci

I am taking issue with the word "engineered" I am not sure we've proven that. As I recall, and I could be wrong, the evidence points toward the conclusion the virus escaping from a lab, but still of natural origin.

The gain of function manipulation of the virus couldn’t be considered engineered??
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The gain of function manipulation of the virus couldn’t be considered engineered??

Yes but we will never know . No person , group or government would ever be held accountable for so much death unless the powers that be was trying to oust them from power .
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Yes but we will never know . No person , group or government would ever be held accountable for so much death unless the powers that be was trying to oust them from power .

Few people ever out their bosses.
The application of rhetoric and common practice back onto the group that primarily uses it creates some interesting results, especially when theoretic and common practice exist to separate and denigrate.
Fauci's statements and missteps alone are reason for him to have been removed from his position, his studies and grant money stripped. The fact that he is still in charge of, and the point person here through two administrations tells you all you need to know about the complexity and power of the politics involved here.
Of course not
Do you know what was actually said? I certainly don't but according to who you listen to here is both a nothing burger or direct attempt to kill Fauci depending on who you're listening to.
Know a ton of OSU professors. Most are moderate at best to far left.

They got great weed though.
I am triggered by this. Back in ‘75 when I was in college and working summers and winters in Cleveland Ohio I spent one weekend on OSU campus in a friend’s dormitory. Seemed to me the most common major was bong science. You could hardly see across the hallway through the smoky haze or navigate through it without having to dodge someone moving from room to room with bong in hand and bowl on fire.
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Fox is not firing Jesse Watters. In fact they recognize this for what it is:

"Based on watching the full clip and reading the entire transcript, it's more than clear that Jesse Watters was using a metaphor for asking hard-hitting questions to Dr. Fauci about gain-of-function research and his words have been twisted completely out of context," Fox News said in a statement

Fox News backs host as Fauci demands he be fired

Another attempt to cancel a conservative voice fails...
I am triggered by this. Back in ‘75 when I was in college and working summers and winters in Cleveland Ohio I spent one weekend on OSU campus in a friend’s dormitory. Seemed to me the most common major was bong science. You could hardly see across the hallway through the smoky haze or navigate through it without having to dodge someone moving from room to room with bong in hand and bowl on fire.

Lol ....
I went back and looked at this more closely. I agree Watters was taken out of context and the point of the thread is incorrect. Wish I had not posted it.

(But Watters is still a smug jerk. Don't need a thread for that, its self-evident.)
Hell has officially frozen over.

The original video did not include the precursor referring to a "journalistic" technique. So you have to take that into account and when you do that the "ambush" and "kill" remarks are obviously different than they appear without that precursor.

Watters ought not be lecturing about journalistic techniques as he is not remotely qualified to do so. But that does not change the fact that he was taken out of context, and pretty badly at that.
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They did something about it.

Saturday, Dec. 18 Scoreboard: Jesse Watters Carries Fox News to Primetime Win

Ratings mean little. McDonald's may be the defacto King of fast food, but their food still sucks.
I went back and looked at this more closely. I agree Watters was taken out of context and the point of the thread is incorrect. Wish I had not posted it.

(But Watters is still a smug jerk. Don't need a thread for that, its self-evident.)

No, it's a great thread. Just shows what a child Fauci is.
Ratings mean little. McDonald's may be the defacto King of fast food, but their food still sucks.

Like it or not to those that hate to hear other view points on the world's stage ... Fox News is the most watched and the most trusted in the cable news industry. Cry all you want ... it's still true.
Like it or not to those that hate to hear other view points on the matter ... Fox News is the most watched and the most trusted in the cable news world. Cry all you want ... it's true.

Who said I was crying? And it's not like they have quality competition. They're king of the trash heap.
They're less liberal than you think. Many are conservative. But, don't let the facts stand in the way of a good partisan bishop-polishing.
Just FYI from 89 to 98 reasearch found 45% of professors where of 2014 that went to 60% an avg of just under 1% a year growth..other found a 2 to 1 avg of liberal profs and other as much as 8.5 to 1...
Im guessing your comment was anecdotal in nature
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