Jesse Waters' comments about Fauci

He’s not supposed to have a side. That’s the real issue here. When the man we are supposed to look to for answers, intentionally behaves as a political hack, that’s a serious problem that undermines our nation’s ability to respond to an actual pandemic.

Neither are lots of people, but everyone brings their own personal baggage along for the ride.
That was actually two Winters ago and at the end it says "those opinions could change." I'd like to know, did those opinions change? My guess is that they've since gotten smarter about their communications and sensitive emails will be hidden from future FOIA requests

You can go down the rabbit hole and read the emails to draw your own conclusions. Let's just say things moved very, very quickly and look extremely suspicious.

Note that these were the leading experts in the world agreeing that the virus did not appear "natural," AT PRECISELY THE SAME TIME that anyone else suggesting that the virus was engineered was being ridiculed and censored.
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Neither are lots of people, but everyone brings their own personal baggage along for the ride.

I want to be clear here. You have no issue with Fauci making the most plausible option for how this virus began (lab leak from one of the few labs that studies this, specifically in bats and just happens to be in Wuhan), for him intentionally painting that as a conspiracy theory?

That’s a serious problem.
I want to be clear here. You have no issue with Fauci making the most plausible option for how this virus began (lab leak from one of the few labs that studies this, specifically in bats and just happens to be in Wuhan), for him intentionally painting that as a conspiracy theory?

That’s a serious problem.
He doesn’t have to be part of a „conspiracy“ for this to be a problem. He has consistently LIED about his role in approving use of US tax dollars to fund gain of function research at an overseas lab under the control of the Chinese Military. He has even perjured himself on the Senate floor with his denials. I don’t think he is part of any conspiracy. I DO think he is a lying delusional idiot and megalomaniac. Isn’t that enough for him to be fired yesterday?
I wish all these public figures would be more careful with their language. That said, the context matters here. In the larger scheme of rhetoric over the last decade or so it seems par for the course.
Terrible choice of words. Likewise, Fauci does himself no favors by responding.
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The historians are professors on liberal campuses. They'll love Fauci
I mean history in 50 to 100 years. The liberal professors on campus will either be gone by then, or if we DON‘T replace them by then, this country will no longer exist in a form recognizable to us. And our history books would be in Mandarin. The So I see it as a moot point.
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I wish all these public figures would be more careful with their language. That said, the context matters here. In the larger scheme of rhetoric over the last decade or so it seems par for the course.

I don't know. Kill shot? Get it on video and send it to Fox so you'll be famous?

He might not have meant it in the literal sense but he has to realize it might give people ideas or push them to do things they might not otherwise necessarily do. Perhaps not shoot him, but issue anonymous threats? Make some suggestion of it? That's well within reason.
The historians are professors on liberal campuses. They'll love Fauci

They're less liberal than you think. Many are conservative. But, don't let the facts stand in the way of a good partisan bishop-polishing.
I don't know. Kill shot? Get it on video and send it to Fox so you'll be famous?

He might not have meant it in the literal sense but he has to realize it might give people ideas or push them to do things they might not otherwise necessarily do. Perhaps not shoot him, but issue anonymous threats? Make some suggestion of it? That's well within reason.

Stop being a Nancy.
They're less liberal than you think. Many are conservative. But, don't let the facts stand in the way of a good partisan bishop-polishing.

Know a ton of OSU professors. Most are moderate at best to far left.

They got great weed though.
I don't know. Kill shot? Get it on video and send it to Fox so you'll be famous?

He might not have meant it in the literal sense but he has to realize it might give people ideas or push them to do things they might not otherwise necessarily do. Perhaps not shoot him, but issue anonymous threats? Make some suggestion of it? That's well within reason.
Were you this outraged when Trump had threats against him and his family? Because I can’t recall.
Were you this outraged when Trump had threats against him and his family? Because I can’t recall.

Think we can get Freak to implement a Political Outrage Scorecard System so we can quick reference who is upset about the correct things the correct number of times?

"You've been pissed at Biden four times this month. That earns you one post mentioning Trump without anyone blaming you for TDS"
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Were you this outraged when Trump had threats against him and his family? Because I can’t recall.

Sure. And if any media person from MSNBC had said someone out to assisted him and video it to be famous I'd say they ought to be fired as well.

Wouldn't you?
I don't know. Kill shot? Get it on video and send it to Fox so you'll be famous?

He might not have meant it in the literal sense but he has to realize it might give people ideas or push them to do things they might not otherwise necessarily do. Perhaps not shoot him, but issue anonymous threats? Make some suggestion of it? That's well within reason.

“He might not have meant it in a literal sense”? Gee, you think?! There are dozens of crazed hit men just waiting for the word to act
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I don’t need Jesse Waters to possibly place any ideas in my head when it comes to that media whore Fauci and I doubt many others need help in that dept either . I’ve often thought that I’d like to roll his little scrawny butt over a couple of giant fire ant hills and tell him if he had just worn his mask and had a booster for the ant bites he wouldn’t be swelling up so fast . 🤷‍♂️
1. CNN isn't the only game in town and you know it. The board favorites just sell a different regional flavor of fear porn, albeit with a healthy side dish of constant anger
2. Can't jog a memory I don't have. I haven't watched CNN in a couple decades, and I've seen Fox only by accident in physical therapy waiting room.

I don't have broadcast or cable TV.
Ahhh OK... so where is this 'narrative' of which you speak coming from? You know... since you don't watch TV... Apparently it is all on the side of us filthy vax reluctant scum though.

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