JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is ‘bulls–t’

I've been to Dealey Plaza and to the museum on a layover in Dallas. I've also tried to fire and cycle the bolt twice on my BIL's Mannlicher Carcano. I'm no expert marksman, but I have hunted a fair amount and occasionally get to the gun range. Having stood at that window, understanding how difficult it is to shoot a moving target, how much more difficult it is to fire and cycle the bolt on that rifle twice and hit the same moving object each time, I don't really buy off on the single shooter narrative. I guess it's possible that Oswald was one of the most badazz marksmen on the planet at that time, but not probable. Some things just don't pass the sniff test.
First shot was fired before the limo reached the Stemmons Freeway sign, and the second when it was opposite the famous grassy knoll. Two shots during that span isn't impossible. The three shots the Warren Commission claimed is near impossible, however.
And to be clear...you stood at the window on the 6th Floor?? I don't believe that's possible.
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First shot was fired before the limo reached the Stemmons Freeway sign, and the second when it was opposite the famous grassy knoll. Two shots during that span isn't impossible. The three shots the Warren Commission claimed is near impossible, however.
And to be clear...you stood at the window on the 6th Floor?? I don't believe that's possible.

The actual corner window has a display, recreated as it was the day JFK was killed, is cordoned off with glass. The windows adjacent to the corner window, the first one right next to the window where LHO fired his rifle is just a couple of feet away, are unobstructed and available for people to stand at and view Elm St./Plaza area below. Gives you virtually the same vantage point. You can also go up to the seventh floor where you can stand at the window directly above the one Oswald used on the sixth floor. I never gave any of the other theories much thought until I tested out my brother in law’s Carcano and after having been to the Sixth floor museum. I just have doubts it happened the way history tells us.
The actual corner window has a display, recreated as it was the day JFK was killed, is cordoned off with glass. The windows adjacent to the corner window, the first one right next to the window where LHO fired his rifle is just a couple of feet away, are unobstructed and available for people to stand at and view Elm St./Plaza area below. Gives you virtually the same vantage point. You can also go up to the seventh floor where you can stand at the window directly above the one Oswald used on the sixth floor. I never gave any of the other theories much thought until I tested out my brother in law’s Carcano and after having been to the Sixth floor museum. I just have doubts it happened the way history tells us.
That's why I asked. I've also been there and stood at the 7th floor window, but was thinking perhaps there was a time when the 6th floor window was accessible. Thanks for clarification.
National Archives Releases more than 13,000 classified JFK assassination files

  • President Joe Biden ordered the release of unredacted files on Thursday
The National Archives on Thursday released 13,173 unredacted documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, offering historians and conspiracy hunters a fresh trove of details.

'Pursuant to my direction, agencies have undertaken a comprehensive effort to review the full set of almost 16,000 records that had previously been released in redacted form and determined that more than 70 percent of those records may now be released in full,' said Biden.


President John F. Kennedy and the first lady smile at the crowds lining their motorcade route in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. Minutes later the president was assassinated

However, hundreds more documents remain under wraps.

But don't expect much ammunition for those who believe Lee Harvey Oswald was not the killer or that far from acting alone he was merely the triggerman in a broader conspiracy.

Instead, officials told Politico the new information will help historians fill in some of the gaps about a turning point in American history, and probe why the government has been so reluctant to release all the documents.

Thursday's release was expected to focus on Oswald's 80-volume 201 'personality file.'


Many of the files focus on the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and years before he shot dead Kennedy, such as his visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico City in September, 1963

The CIA has said it was created in 1960, suggesting the intelligence agency was worried about Oswald long before the assassination.

National Archives releases more than 13,000 classified files related to JFK's assassination | Daily Mail Online
First shot was fired before the limo reached the Stemmons Freeway sign, and the second when it was opposite the famous grassy knoll. Two shots during that span isn't impossible. The three shots the Warren Commission claimed is near impossible, however.
And to be clear...you stood at the window on the 6th Floor?? I don't believe that's possible.
So wait... so now you say there were only two shots? Where did those shots hit/land?
So wait... so now you say there were only two shots? Where did those shots hit/land?
No, I'm not saying there were only two. I'm saying if....and it's still a big if...the first shot was fired during the turn from Houston onto Elm, then it's possible the 2nd and 3rd shots occurred once on Elm.
No, I'm not saying there were only two. I'm saying if....and it's still a big if...the first shot was fired during the turn from Houston onto Elm, then it's possible the 2nd and 3rd shots occurred once on Elm.
I'm not buying a shot on the turn. Just not enough witness testimony or evidence to make it credible.
I'm not buying a shot on the turn. Just not enough witness testimony or evidence to make it credible.
To each their own.
I'm not saying it's a certainty.
However, I referenced what I find to be a well-researched study of the possibility that doesn't rule it out. This is more than one will find on some of the other wild theories folks swallow hook, line, and sinker.
Bottom line is people want to believe it took a massive conspiracy to kill a popular president, when in fact it takes one nut job.
Additionally, I'll add there's at least as much, if not more, evidence of a conspiracy to kill RFK and MLK Jr.
To each their own.
I'm not saying it's a certainty.
However, I referenced what I find to be a well-researched study of the possibility that doesn't rule it out. This is more than one will find on some of the other wild theories folks swallow hook, line, and sinker.
Bottom line is people want to believe it took a massive conspiracy to kill a popular president, when in fact it takes one nut job.
Additionally, I'll add there's at least as much, if not more, evidence of a conspiracy to kill RFK and MLK Jr.
The Zapruder film (even the edited version that we see today) clearly shows a shot coming from Kennedy's right front. So explain to me how a single nut job can get one rear shot and one front shot?

Plus, explain to me why the witnesses in Dealey Plaza went in the direction of the Grassy Knole as well as one of the motorbike officers?
The Zapruder film (even the edited version that we see today) clearly shows a shot coming from Kennedy's right front. So explain to me how a single nut job can get one rear shot and one front shot?

Plus, explain to me why the witnesses in Dealey Plaza went in the direction of the Grassy Knole as well as one of the motorbike officers?
Clearly shows a shot coming from the right front?? Guessing you're saying this because of the movement of his head after the fatal shot? If so, do a bit more research on the movement of an object after being struck by a bullet, as well as the difference of an entry and exit wound.
As for folks running up the grassy knoll post-fatal shot, you've been there and have seen the layout. The reality is the acoustics of a gunshot, especially in that setting, could very easily have led to a sound reverberating from the grassy knoll. Much the same way if a shot had in fact been fired from the grassy knoll could have sounded as if it came from the TSBD.
Surely your research into this has at least led you beyond the grassy knoll theory??
Clearly shows a shot coming from the right front?? Guessing you're saying this because of the movement of his head after the fatal shot? If so, do a bit more research on the movement of an object after being struck by a bullet, as well as the difference of an entry and exit wound.
As for folks running up the grassy knoll post-fatal shot, you've been there and have seen the layout. The reality is the acoustics of a gunshot, especially in that setting, could very easily have led to a sound reverberating from the grassy knoll. Much the same way if a shot had in fact been fired from the grassy knoll could have sounded as if it came from the TSBD.
Surely your research into this has at least led you beyond the grassy knoll theory??

Back an to the left , Back and to the left .
Clearly shows a shot coming from the right front?? Guessing you're saying this because of the movement of his head after the fatal shot? If so, do a bit more research on the movement of an object after being struck by a bullet, as well as the difference of an entry and exit wound.
As for folks running up the grassy knoll post-fatal shot, you've been there and have seen the layout. The reality is the acoustics of a gunshot, especially in that setting, could very easily have led to a sound reverberating from the grassy knoll. Much the same way if a shot had in fact been fired from the grassy knoll could have sounded as if it came from the TSBD.
Surely your research into this has at least led you beyond the grassy knoll theory??
Yeah, tell me the difference between an exit and entry wound.
As for folks running up the grassy knoll post-fatal shot, you've been there and have seen the layout. The reality is the acoustics of a gunshot, especially in that setting, could very easily have led to a sound reverberating from the grassy knoll. Much the same way if a shot had in fact been fired from the grassy knoll could have sounded as if it came from the TSBD.
Surely your research into this has at least led you beyond the grassy knoll theory??
I knew that would be your reasoning for that.
No, you do your research. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if you can prove it.
How do I know what to prove wrong if you don't tell me what the difference is? It's obvious that you believe something about the head shot. Are you saying the entry wound came from the back?
James Files said he did it but I don't know how credible his story was.
I don't know if I believe him, either. I would say that he knows a lot of details and was likely involved in some way, but I'm skeptical that he was the one that gave the kill shot. I'm on the fence between Files or Charles Haralson (one of the Tramps).

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