JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is ‘bulls–t’

So you say. The JFK topic is very encompassing. But nevermind, truth avoiders will always duck and cover when truth comes their way.
Beyond you citing what Trump said about Ted Cruz’s father as a way to bring Trump into it, how does Trump fit into the equation? To my knowledge it was just one of a million dumbass remarks made by Trump just to try and gain political advantage. Nothing else.
Beyond you citing what Trump said about Ted Cruz’s father as a way to bring Trump into it, how does Trump fit into the equation? To my knowledge it was just one of a million dumbass remarks made by Trump just to try and gain political advantage. Nothing else.

Trump makes dumbass remarks? Careful, RDU, your liberalism is showing.
I’ve been described a lot of ways in my life. This would be the first time that “liberalism” has ever collided with my name or a name representing me.

Well, you know what they say, there's a first time for everything. You're welcome. :)
To each their own.
I'm not saying it's a certainty.
However, I referenced what I find to be a well-researched study of the possibility that doesn't rule it out. This is more than one will find on some of the other wild theories folks swallow hook, line, and sinker.
Bottom line is people want to believe it took a massive conspiracy to kill a popular president, when in fact it takes one nut job.
Additionally, I'll add there's at least as much, if not more, evidence of a conspiracy to kill RFK and MLK Jr.

You are absolutely right about one lone nutjob but when you have another nutjob kill the first nutjob WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY and only 2 days after he supposedly commits the crime of the century....ah, you are probably on firmer ground believing in a visit by Santa Clause than that these were just 2 random nutjobs acting alone.
Look, first off, this is a .gov link you are posting, so obviously it is going to have a govt narrative. Second, it is building its case about the shots based on frames of the edited Zapruder film.

What is this saying?
That all the **** blown out of his head to the right front indicates a rear entrance.
That all the **** blown out of his head to the right front indicates a rear entrance.

For fecks sake man...there isnt even an exit wound on the front of his head OR neck...exit wounds are ALWAYS larger than entrance wounds in mammals...bit there is an entrance wound above JFKs right eye as well as statements from the Drs who first examined the body (before the feds threatened, pushed them away ètc) that he died from a massive chunk of skull blown out the back of his head. ANY PROJECTILE coming from behind that blew a big chunk out the back of his head would have blown half his face off into the frontseat of the damn car. That is not debatable. It is physics. Nobody who kills things with a rifle could come to the BS conclusion that the government did. I just do not see how they could.

I’ve been described a lot of ways in my life. This would be the first time that “liberalism” has ever collided with my name or a name representing me.
I agree. You're no liberal. I think your love of Duke makes some people assume you'd be a liberal.
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Isn’t the most recent credible theory is that a Secret Service agent trailing the vehicle on foot heard Oswald’s shot and fired his gun by mistake, hitting the president from behind and then Oswald’s bullet hit him in the head/neck?
That does look rather undamaged.
I would have thought the shooter would use hollow points but then I haven't assassinated that many people.

Just for reference because even as much as I’ve been around firearms I forget the hog legs these 6.5x52 were throwing out …

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I have killed MANY deer in my lifetime using leadcore expandable projectiles that would impart more energy per grain than a FMJ round. The entry wound NEVER explodes like the front of his head did. I am not arguing that there may or may not have been someone else, I am just saying that the shot that blew the front of his head out came from behind. My question is, where did the shot come from that hit him when both hands came up to his neck. If there is a shot from the front, it seems to me that what ever caused him to raise both arms came from the front and pushed him into the seat. Also in that massive report, it says that the impact was not fully inelastic and that muscle spasm due to a kill shot to the head coupled with the acceleration/motion of the vehicle could have caused the movement backwards. Most deer that I have killed with a head shot spasm for several seconds following impact.
I have killed MANY deer in my lifetime using leadcore expandable projectiles that would impart more energy per grain than a FMJ round. The entry wound NEVER explodes like the front of his head did. I am not arguing that there may or may not have been someone else, I am just saying that the shot that blew the front of his head out came from behind. My question is, where did the shot come from that hit him when both hands came up to his neck. If there is a shot from the front, it seems to me that what ever caused him to raise both arms came from the front and pushed him into the seat. Also in that massive report, it says that the impact was not fully inelastic and that muscle spasm due to a kill shot to the head coupled with the acceleration/motion of the vehicle could have caused the movement backwards. Most deer that I have killed with a head shot spasm for several seconds following impact.

The head shot was more in the upper right corner, that's why that right side exploded. It makes sense that the 1st bullet hitting him in the back and coming out the bottom of his neck would cause him to raise his hands to his neck
You are absolutely right about one lone nutjob but when you have another nutjob kill the first nutjob WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY and only 2 days after he supposedly commits the crime of the century....ah, you are probably on firmer ground believing in a visit by Santa Clause than that these were just 2 random nutjobs acting alone.

Watch that video that posted of tucker. He discussed that
The fact that your belief hinges on the head moving "back and to the left" shows how little research you've actually done on the topic.

The initial shot, has the brain matter going foward with the vehicle, then the head moves back, like a rubber band snapping into place. If the shot was from the front, all the Brain matter would have gone to the back of the car
I have killed MANY deer in my lifetime using leadcore expandable projectiles that would impart more energy per grain than a FMJ round. The entry wound NEVER explodes like the front of his head did. I am not arguing that there may or may not have been someone else, I am just saying that the shot that blew the front of his head out came from behind. My question is, where did the shot come from that hit him when both hands came up to his neck. If there is a shot from the front, it seems to me that what ever caused him to raise both arms came from the front and pushed him into the seat. Also in that massive report, it says that the impact was not fully inelastic and that muscle spasm due to a kill shot to the head coupled with the acceleration/motion of the vehicle could have caused the movement backwards. Most deer that I have killed with a head shot spasm for several seconds following impact.
The bullet slowed down coming through the windshield as it entered right below his necktie and got lodged there.
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