JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is ‘bulls–t’

And the most cowardly broadcast in the past 60 years. Johnny Carson vs Jim Garrison.

This is a 60 year old rabbit hole. Do I believe Oswald acted on his own, no.
The questions I've always ask, if Jack Ruby was part of the conspiracy why was he allowed to live out his life in prison?
Why was he not shot and killed in the parking garage after the Oswald killing. Why did he not die of suicide in prison.
Fat, a smoker, boozer and probably a drug user. He was 55 when he died.
If Garrison had all of this information why was he not suicided. He died in 1992 at age of 72, 30 years after the JFK killing.
This is a 60 year old rabbit hole. Do I believe Oswald acted on his own, no.
The questions I've always ask, if Jack Ruby was part of the conspiracy why was he allowed to live out his life in prison?
Why was he not shot and killed in the parking garage after the Oswald killing. Why did he not die of suicide in prison.
Fat, a smoker, boozer and probably a drug user. He was 55 when he died.
If Garrison had all of this information why was he not suicided. He died in 1992 at age of 72, 30 years after the JFK killing.
If you discredit those who tell the truth, then the truth will be in question.
I'm like most.......What happened in Dallas fascinates me and I love to debate it.

That being said, I'm not sure I really want to know what actually happened and who was involved. If we really knew everything our government has been involved in, and the degree in which, it would shock and destroy this country. That scares me. Some things might be better left unknown. JMO.......................
I totally believe Oswald acted on his own. Why would he not? I mean, how many former defected communists are even available in downtown Dallas?

It’s the perfect cover story because it was all real.
I was in 5th grade when JFK was shot. It was an incredible shock to the nation's psyche. As far as who was behind it, who knows, but a lot of the theories are so nonsensical.

Castro did it because of Bay of Pigs and various assassination attempts on him by CIA. They get Oswald through the Russians.

The CIA did it because of the Bay of Pigs and fears over Kennedy curtailing their activities. CIA could have used Oswald without him even knowing it was them.

Mafia did it because of Bay of Pigs (they lost their casinos in Cuba), RFK's pursuit of the Teamsters and Hoffa, and various broken promises ostensibly by Kennedy through Sinatra. Not sure how they found Oswald, but the Jack Ruby thing has Mafia all over it.

Personally I think it was the Cuban expats down in Miami. They knew Bay of Pigs was the end of their dreams to recoup their property and wealth. They're still angry about it, which is why we still have a stupidly failed policy towards Cuba. I mean come on, we're selling military equipment to Vietnam, a country that killed 50,000 Americans, but we embargo Cuba, a country dying to tie itself to our economy.

I digress. The main thing is, those guys were still running around south Florida swamps "training" for another attempt to take back Cuba into the 80's (hoping Reagan might do something).

There was even a 60 Minutes story on them in the 80's. I remember flying over some of their "secret" airfields on my way to NAS Key West for the weekend (a military airplane and a government credit card to fly for "airways training", thank you taxpayers). Major collections of C-47s and WW II light bombers the CIA had scraped together for them. For Bay of Pigs they even had some B-57's, but the CIA took them back and sent them to Vietnam.
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This is a 60 year old rabbit hole. Do I believe Oswald acted on his own, no.
The questions I've always ask, if Jack Ruby was part of the conspiracy why was he allowed to live out his life in prison?
Why was he not shot and killed in the parking garage after the Oswald killing. Why did he not die of suicide in prison.
Fat, a smoker, boozer and probably a drug user. He was 55 when he died.
If Garrison had all of this information why was he not suicided. He died in 1992 at age of 72, 30 years after the JFK killing.
They likely were able to "poison" him with an experimental (at the time) cancer injection or something. That was some of the stuff that was being worked on in New Orleans in the early to mid-1960s. They discovered that they could weaponize cancer in human after the first failed rollout of the polio vaccine. Look up Alton Ochsner and his work at Tulane. He was so convinced that the first roll out of the polio vaccine would work that he injected his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of a live audience. His grandson passed out almost immediately and died shortly afterwards and his granddaughter ended up contracting polio.

The New Orleans connection is a rabbit hole all by itself with characters like Dr. Alton Ochsner, Dr. Mary Sherman (killed in a bizarre accident in 1964), David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Which reminds me there are several rabbit holes that a person can find themselves getting lost in outside of Dealey Plaza:
1. Oak Cliff/Shooting of Officer J.D. Tippit
2. New Orleans
3. Minsk
4. Could Oswald drive/not drive and could he speak Russian/not speak Russian

That 4th rabbit hole pulls in a lot of the stories from the other three and takes you to bizarro world if you look at the information without any bias.
I totally believe Oswald acted on his own. Why would he not? I mean, how many former defected communists are even available in downtown Dallas?

It’s the perfect cover story because it was all real.
How many Marines were able to defect to the USSR, live there a few years, and then come back without much scrutiny or much pushback?

This is at the height of the Cold War, keep in mind. Not 2022. So you see how tensions are crazy right now. Imagine at the height of the Space Race, after the shooting down of a U2 spy plane with Gary Powers, and at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis... how can you explain a US Marine being able to come back into the US from the USSR at this time with no pushback or resistance what so ever? And then when he does come back, is involved in a Fair Play for Cuba campaign. If that doesn't scream to you a person that is "connected", I'm not sure what will.

Some of you clowns have a severe case of cognitive dissonance. Open your damn eyes.
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This is a 60 year old rabbit hole. Do I believe Oswald acted on his own, no.
The questions I've always ask, if Jack Ruby was part of the conspiracy why was he allowed to live out his life in prison?
Why was he not shot and killed in the parking garage after the Oswald killing. Why did he not die of suicide in prison.
Fat, a smoker, boozer and probably a drug user. He was 55 when he died.
If Garrison had all of this information why was he not suicided. He died in 1992 at age of 72, 30 years after the JFK killing.

Ruby may have not known exactly why he was doing it in the first place. MK Ultra comes to mind to make him the backup Manchurian candidate for the patsy Oswald.
They likely were able to "poison" him with an experimental (at the time) cancer injection or something. That was some of the stuff that was being worked on in New Orleans in the early to mid-1960s. They discovered that they could weaponize cancer in human after the first failed rollout of the polio vaccine. Look up Alton Ochsner and his work at Tulane. He was so convinced that the first roll out of the polio vaccine would work that he injected his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of a live audience. His grandson passed out almost immediately and died shortly afterwards and his granddaughter ended up contracting polio.

The New Orleans connection is a rabbit hole all by itself with characters like Dr. Alton Ochsner, Dr. Mary Sherman (killed in a bizarre accident in 1964), David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Which reminds me there are several rabbit holes that a person can find themselves getting lost in outside of Dealey Plaza:
1. Oak Cliff/Shooting of Officer J.D. Tippit
2. New Orleans
3. Minsk
4. Could Oswald drive/not drive and could he speak Russian/not speak Russian

That 4th rabbit hole pulls in a lot of the stories from the other three and takes you to bizarro world if you look at the information without any bias.

You do realize the leaps in logic and assumptions you're having to make, right?
To @Zues1 point, if the event was a conspiracy controlled at the level you're assuming, no way no how does Ruby live out the rest of his days in prison. An "accident" would have found him dead within days.

You tell folks to "...open your damn eyes," and yet you can't see the forest for the trees.
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It would not surprise me if the government knew about the assassination or the plan, I just think there was one man who shot. A second gunman would have shot more than just one shot, there would have been multiple shots from both gunmen if the CIA coordinated this
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They likely were able to "poison" him with an experimental (at the time) cancer injection or something. That was some of the stuff that was being worked on in New Orleans in the early to mid-1960s. They discovered that they could weaponize cancer in human after the first failed rollout of the polio vaccine. Look up Alton Ochsner and his work at Tulane. He was so convinced that the first roll out of the polio vaccine would work that he injected his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of a live audience. His grandson passed out almost immediately and died shortly afterwards and his granddaughter ended up contracting polio.

The New Orleans connection is a rabbit hole all by itself with characters like Dr. Alton Ochsner, Dr. Mary Sherman (killed in a bizarre accident in 1964), David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Which reminds me there are several rabbit holes that a person can find themselves getting lost in outside of Dealey Plaza:
1. Oak Cliff/Shooting of Officer J.D. Tippit
2. New Orleans
3. Minsk
4. Could Oswald drive/not drive and could he speak Russian/not speak Russian

That 4th rabbit hole pulls in a lot of the stories from the other three and takes you to bizarro world if you look at the information without any bias.
I'm familiar with most of this. I live though this story from the age of six when JFK was murdered.
Again I ask why allow Ruby to live 4+ years when he could have ratted out his " accomplices"... ? These are the type of first hand witnesses that hang " themselves" shortly after being incarcerated.
4 years is a long time.
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I'm familiar with most of this. I live though this story from the age of six when JFK was murdered.
Again I ask why allow Ruby to live 4+ years when he could have ratted out his " accomplices"... ? These are the type of first hand witnesses that hang " themselves" shortly after being incarcerated.
4 years is a long time.
It would have been too obvious to kill him early.
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Two more things,
Where are the pictures of the 5 or is it 7 gunmen roaming around/ stationed in Dealy plaza? Surely someone got a few pictures on their Brownie camera? No additional information like that appears on the two video recordings.
Yes I'm aware the Zapruder film was edited.
A man who seemed to be on a mission to uncover corruption must have actually been one dumb sob when it came to the murder of his brother.
He could not see through the cover up by hundreds of people and the Warren Commission he served on.
Okay 😉
Most Americans would have questioned it. We have shown ourselves to be sheeple.
Most Americans questioned this whole mess for 60 years, myself being one of them.
Again why let someone who could spill the beens live 4 years.
Garrisons who had the goods on everyone lived an additional 30 years. If he suddenly dropped dead I imagine most people he worked with would have got real quite real quick.
Most Americans questioned this whole mess for 60 years, myself being one of them.
Again why let someone who could spill the beens live 4 years.
Garrisons who had the goods on everyone lived an additional 30 years. If he suddenly dropped dead I imagine most people he worked with would have got real quite real quick.
My fault, I edited my post. Most Americans would NOT have questioned it at that time.
It would have been too obvious to kill him early.
And yet they didn’t think it would be too obvious to kill Oswald on national television??
If the plan was to silence Oswald, he never would’ve made it alive out of the movie theater they caught him in.
He threw a punch at an officer and had a weapon on him. They could’ve easily shot him and claimed self defense.
And yet they didn’t think it would be too obvious to kill Oswald on national television??
If the plan was to silence Oswald, he never would’ve made it alive out of the movie theater they caught him in.
He threw a punch at an officer and had a weapon on him. They could’ve easily shot him and claimed self defense.
It is real easy to explain way one death or maybe even two. But if you would have seen just a string of high profile deaths within days/weeks/months of the JFK, then it would have been a problem. However, the CIA did control the media enough even back then where people would not have connected the dots between Person X and his/her death and the JFK assassination.

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