Jimmy Fallon Emailing 15 Year Old From NBC Account

Colbert has never been funny. I have never liked him regardless of his political ideology.

There are a couple late night hosts that just sound bitter every show. Colbert. There is a guy after Fallon. I can't think of his name. I told my wife they are hard to listen to and we have to change the channel. At least with Fallon, he seems to have understood you can't sound like a crazed nutcase when you are making political jokes.
Tried exponentially harder than the USSR. Plus our goal was retaliatory and progressive in nature, unlike their plight there. We'll always have responsibility to help wherever we can. There's no one but the US. It's why China will never challenge us militarily. They know the consequences
I wouldn't be too sure that China never challenges us militarily. All the games being played in the South China Sea make me believe some kind of confrontation is inevitable. Probably not all out war, but I would not be surprised to see China flex their military muscles in the region.
There are a couple late night hosts that just sound bitter every show. Colbert. There is a guy after Fallon. I can't think of his name. I told my wife they are hard to listen to and we have to change the channel. At least with Fallon, he seems to have understood you can't sound like a crazed nutcase when you are making political jokes.
Seth Meyers is the guy after Fallon.
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Not to nation build. Our only real goal should ever have been OBL and al Qaeda.

The way I felt after 9/11 was to turn that sand to glass. We was over there 20 years to long. Go over get the SOB you are looking for and leave. I have never understood why we feel the need to fix everyone.
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The way I felt after 9/11 was to turn that sand to glass. We was over there 20 years to long. Go over get the SOB you are looking for and leave. I have never understood why we feel the need to fix everyone.
Because we had some success at it after WWII with Japan, which was more luck than anything. The Japanese were ready to embrace American culture to a large degree, while also maintaining their tradition. Even with Korea, it was considered mildly successful that we fought to a stand still that left us with a split country. But we failed in Vietnam, and we've failed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The citizens have to want it, and fight for it, and apparently, not enough of them do. You can't just install a puppet regime and expect it to work.

And going to war unwilling to do whatever it takes to win is asking to lose.
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Because we had some success at it after WWII with Japan, which was more luck than anything. The Japanese were ready to embrace American culture to a large degree, while also maintaining their tradition. Even with Korea, it was considered mildly successful that we fought to a stand still that left us with a split country. But we failed in Vietnam, and we've failed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The citizens have to want it, and fight for it, and apparently, not enough of them do. You can't just install a puppet regime and expect it to work.

And going to war unwilling to do whatever it takes to win is asking to lose.

I was always told if you want it, work for it. You can't baby someone for years then think they will stand on there own. They have to be willing to die for it. Most places are just willing for us to die for it.

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