revolUTion in the air!
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I'm struggling with this. When do job increases count?
Q4 is blamed on holiday hiring
Q2 increases are apparently a result of summer jobs.
So do only q1 and q3 jobs count?
IF you want to factor out seasonal work then yeah. They always count to me but just looking at the numbers is not the way to go. The Bureau of Labor usually has more detailed reports. When you see the service industry buffing up..its meh.
I wish there were more manufacturing jobs as well but you are dreaming if you don't think we are now almost totally a service industry nation.
Except that household debt (which is a much larger piece of the economy than public debt) has decreased pretty significantly over the past five years.
FRED Graph - FRED - St. Louis Fed
No I think you're wrong. I think it is a last gasp. How this will play out is when the conservatives win the election or before the markets will realize the party is over. But the Republicans will get blamed for the down turn and not 100 years of progressivism and entitlements that ended in this massive debt bubble. This will be the mother of all down turns. Sorry to rain on your parade.
P.S.-But as I said earlier this defect or need for security that causes us to walk off the cliff like lemmings is in all of us-conservatives and liberals alike. Republicans have been guilty of profligate spending also just not as egregious as Democrats. The entitlement (need for security) has done us in.
Just one more preaching segment I promise. This debt bubble is much much larger than the one in 1929. Therefore the coming deflation or contraction of this debt bubble should be substantially more severe than the one in 1929. I know some of you will say well its a modern economy. And, what happened in 1929 can't happen now. I will tell you nothing has changed or different than what occurred in the past and man is destined to continually repeat the same mistakes and act according to his nature. And, the same thing will happen now that happen before like the Roman Empire fell on its own weight, or the Mayan Civilization, or Babylon or China. How long did it take China to recover from the civilization that built the Great Wall? Nothing under the Sun can stop it. It's our nature. Preaching over.
I wish there were more manufacturing jobs as well but you are dreaming if you don't think we are now almost totally a service industry nation.
Never mind him. He probably read an article on the interwebz and took it as the gospel.
You're right. It just cracks me up. These gloom and doomers constantly forecast horrible things are going to happen to the market or economy. When it doesn't happen for many months or years, it doesn't effect them at all. Then, years later, when the market/economy cycles down (as it eventually always does) they scream "See!!!! I told you so!!!! Pretty comical.
America suffered several depressions that we know of between 1720 and about 1770, another set of depressions between 1837 and 1860, and another between 1929 and 1932. These depressions usually precipitated a war either internally or externally with the first being the Revolutionary War, the second being the Civil War, and third being the Second World War. To think that this time its different is idiocy and ignoring history.
You're right. It just cracks me up. These gloom and doomers constantly forecast horrible things are going to happen to the market or economy. When it doesn't happen for many months or years, it doesn't effect them at all. Then, years later, when the market/economy cycles down (as it eventually always does) they scream "See!!!! I told you so!!!! Pretty comical.
You're right. It just cracks me up. These gloom and doomers constantly forecast horrible things are going to happen to the market or economy. When it doesn't happen for many months or years, it doesn't effect them at all. Then, years later, when the market/economy cycles down (as it eventually always does) they scream "See!!!! I told you so!!!! Pretty comical.
Why is it comical? Pinpointing the bursting of a bubble is impossible, but for those of us who understand economics, we know it will happen eventually. The government will always fail when they try to defy the laws of economics. It's just like trying to defy the laws of physics: it doesn't work.
More importantly, the recession wasn't part of any business cycle or flaw in capitalism. It was the direct result of government meddling in the free market (socialism) and horrible monetary policy. The housing bubble took 7 years to burst.
Bubbles occur with or without the governments help.