Jobs report

Which would imply 760k new farm jobs? Seems unlikely
I had the same thought and kept digging. Here’s an opinion from an ADP exec. I know you’re gonna be shocked to hear this but it’s possible the admin report could be painting a rosier picture in short term vs long term unemployment. That is only one example and as this article says it makes more sense to look at later revisions allowing for the reports to converge as well as trends.

Here's Why ADP Says Its Jobs Numbers Were So Different From the Government's
LOL. Sorry to disappoint.

These morning show bots are always way too chirpy/rosy/happy-to-be-awake to be involved with delivering any real news. Same saccharine BS on every channel. It's just too awkward to watch. It must play well in nursing homes, I'm guessing?

But you can't tell me that a network couldn't make a mint by counter-programming all that sappiness with a group of angry unkempt hungover people in their pajamas just being relentlessly savage about the sh*t state of the world.
If you are unemployed in this country it's by choice. We really struggle to hire enough and retain some very questionable workers because they have a pulse
The major airlines are removing the requirement for pilots to have a college degree.
Good news. I think the "side hustles" that many picked up and depended on just weren't cutting it. That explains some portion, but what is the real driver?

Biden ending the federal emergency in May? Does this impact people in any financial ways?
Biden is a little over a million jobs behind Trumps first 3 years in office if you take out the 7 million plus people going back to work in 2021 after the covid shutdowns.

Full-time workers plunge 1.5 million in ONE MONTH to lowest since February 2023

Part-time workers soar 762K to the highest on record

Multiple jobholders hit all time-high 8.565MM


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Biden is a little over a million jobs behind Trumps first 3 years in office if you take out the 7 million plus people going back to work in 2021 after the covid shutdowns.
Show your work because this does not seem accurate.
Do the math.

Good thing we had Biden to lead us out of the lockdown mess.
Interesting to note that Obama created 1.6 M more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three years, and Obama spent a hell of a lot less doing it.
Good thing we had Biden to lead us out of the lockdown mess.
Interesting to note that Obama created 1.6 M more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three years, and Obama spent a hell of a lot less doing it.
jobs would have been lost but Obama spent how much on the bailouts ?
Good thing we had Biden to lead us out of the lockdown mess.
Interesting to note that Obama created 1.6 M more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three years, and Obama spent a hell of a lot less doing it.

Good thing

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