Jobs report

That’s about all that makes sense to me too. I can’t ever remember a time where we had “record low unemployment” while having so many employers looking for workers. It’s broken.

Isn't the UE number calculated by the number of people filing for UE? If so couldn't the decline be because people have used up all eligibility?
That’s about all that makes sense to me too. I can’t ever remember a time where we had “record low unemployment” while having so many employers looking for workers. It’s broken.
It really is. Literally every client I meet with is looking for workers and this is across many types of manufacturing, construction, trucking, logistics, hospitality and more. And I’m not talking about being down 1-2%. I’m talking 20%, 30%, 50% in some cases. What’s crazy is they’re almost all actually having pretty good years but it’s a precarious position as they can’t afford any further employee losses and can’t grow like they want. The same is true in personal life going to stores, restaurants, anywhere. This labor shortage is affecting almost every industry. Unfortunately, we still haven’t seen the worst.
Isn't the UE number calculated by the number of people filing for UE? If so couldn't the decline be because people have used up all eligibility?
I think it’s based on first time filers yes. Thus I’d guess long term unemployment would reflect what you’re saying. But with all the “help wanted” signs and employers screaming for workers don’t be claiming record unemployment that’s like pissing on someone and telling them it’s raining.
The baby boomers who provided a reliable labor force for serval decades are now pretty much out of the market for a job.
I love the idiot in chief’s narrative. It was Omicron related. No dipshit in a labor market where you already can’t get reliable employees you don’t cut the ones you have loose unless you don’t have a need for them. 300k people were cut loose because their services were no longer needed.

Private payrolls fell by 301,000 for the month, well below the Dow Jones estimate for growth of 200,000 and a marked plunge from the downwardly revised 776,000 gain in December. It was the first time ADP reported negative job growth since December 2020.
Dang..300k loss! That is recessionary stuff
Good thing Biden got the virus under control as he promised

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