Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Seems like not allowing one of the candidates on the ballot to also have the duty of purging voter rolls, would also be an appropriate step. That was outrageous that he did not recuse himself.

Not going back to quote all of your comments, but a few things you have wrong or have deliberately misstated:

  1. Georgia has had the use-it-or-lose-it for at least 40 years. That is how long I have been voting and voted in Georgia up until I moved to east Tennessee prior to the 2004 election. First thing I did was register to vote.
  2. Kemp did not selectively target predominantly black districts. It disproportionately hit black districts and black votes because they tend to register then not vote for years at a time.
  3. It is not really use-it-or-lose-it. The law is clear on this and registering to vote in Georgia is easy. If one intends to vote, they should know if they have missed voting several cycles and re-register. We may disagree on this, but I think it entirely reasonable that the right to vote is important enough that ONE SHOULD HAVE ENOUGH COMMON SENSE AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES! I have no sympathy for someone who is too d--n stupid or lazy to vote regularly or ensure they are registered no matter what color of the rainbow they are or any other manner in which they identify.
  4. Kemp was enforcing the law he took an oath to uphold. All he provided was an excuse for Stacy Abrams. If a Democratic SOS had NOT purged the rolls as prescribed by law and allowed, what you apparently believe are mostly Democrats who are too lazy to vote on a regular basis, vote in an election they were not eligible for, would that make you feel better?
I really do not have a dog in this hunt, other than I hate it when one side or the other misstates the truth of the matter so egregiously as to almost qualify for the label of being a liar.
Brian Kemp would agree. In my opinion, no election is a legitimate one when you have one of the candidate's (Kemp) also serving as the overseer of voter purging rolls. It was an obvious conflict of interest and Kemp exploited it.

Letting people who haven’t voted in years stay on the rolls is an invitation for fraud. Which I guess is what the Dems want.
Letting people who haven’t voted in years stay on the rolls is an invitation for fraud. Which I guess is what the Dems want.
Being in favor of such an obvious conflict of interest as allowing a candidate on the ballot, to also have the responsibility of purging the voters rolls for his own election is corruption... which I guess Republicans have no problem with.
Not going back to quote all of your comments, but a few things you have wrong or have deliberately misstated:

  1. Georgia has had the use-it-or-lose-it for at least 40 years. That is how long I have been voting and voted in Georgia up until I moved to east Tennessee prior to the 2004 election. First thing I did was register to vote.
  2. Kemp did not selectively target predominantly black districts. It disproportionately hit black districts and black votes because they tend to register then not vote for years at a time.
  3. It is not really use-it-or-lose-it. The law is clear on this and registering to vote in Georgia is easy. If one intends to vote, they should know if they have missed voting several cycles and re-register. We may disagree on this, but I think it entirely reasonable that the right to vote is important enough that ONE SHOULD HAVE ENOUGH COMMON SENSE AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES! I have no sympathy for someone who is too d--n stupid or lazy to vote regularly or ensure they are registered no matter what color of the rainbow they are or any other manner in which they identify.
  4. Kemp was enforcing the law he took an oath to uphold. All he provided was an excuse for Stacy Abrams. If a Democratic SOS had NOT purged the rolls as prescribed by law and allowed, what you apparently believe are mostly Democrats who are too lazy to vote on a regular basis, vote in an election they were not eligible for, would that make you feel better?
I really do not have a dog in this hunt, other than I hate it when one side or the other misstates the truth of the matter so egregiously as to almost qualify for the label of being a liar.
2. Pure BS. Kemp did target black districts and that is beside the point anyway. He should not have had the responsibility of purging the voter rolls when his name was on the damn ballot. That is an obvious conflict of interest.

4. Kemp should have recused himself as the Georgia Secretary of State. That is just common damn sense.
2. Pure BS. Kemp did target black districts and that is beside the point anyway. He should not have had the responsibility of purging the voter rolls when his name was on the damn ballot. That is an obvious conflict of interest.

4. Kemp should have recused himself as the Georgia Secretary of State. That is just common damn sense.

Damn you dumb
The laws were not “selectively“ enforced. The purge was statewide.
BS. That is what Republicans have to say but the stats clearly reveal that black voters were disproportionately impacted... and remind me again, was Kemp's opponent black?
also typical race card goto. Lol.
Race was involved and there is no getting around the fact that a conflict of interest did exist. It is a conflict of interest for a candidate in an election to also have the task of purging voter rolls in that same election. That is how elections work in a banana republic. That is never how an election should work in the United States.

... but yeah, I'm sure you would be fine with the roles reversed and a Democrat purging voter rolls in the same election they were a candidate in. Whatever.
Race was involved and there is no getting around the fact that a conflict of interest did exist. It is a conflict of interest for a candidate in an election to also have the task of purging voter rolls in that same election. That is how elections work in a banana republic. That is never how an election should work in the United States.

... but yeah, I'm sure you would be fine with the roles reversed and a Democrat purging voter rolls in the same election they were a candidate in. Whatever.
All he has to do was see that the law was enforced consistently as had been done in the past. And I’ve seen no evidence other than your butt hurt bitching that it wasn’t 🤷‍♂️
All he has to do was see that the law was enforced consistently as had been done in the past. And I’ve seen no evidence other than your butt hurt bitching that it wasn’t 🤷‍♂️
The stats reveal that black voters were disproportionately purged from the rolls over white voters. And the obvious conflict of interest still exists. A candidate in an election should never also have the direct ability to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election. That is common sense.
The fact that a home owner with an 800 credit score who makes more than 100k a year and has over a million dollars in retirement funds has exactly the same amount of input voting wise as a crack head living on welfare who had zero in the bank and a credit score of 500 shows everything that is wrong with the country!

I am sorry but guy B has a history of bad decisions and is not going to vote for the best candidate. Hes going to vote for the free money. Without guy B the Democrat party folds over night.
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The stats reveal that black voters were disproportionately purged from the rolls over white voters. And the obvious conflict of interest still exists. A candidate in an election should never also have the direct ability to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election. That is common sense.
If the criteria for purging the voters was met then it’s a meaningless stat. Show me evidence of voters who met the criteria who were not purged or GTFO
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If the criteria for purging the voters was met then it’s a meaningless stat. Show me evidence of voters who met the criteria who were not purged or GTFO
Brian Kemp's conflict of interest still remains. I do not believe that you would see no problem with a candidate from the Democratic Party running for Governor, while retaining the authority to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election, and so liberally and directly, exercising that authority. That some of you are even arguing against this being a conflict of interest, demonstrates that you would argue anything. It's purely partisanship. Brian Kemp definitely had a conflict of interest between trying to win the election for Georgia's governor, and his responsibility as the Georgia Secretary of State to oversee a fair election.
Brian Kemp's conflict of interest still remains. I do not believe that you would see no problem with a candidate from the Democratic Party running for Governor, while retaining the authority to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election, and so liberally and directly, exercising that authority. That some of you are even arguing against this being a conflict of interest, demonstrates that you would argue anything. It's purely partisanship. Brian Kemp definitely had a conflict of interest between trying to win the election for Georgia's governor, and his responsibility as the Georgia Secretary of State to oversee a fair election.

Your beloved loser Dems need to do a better job of finding a better candidate next time when Georgia voting time comes back around.
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Brian Kemp's conflict of interest still remains. I do not believe that you would see no problem with a candidate from the Democratic Party running for Governor, while retaining the authority to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election, and so liberally and directly, exercising that authority. That some of you are even arguing against this being a conflict of interest, demonstrates that you would argue anything. It's purely partisanship. Brian Kemp definitely had a conflict of interest between trying to win the election for Georgia's governor, and his responsibility as the Georgia Secretary of State to oversee a fair election.
Ok no proof that voters who should have been excluded weren’t. Run along now.
Brian Kemp's conflict of interest still remains. I do not believe that you would see no problem with a candidate from the Democratic Party running for Governor, while retaining the authority to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election, and so liberally and directly, exercising that authority. That some of you are even arguing against this being a conflict of interest, demonstrates that you would argue anything. It's purely partisanship. Brian Kemp definitely had a conflict of interest between trying to win the election for Georgia's governor, and his responsibility as the Georgia Secretary of State to oversee a fair election.

He really screwed up by upholding the state laws that fell under his area of responsibility.
He really screwed up by upholding the state laws that fell under his area of responsibility.

That's what Democrats hate the most is for others to win fair elections......not cheating to win like they do.
Democrats love to make the rules up to go along in their favor as to the winning of elections.
He really screwed up by upholding the state laws that fell under his area of responsibility.
He screwed up by not recusing himself from his role as Secretary of State, while he was also running for governor. It was definitely a conflict of interest.

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