Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Took you that long huh?

I read LG's list and rationalizations and just thought, "then wait for the well-timed Ukraine, finance and family dirt to hit that already shaky house of cards". I really do suspect there's a ****-ton of dirt that will come out of that, and Trump is licking his lips.

The good thing about the accusations against Trump and the non-stop colonoscopy the Ds have put him through is that the rounds have been fired. The public is in the eye rolling stage every time they roll something out. I suspect there's not much else to learn about him, and all they'll really have is the same old warmed over tripe.

But I suspect they're just getting warmed up with Biden, his family, and the Obama administration.

That house of cards may be as stable as it'll ever be again.

It really did take me a while to come to terms with his probable reelection. I thought if one of the younger, D candidates could catch a wave and win the primary it would be a tough for Trump. But, a Sanders or Biden run will be inconsequential.
Remember when Bob Dole got his "turn" to run for Presidency? Same thing this year but just on the D side.
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It really did take me a while to come to terms with his probably reelection. I thought if one of the younger, D candidates could catch a wave and win the primary it would be a tough for Trump. But, a Sanders or Biden run will be inconsequential.
Remember when Bob Done got his "turn" to run for Presidency? Same thing this year but just on the D side.
You could add McCain to that
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* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.
in my mind, Trump has no issue here. He’s about the same age and has elevated odd word choices to an art form.
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Any early predictive models coming out about the House and Senate after the election?

Generic ballot has been pretty stable in the +6/7 range for Democrats. They probably lose a few seats but keep the House. If someone could get Pelosi to retire they'd pick up a few.

In the Senate they will lose Alabama to Tuberville, but could flip seats in Arizona, Colorado, and Maine. They have chances in North Carolina, Georgia, Iowa and Montana, but those are not likely. GOP doesn't really have a pick up opportunity, since this is 6 years after their strong 2014 showing.
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This is the other side of the OP coin. Both of you doing the same thing for the same reasons.

Which is worse as POTUS, an egomaniac pathological liar, or a benign old guy with early dementia?

Asking for a friend.
This is the other side of the OP coin. Both of you doing the same thing for the same reasons.

Just stating facts. Trump isn't as sharp as he once was. Anyone can see that. Surely both sides should give voters a transparent view of their mental and physical health?
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Just stating facts. Trump isn't as sharp as he once was. Anyone can see that. Surely both sides should give voters a transparent view of their mental and physical health?
If you watch videos of him from years ago he actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Now he sounds like a 4th grade book report. I'm guessing some is intentional but not all
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Which is worse as POTUS, an egomaniac pathological liar, or a benign old guy with early dementia?

Asking for a friend.
Same turd; different nut.

The good news for all those who are so enamored with who sits in the Oval office is this, our country runs along pretty well no matter how offensive or demented the president is. I find a lot of reassurance in that tid bit.
Just stating facts. Trump isn't as sharp as he once was.
Possibly so. When you indicate his risk factors and tie those to your observation, I think you're making the same mistake OP is.
Possibly so. When you indicate his risk factors and tie those to your observation, I think you're making the same mistake OP is.

Just pointing out his risk factors. I am not diagnosing him as anything but an amoral person and terrible president.
His approval ratings are in line with most first term presidents when reelected. To claim that a president in his first term with a 45% approval rating is seen as "unfit to be president" is asinine, especially considering the comparison is an untested potential candidate with a habit of forgetting his name, what he's running for, and sucking his wife's finger on stage (when he's not confusing her for his sister).

How many global votes are expected to be written in?

You claimed that most people seem to think the past 3.5 years have been great. I simply pointed out that it was untrue and, to be frank, *actually* asinine to even peddle to the peanut gallery here.
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If you watch videos of him from years ago he actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Now he sounds like a 4th grade book report. I'm guessing some is intentional but not all
He's never known (recently) what he is talking about. He doesn't care what he is talking about enough to be bothered with knowing about it. At some point he transitioned his business from real estate (which required knowledge) to licensing his name and image. He is a promoter. That is all. A carnival barker who is wealthy. A populist demogogue who gets behind any message which markets himself to more and more people.
You claimed that most people seem to think the past 3.5 years have been great. I simply pointed out that it was untrue and, to be frank, *actually* asinine to even peddle to the peanut gallery here.

I did no such thing, and you did no such thing.

He's been President for 3 1/2 years and I'd say most people have seen it as an overall success. Definitely not a catastrophe. The "unfit for president" attack gets shaky by now when it's used against Trump.

"I'd say" is code word for "I suspect". And "overall success" is not "have been great". You didn't point out what is either true or not true about what most people believe about his presidency. You have pointed at polls, which are the opinions of those who care enough to answer, hover just beneath 50% approval, and have a history of trending below what actual support Trump seems to have hidden beneath the surface of polls.

When I want you to tell my what my opinion is, I'll let you know. Quick hint for your own health. Don't hold your breath.
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Just realized; if Biden is elected he will turn 78 (Nov 20) before inauguration. And be 81 at the end of his first term. He would be the oldest president elected and the oldest to serve.
I remember the scrutiny Reagan got for running in his early 70s for his second term.
Just realized; if Biden is elected he will turn 78 (Nov 20) before inauguration. And be 81 at the end of his first term. He would be the oldest president elected and the oldest to serve.
I remember the scrutiny Reagan got for running in his early 70s for his second term.
Explain your math to me, please. If Biden turns 78 before Inauguration Day, how is he not 82 exactly four years later , when his term is up on the next Inauguration Day?
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Explain your math to me, please. If Biden turns 78 before Inauguration Day, how is he not 82 exactly four years later , when his term is up on the next Inauguration Day?
You're right. He would be 82 at the end of four years. I meant to say he would be 81 when he runs for reelection.

Rather than correct, I leave it and my reply to your clarification for posterity.
You're right. He would be 82 at the end of four years. I meant to say he would be 81 when he runs for reelection.

Rather than correct, I leave it and my reply to your clarification for posterity.

But what if we gave 1 million dollars to each VN member for each year Biden has been alive..?
You're right. He would be 82 at the end of four years. I meant to say he would be 81 when he runs for reelection.

Rather than correct, I leave it and my reply to your clarification for posterity.
Seems fair. I just couldn't understand yo maff.

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