Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Well his wife - DOCTOR Jill Biden - should be able to school him on all that.

After all, she’s an Expert in the field of Education.

I know you don’t watch cable news but if you’d watched Tucker tonight you got a look at Dr. Biden’s dissertation. Truly impressive!

Was there anything significant about her thesis, or just a lot of rehashed drivel? When I finished up my MS in Nuc Engr, two things really put me off about considering a PhD - prelims (I'm terrible when it comes to testing - the mental block thing) and the thought of having to do a dissertation. Over the years, I've come to realize that dissertations are kinda meh ... they have to have enough meat not to embarrass the school, but rarely do students have the ability and access to do meaningful research.
Was there anything significant about her thesis, or just a lot of rehashed drivel? When I finished up my MS in Nuc Engr, two things really put me off about considering a PhD - prelims (I'm terrible when it comes to testing - the mental block thing) and the thought of having to do a dissertation. Over the years, I've come to realize that dissertations are kinda meh ... they have to have enough meat not to embarrass the school, but rarely do students have the ability and access to do meaningful research.
Interesting... when I was working on my Masters... I attended a friends PhD dissertation... the faculty smelled a weakness and ate her lunch, and had her crying while trying to answer questions. Pretty sad day, even though she survived the defense.
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Interesting... when I was working on my Masters... I attended a friends PhD dissertation... the faculty smelled a weakness and ate her lunch, and had her crying while trying to answer questions. Pretty sad day, even though she survived the defense.
When I was at TSU I had a poetry and drama class as an elective that fit in with my work schedule. I was the only white person in the class. The professor was a 50’s something black lady and she gave me the business every single day. It was so bad that the black dudes that sat around me would say things before class like “you ready? She’s gonna get you man”....”she coming for ya”. I decided early on I wasn’t going to let her punk me and gave it back to her every chance I got...I’d hear the guys behind me snickering and saying “daayuuuuum”.... “oh hell naw” and etc. when it would get intense.
Interesting... when I was working on my Masters... I attended a friends PhD dissertation... the faculty smelled a weakness and ate her lunch, and had her crying while trying to answer questions. Pretty sad day, even though she survived the defense.

For me, most of the good stuff that theses are made of came from work at Oak Ridge - and at the time most NE grad students seemed to have some arrangement like assistantships at ORNL, which was a lot better than what many schools have to offer. However, within a couple of years, the testing and analysis I was doing in commercial nuclear plants was beyond what the group I was with at ORNL had access to. When papers were presented at professional meetings, there was always a wide disparity in the depth of work that was in what would be a thesis and in papers addressing the real problems the industry was facing. Not to say that grad students are slackers; they are limited when it comes to real meaningful issues.

I'm not at all surprised in the faculty eating her lunch, but I am surprised that her advisor hadn't prepped her better. Glad she made it through - not an experience anybody would want to face.
For me, most of the good stuff that theses are made of came from work at Oak Ridge - and at the time most NE grad students seemed to have some arrangement like assistantships at ORNL, which was a lot better than what many schools have to offer. However, within a couple of years, the testing and analysis I was doing in commercial nuclear plants was beyond what the group I was with at ORNL had access to. When papers were presented at professional meetings, there was always a wide disparity in the depth of work that was in what would be a thesis and in papers addressing the real problems the industry was facing. Not to say that grad students are slackers; they are limited when it comes to real meaningful issues.

I'm not at all surprised in the faculty eating her lunch, but I am surprised that her advisor hadn't prepped her better. Glad she made it through - not an experience anybody would want to face.
I know... I was up to defend shortly after her and was pretty worried. So, after the faculty had my thesis for a while, I visited with the azzhole that tore her up and asked him if he had any concerns and does he think it was ok to move ahead. He was pretty much a prick about that conversation, and when I defended I was nervous, as I knew the bounds of my work, and he could have sunk me with some extraneous question. So, I think I pissed him off as when it came time for questions he passed. Kinda of a fy to me. But I was relieved and knew I was free and clear. Tough times, a lot of work and pressure, but well worth it!
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When I was at TSU I had a poetry and drama class as an elective that fit in with my work schedule. I was the only white person in the class. The professor was a 50’s something black lady and she gave me the business every single day. It was so bad that the black dudes that sat around me would say things before class like “you ready? She’s gonna get you man”....”she coming for ya”. I decided early on I wasn’t going to let her punk me and gave it back to her every chance I got...I’d hear the guys behind me snickering and saying “daayuuuuum”.... “oh hell naw” and etc. when it would get intense.

Be glad that wasn't 2020! You would've been kicked out of school.
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Was there anything significant about her thesis, or just a lot of rehashed drivel? When I finished up my MS in Nuc Engr, two things really put me off about considering a PhD - prelims (I'm terrible when it comes to testing - the mental block thing) and the thought of having to do a dissertation. Over the years, I've come to realize that dissertations are kinda meh ... they have to have enough meat not to embarrass the school, but rarely do students have the ability and access to do meaningful research.
Well here's how Newsweek is reporting on the Tucker segment this morning:
Tucker Carlson has once again made fun of Jill Biden's title, mocking the incoming first lady's educational achievements and disparaging her husband, President-elect Joe Biden.

Two days after The Tucker Carlson Tonight anchor said she referred to herself as Dr. Jill Biden because of "status anxiety" and likened her honorific to "Dr Pepper", he delivered a seven-minute monologue on the theme on Wednesday.

With what seemed to be with his tongue in his cheek, Carlson described an elaborate scenario in which a patient on the brink of death does not receive treatment from a medical professional, but instead is given a "slide show on ethnic diversity in Delaware's community college system," referring to the topic of Jill Biden's doctoral dissertation.

That's DOCTOR Jill Biden To You!

Claiming that he had read the "embarrassing" dissertation, Carlson said it contained "typos everywhere" and accused her of being "borderline illiterate."

"Jill Biden's doctoral dissertation is our national shame," he said, before claiming that there were passages with numerical errors. Perhaps acknowledging that he had gone too far, he added: "OK, we're being cruel there."

Carlson described how the criticism of her wish to use the title was being framed by other media outlets as misogynist.

He continued: "They're telling you that no one would ever call a man dumb. OK, well, that's wrong. We call Dr. Jill's husband dumb all the time.

"In fact, we're going to go full feminist here and admit that Dr. Jill is a lot smarter than the man she married. Not that it's saying much," he added, concluding that the use of such an honorific was "a class thing," which is "based on credentials like the ones Dr. Jill Biden has."

Newsweek has contacted the Biden transition team for comment.

Tucker actually did a pretty decent job of illustrating his point/thesis, using excerpts from Dr. Biden's dissertation. I remember 3 examples as follows:

(1) Dr. JB in describing the racial/ethnic breakdown of students in a certain Delaware school/system (as verbatim as I can recall): "... three quarters Caucasian, one quarter African American, one Latino, and the rest Asian American..."

(2) Dr. JB giving a numerical breakdown of another school population: "... out of a total of 159 students there were 89 of such-and-such, 52 of thus-and-so... " and it went on to cite how many were in 2 or 3 other categories; the point being when you added the numbers up it came to 162...

(3) Commenting about a certain position in a certain school system: "... Mr./Dr. so-and-so, as Director of Remediation (in whatever Delaware school or school system) confirmed that their (school or school system) is focused on remediation."

You be the judge.
Be glad that wasn't 2020! You would've been kicked out of school.
She’d call on me first every class and no matter what answer I gave she’d tell me my interpretation was wrong. I couldn’t believe she gave me an A because I never backed down and countered her snide remarks with my own. After a while I started to think she called on me because I wouldn’t back down and enjoyed the back and forth.
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