Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Lyin Hidin Ol'Biden has as much chance of winning this election as my cat does, DOH ! I don't even own a cat. His handlers will pull him off the Campaign trail soon as they can-especially after yesterday's embarrassment. He can't even read the script. His rallies, more like a library than a rally.. Joe's family should be locked up for cruelty to a Senior Citizen, never seen a more pathetic candidate.
They're not voting for Biden, they're voting against Trump. They'd vote for Satan himself if running against Trump.

It's really funny the left spent eight years telling us we hated Obama because he was black. Yet, we never burned down cities or promised civil unrest when he was reelected.

Their hypocrisy and hated for no good reason is amusing.
It's really funny the left spent eight years telling us we hated Obama because he was black. Yet, we never burned down cities or promised civil unrest when he was reelected.

Their hypocrisy and hated for no good reason is amusing.
It's like a child's temper tantrum. This all orchestrated by the DNC to create chaos. Aided by the media. Notice how they never ask Biden or Harris to condemn the rioting? Always, despite him having done so multiple times, they continue to ask Trump to condemn white supremacist. Even in the debate when Chris Wallace specifically asked president Trump using the words will you ask the Proud Boys to "stand down" when he used the exact words Chris Wallace did he said yes, stand down, he was crucified for it.

The liberals are despicable human beings. They've really shown their true colors.
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It's like a child's temper tantrum. This all orchestrated by the DNC to create chaos. Aided by the media. Notice how they never ask Biden or Harris to condemn the rioting? Always, despite him having done so multiple times, they continue to ask Trump to condemn white supremacist. Even in the debate when Chris Wallace specifically asked president Trump using the words will you ask the Proud Boys to "stand down" when he used the exact words Chris Wallace did he said yes, stand down, he was crucified for it.

The liberals are despicable human beings. They've really shown their true colors.
I watched a reporter the other day as Trump about QAnon. I mean how dumb are these journalists? We have tons of real chit going on in the world and this is their reporting.
We're talking about Trump not Biden. I refuse to make fun of someone with a serious brain disease.
Yea that pump or whatever in Trumps head from his stroke isn't a laughing matter. I shouldn't pick on the mentally challenged Senior Citizens like Trump.
Yea that pump or whatever in Trumps head from his stroke isn't a laughing matter. I shouldn't pick on the mentally challenged Senior Citizens like Trump.

It's OK; we understand "mentally challenged" in your perspective just means seeing things in a way you can't.

For example, I have to wonder if Pelosi rumblings on the 25th amendment perhaps are more about whether they can abort (for medical reasons) a candidate before the election - whether it's politically more sound to let Biden destroy the campaign or go with a loser who couldn't even sniff the nomination on her own.

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