Joe Biden the racist.

Stfu Dave. Nobody asked you.

How’ve you been?
Technically you didn't ask anybody, but nobody read the rules before posting.
I am good, family is doing OK. Some good, some bad developments. But with prayer and insanity we are coping. How's you and Red?
Technically you didn't ask anybody, but nobody read the rules before posting.
I am good, family is doing OK. Some good, some bad developments. But with prayer and insanity we are coping. How's you and Red?
Can’t complain but I still do.
Reds got to go to Vanderbilt for new issues in January. They’re not sure if it’s related to old things or brand new problems.

There is a G-d and I’m not Him. Every day is a gift and that’s how I treat them.
Thanks for asking about her.

I'd find something a little better to pivot to if I were you. The whole Biden is a racist gig isn't going to get much traction.
because he's the media's candidate, so no one would dare say anything negative about him. We'll get 4 years of softball questions just like we did with Obama and his failures.
because he's the media's candidate, so no one would dare say anything negative about him. We'll get 4 years of softball questions just like we did with Obama and his failures.
Interesting take. I've already seen negative posts about his pick for the Secretary of Defense on the mainstream media. Guess that kind of blows your Q/OAN/Newsmax-generated theory, huh?
Interesting take. I've already seen negative posts about his pick for the Secretary of Defense on the mainstream media. Guess that kind of blows your Q/OAN/Newsmax-generated theory, huh?
please post the links, I'm generally interested. I don't even know who he has picked as I haven't see any articles. I also don't read any of those sites so I don't know what they are saying.
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Cracks me up. The Trump lovers have now starting slinging the Biden is racist label around. Serious weak sauce.

This is akin to getting your ass handed to you in backyard football, crying and saying the other team cheated. Then, when you can’t prove they cheated, you start calling them names.

Seriously, I’m disappointed in you guys. Is this the best you can pivot to?? In the words of your Prez-elect, Come on, man!!!
Educate yourself. This was during the 2012 campaign.

No one talks like this, but Biden always gets a pass by the media and the left.

Educate yourself. This was during the 2012 campaign.

No one talks like this, but Biden always gets a pass by the media and the left.

Educate myself?? That's rich coming from a cult member. Wake TF up and educate yourself.
Hard to find 2 things in this country: a politician that isn't racist in some way or one that isn't corrupt.
Sad that we have to settle for degrees of each, but our own fault because we keep returning them to office.
I remember when I thought it could not get worse than GW vs Gore.
Clearly it can always get worse.
you seem very upset that anyone would insinuate that your candidate is racist
Haha. I find it rich that anyone involved in the cult pretends to tell someone to "educate yourself."

It's akin to David Koresh or Jim Jones telling someone outside the cult to educate themselves.
The great and wonderful Biden.

“The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”

Fake quote numb-nuts - why don't you post the unedited version?
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Joe Biden is a racist.
his Gun tax got me thinking...
He says he supports the 2a then proposed a racist Gun tax bill. A 200$ tax takes guns away from the poor (thanks to the welfare plans the Democrats push that enslave poor and most adversely affected the Black Community.) the black community will be once again punished.

Just a few of Bidens true feelings

-called the bankers “Shylock”
-Was Impressed at how clean and well spoken Obama is
-“If you don’t know the ain’t black
-“Poor kids are as smart as white kids”
-Integration of schools is bring them too the jungle.
-Has been accused of not wanting black SS agents assigned to him.
-“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
-during a virtual campaign event that Trump is wrong to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 because Americans aren’t able to distinguish “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing.”

that’s our President.

Additional statements By the Racist and Chief

-“The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”
Joe Biden is a racist.
his Gun tax got me thinking...
He says he supports the 2a then proposed a racist Gun tax bill. A 200$ tax takes guns away from the poor (thanks to the welfare plans the Democrats push that enslave poor and most adversely affected the Black Community.) the black community will be once again punished.

Just a few of Bidens true feelings

-called the bankers “Shylock”
-Was Impressed at how clean and well spoken Obama is
-“If you don’t know the ain’t black
-“Poor kids are as smart as white kids”
-Integration of schools is bring them too the jungle.
-Has been accused of not wanting black SS agents assigned to him.
-“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
-during a virtual campaign event that Trump is wrong to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 because Americans aren’t able to distinguish “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing.”

that’s our President.

Additional statements By the Racist and Chief

-“The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”
You misspelled President
That’s the quote from the New York post.
And you lost any credibility at “numb-nuts”

typical deflection technique.
Poorly executed and once again without a defense of the racist POS Biden

Oh darn, I've lost credibility with the numb-nuts posting bullsh\t

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