Joe Biden the racist.

The price of everything is regressive if you ain't got no money. Duh. Should the poor pay less for clothes because clothing takes up a larger percentage of their check. Less for cigs, tats, utility bills, etc?
How are things going out there in left field?
I cannot count the number of times I've seen that, either, because I've never seen it. Not saying it does not happen. I'm saying that you are focusing on such abuses and exaggerating in order to draw attention away from the fact that there are a lot of poor people in this country who work forty hours a week without being able to pay rent and put food on the table for their children, because you don't care.

So rob the more successful for “equality”?

I’ll add where do the majority of these cost of living issues reside? Where do we have the most issues with homelessness?
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The price of everything is regressive if you ain't got no money. Duh. Should the poor pay less for clothes because clothing takes up a larger percentage of their check. Less for cigs, tats, utility bills, etc?
The poor do pay less for clothes. They buy off the rack not tailored. And a consumption tax properly recognizes that. In fact the rich who are cheap bastards and buy off the rack are rewarded for being miserly.

It’s beautiful simplicity.
I cannot count the number of times I've seen that, either, because I've never seen it. Not saying it does not happen. I'm saying that you are focusing on such abuses and exaggerating in order to draw attention away from the fact that there are a lot of poor people in this country who work forty hours a week without being able to pay rent and put food on the table for their children, because you don't care.
They should have made better choices and not ended up trying to support a family on minimum wage.
I cannot count the number of times I've seen that, either, because I've never seen it. Not saying it does not happen. I'm saying that you are focusing on such abuses and exaggerating in order to draw attention away from the fact that there are a lot of poor people in this country who work forty hours a week without being able to pay rent and put food on the table for their children, because you don't care.
Why is it his responsibility to take these ambiguous people whom he most likely has no connection with and support them with his wages and labor? These BS emotional pleas don’t work.
They should have made better choices and not ended up trying to support a family on minimum wage.
They damn sure shouldnt be rewarded for continuing to grow a family size that they already can’t support that’s for sure.
Sorry, has anyone offered an argument that consumption taxes are not regressive, as that term is understood by economists?
Yep. Several of us have rejected your entire premise and you just ignore it. We’re arguing differing valuation systems and we’re not going to agree.
They should have made better choices and not ended up trying to support a family on minimum wage.

So you admit it. You don't care if working people cannot afford to feed their families. Why can't you be honest enough to say the words? You do not care.
So you admit it. You don't care if working people cannot afford to feed their families. Why can't you be honest enough to say it? You do not care.
I said it. I really don’t care about ambiguous people somewhere that I have no connection with. I’m not antagonistic to their situation it’s more apathy. I’m more inclined to be supportive of people like this within my community and thus the Fed can let me keep that money and use it locally. Compulsory charity is no longer charity.
Just furthering education one lefty at a time. Wonder if we'll get an exploding head when they read the words progressive instead of the expected outcome
Nope. The individual in question won’t even acknowledge your post or point.
So you admit it. You don't care if working people cannot afford to feed their families. Why can't you be honest enough to say it? You do not care.
I was there. Two young sons and I’m only making $5.25/hour delivering furniture. My wife not making much more than that. It sucked and every day was a struggle. I had no one to blame but myself and my lack of effort. Not even my mythical white privilege could overcome a lack of training and experience. So, I decided to sacrifice my family life and get a CDL. I was a truck driver for nearly 25 years.
I was there. Two young sons and I’m only making $5.25/hour delivering furniture. My wife not making much more than that. It sucked and every day was a struggle. I had no one to blame but myself and my lack of effort. Not even my mythical white privilege could overcome a lack of training and experience. So, I decided to sacrifice my family life and get a CDL. I was a truck driver for nearly 25 years.
Owning your own situation and fixing it doesn’t help their dependency agenda.
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Caring only makes you feel better about yourself, unless you adopt a poor family and help them.

That's a bold faced lie. Caring makes policy with my tax dollars which help to feed working people who cannot afford to buy food for their families, while farmland owners rake in millions of dollars getting paid for not growing food on their land. We had a Congressman named Fincher from Tennessee who led opposition to SNAP by saying that Jesus would not support it. That same Congressman was a millionaire, from farm subsidies he collected from buying land certified for farm subsidies on uncultivated land. He was paid for not planting crops, while opposing SNAP in the name of Jesus.
That's a bold faced lie. Caring makes policy with my tax dollars which help to feed working people who cannot afford to buy food for their families, while farmland owners rake in millions of dollars getting paid for not growing food on their land.

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