Joe Biden the racist.

Reminds me of the time I was laid off from my job operating a CNC machine. The company's major contract ran out, and I survived longer than most, but finally got laid off because the work dried up. I wanted to get trained as a CNC 3D machinist, which was in constant demand and hunted up ways to do it, but there weren't any. If I went to a school for that training, I could not receive unemployment because you have to certify every week that you are searching and available for work. I spent a lot of time trying to get that training. In the United States of America, I could not do it. Republicans were responsible for that. You're going to say, "you could have done this or should have done that." Believe me, I worked a long time thinking there had to be a way. There wasn't.
How were republicans responsible?
You’re beliefs are really that shallow. It’s only important when it’s the other guy. At least you own it

I'm this a serious post?

I'll be sure to wait for you to criticize the Republicans for all the post election bullsh** they are doing; you know....stuff they CLAIMED the Democrats were going to do in 2016 and now they are ACTUALLY doing only about 100 times worse. And I know I'll be waiting a long time.

I'd find something a little better to pivot to if I were you. The whole Biden is a racist gig isn't going to get much traction.

Forgive them; if I've learned anything about them this campaign, it's projection is literally all they have.
I'm this a serious post?

I'll be sure to wait for you to criticize the Republicans for all the post election bullsh** they are doing; you know....stuff they CLAIMED the Democrats were going to do in 2016 and now they are ACTUALLY doing only about 100 times worse. And I know I'll be waiting a long time.
Derp. Slice is a registered Democrat that just votes 3rd party now. Probably should recon better before the READY SHOOT AIM response
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Let’s look at real property tax. In theory it’s not progressive. BUT... what does it fund? The largest portion funds public schools.

Let’s assume that $20,000 is spent on each child receiving a free public education and the tax rate is 3%.

The family with the $500,000 home sends their 2 kids to private schools. They pay $15,000 in taxes. Or $25,000 in net benefits if those 2 kids attend public schools.

The “poor” family with the $100,000 home pay $3,000 in taxes but receive $40,000 in benefits. Plus $37,000.

So those taxes at the same rate are really kind of progressive when looking at the big picture.
How were republicans responsible?

Do you have to ask? They literally eliminated training programs. Then they passed requirements for unemployment which eliminated training. I could go on about all of the dead ends, but I won't. That process seemed to be created by crazy people, and if you think about it, that is how it was created, with the kind of thinking we see on this board.
Let’s look at real property tax. In theory it’s not progressive. BUT... what does it fund? The largest portion funds public schools.

Let’s assume that $20,000 is spent on each child receiving a free public education and the tax rate is 3%.

The family with the $500,000 home sends their 2 kids to private schools. They pay $15,000 in taxes. Or $25,000 in net benefits if those 2 kids attend public schools.

The “poor” family with the $100,000 home pay $3,000 in taxes but receive $40,000 in benefits. Plus $37,000.

So those taxes at the same rate are really kind of progressive when looking at the big picture.
Be prepared for no reply on this other than “yes but the family in the $500k house makes X more income thus as a percentage of income it’s regressive”

Well no **** liberal sherlocks rich people have more disposable income. They’re rich 🤷‍♂️
Let’s look at real property tax. In theory it’s not progressive. BUT... what does it fund? The largest portion funds public schools.

Let’s assume that $20,000 is spent on each child receiving a free public education and the tax rate is 3%.

The family with the $500,000 home sends their 2 kids to private schools. They pay $15,000 in taxes. Or $25,000 in net benefits if those 2 kids attend public schools.

The “poor” family with the $100,000 home pay $3,000 in taxes but receive $40,000 in benefits. Plus $37,000.

So those taxes at the same rate are really kind of progressive when looking at the big picture.
I have 3 houses that I pay property tax on, not including the farm and house that my wife and her sister recently inherited. I have never had children, yet have to pay to educate everybody else's. Is that fair?
I have 3 houses that I pay property tax on, not including the farm and house that my wife and her sister recently inherited. I have never had children, yet have to pay to educate everybody else's. Is that fair?
Sounds like you should go get some strange and knock up a few chicks. You’ve already funded their education.

We too chose not to procreate. But it’s a shared cost in my community. As long as the money stays in my community I’ll pay it.
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He was mocking your parties idiot tone deaf narrative. You girls bitch about a regressive tax and then turn around and propose one. He knows what it is and was pointing out the hypocrisy.

That spawned a discussion on a proper taxation method, consumption. And that turned into you trying to ignore the hypocrisy while calling out what we want, a consumption tax, and flailing badly.

If you’re poor living expenses are always going to be a larger portion of your income with or without any form of tax. Why in the hell is it’s government’s responsibility to fix that? It isn’t they need to get out of the damn way.

If you knew anything about tax policy you'd also know that taxes on specific products are used to disincentive behaviors. In this case, taxing guns would disincentive their purchase.
If you knew anything about tax policy you'd also know that taxes on specific products are used to disincentive behaviors. In this case, taxing guns would disincentive their purchase.
Thanks for admitting that you’re using taxation as a means to prohibit a constitutional right. Progress.

NFA1934 is constitutional overreach and title II taxes are theft
Reminds me of the time I was laid off from my job operating a CNC machine. The company's major contract ran out, and I survived longer than most, but finally got laid off because the work dried up. I wanted to get trained as a CNC 3D machinist, which was in constant demand and hunted up ways to do it, but there weren't any. If I went to a school for that training, I could not receive unemployment because you have to certify every week that you are searching and available for work. I spent a lot of time trying to get that training. In the United States of America, I could not do it. Republicans were responsible for that. You're going to say, "you could have done this or should have done that." Believe me, I worked a long time thinking there had to be a way. There wasn't. There used to be programs for six months courses for machinists. Nowadays, you have to go through a two year college program or start out as an assistant, so all of my education and experience was a dead end instead of an asset. That is messed up.

Had a similar experience which is completely opposite from yours. Company closed down and we were offered a free 2 year degree or other training programs to take part in. They actually paid us to go to school on top of that and it was more than the regular unemployment. If someone was over 50 and they wanted to just find another job and it paid less they were paid half the difference between their new wage and old wage to help make up the difference. Had tons of people come in before the business closed and help us do resumes, set up unemployment accounts, etc. They also moved veterans to the top of the list on all relative job openings. This in the Republican state of SC.
Had a similar experience which is completely opposite from yours. Company closed down and we were offered a free 2 year degree or other training programs to take part in. They actually paid us to go to school on top of that and it was more than the regular unemployment. If someone was over 50 and they wanted to just find another job and it paid less they were paid half the difference between their new wage and old wage to help make up the difference. Had tons of people come in before the business closed and help us do resumes, set up unemployment accounts, etc. They also moved veterans to the top of the list on all relative job openings. This in the Republican state of SC.
No. You must be a victim!
I could tell early on I was going to need a good paying job to satisfy my lifestyle desires. So I got a BSEE from UT. Well whatdoyaknow my recognition and hard work payed off! Working as intended.
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They also created the businesses that need skilled labor.

Yep, and they get involved with different kinds of training programs. What I am talking about here is a more prevailing attitude among Republicans, that blames people for having low paid jobs, while eliminating training opportunities for upward mobility. I was trained on that CNC machine in the most haphazard way possible. I showed up and mined everyone I could for bits of information, every day for months, while doing the job full time. It was nerve racking AF and not efficient. I was replacing someone who trained me because that person was not good enough to keep the job.
Had a similar experience which is completely opposite from yours. Company closed down and we were offered a free 2 year degree or other training programs to take part in. They actually paid us to go to school on top of that and it was more than the regular unemployment. If someone was over 50 and they wanted to just find another job and it paid less they were paid half the difference between their new wage and old wage to help make up the difference. Had tons of people come in before the business closed and help us do resumes, set up unemployment accounts, etc. They also moved veterans to the top of the list on all relative job openings. This in the Republican state of SC.

That was way better than the situation I faced in Florida. Were you in Tennessee? I notice a lot of new tech schools whenever I get on the highway up here.
There was a two year program in Daytona that taught what I wanted, but I had to take freshman English and all that. I already took freshman English and all that. There were no programs for someone who just wanted to get more training in that field.
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