Joe Biden the racist.

That's a bold faced lie. Caring makes policy with my tax dollars which help to feed working people who cannot afford to buy food for their families, while farmland owners rake in millions of dollars getting paid for not growing food on their land.
Put your money where your mouth is then. I donate to 5 charities every year, mostly local. Voluntarily.
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Put your money where your mouth is then. I donate to 5 charities every year, mostly local. Voluntarily.
If anything the BS wealth distribution we have now makes me less inclined to donate. We have one focused charity we do monthly and make quarterly donations to a handful more.
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No you’re pushing a valuation metric we aren’t interested in using. A consumption tax already works successfully in multiple states in the Republic just fine. In fact the state with the 2nd largest economy manages it just fine.
You have lost the thread of the discussion I fear. The initial point was that a gun tax was unfair/racist because it would disproportionately affect the poor and minorities. While @Orangeslice13 didn't use the term "regressive," his criticism was one based on regressive taxes being unfair. Then I got in a dispute with you knuckledraggers because you can't even accept the standard definition of a regressive tax.

I'd find something a little better to pivot to if I were you. The whole Biden is a racist gig isn't going to get much traction.
It's the truth he also helped with the 3 strike policy that put mostly minorities away. He did the Eulogy for the Grand Wizard. If you don't vote for him you ain't black.
You have lost the thread of the discussion I fear. The initial point was that a gun tax was unfair/racist because it would disproportionately affect the poor and minorities. While @Orangeslice13 didn't use the term "regressive," his criticism was one based on regressive taxes being unfair. Then I got in a dispute with you knuckledraggers because you can't even accept the standard definition of a regressive tax.
Nope. We’re spot on. We categorically reject this notion of “regressive tax” as impacting the less fortunate. It’s a broken narrative to anybody already seeing a properly functioning consumption tax work every day. Which I do in TX.

As usual lady we aren’t buying what you’re selling. Womp womp.

The issue with the gun tax is it infringes on a constitutional right. But that’s ok it’s DOA 😂
Luxury taxes and especially the theory of Veblen goods make sales taxes progressive. Plus the government programs that are in place disproportionally redistribute the entitlements that are created by the taxes collected to the bottom of the economic scale. The rich aren’t using food stamps or related programs. Private charities also disproportionately serve the bottom of the economic scale.
You have lost the thread of the discussion I fear. The initial point was that a gun tax was unfair/racist because it would disproportionately affect the poor and minorities. While @Orangeslice13 didn't use the term "regressive," his criticism was one based on regressive taxes being unfair. Then I got in a dispute with you knuckledraggers because you can't even accept the standard definition of a regressive tax.
Name me something that isn't regressive, if you ain't got no money.
You have lost the thread of the discussion I fear. The initial point was that a gun tax was unfair/racist because it would disproportionately affect the poor and minorities. While @Orangeslice13 didn't use the term "regressive," his criticism was one based on regressive taxes being unfair. Then I got in a dispute with you knuckledraggers because you can't even accept the standard definition of a regressive tax.

What is progressive about a gun tax? What issues will it solve? Will crime in Chicago and other liberal sh*tholes be wiped out or will law abiding citizens simply be punished for being just that, law abiding citizens?
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I was there. Two young sons and I’m only making $5.25/hour delivering furniture. My wife not making much more than that. It sucked and every day was a struggle. I had no one to blame but myself and my lack of effort. Not even my mythical white privilege could overcome a lack of training and experience. So, I decided to sacrifice my family life and get a CDL. I was a truck driver for nearly 25 years.

OK, I believe that. But you are still dodging the fact that our economy has millions of jobs which do not pay enough money for people to put food on the family table. Driving a truck is not the easiest job. Some people just do not have the ability to do it. Why do you think their children should go hungry?
That’s just dumb
Either people are equal or they’re not.
If you are equal you pay the same percentage as everyone else.
That's the way Dems have learned to think keep people on welfare and food stamps and they supply it for them you get there vote.
It's basically slavery to being dependent.

I say vote for the person than wants to teach you how to fish.
OK, I believe that. But you are still dodging the fact that our economy has millions of jobs which do not pay enough money for people to put food on the family table. Driving a truck is not the easiest job. Some people just do not have the ability to do it. Why do you think their children should go hungry?
Sounds like those people need to get the skills to earn a better wage then. It isn’t the responsibility of American entrepreneurs and corporate America to guarantee individuals any level of compensation. You’re paid on your worth to who you work for. If you aren’t paid enough then generate more worth. It’s a very simple concept.
OK, I believe that. But you are still dodging the fact that our economy has millions of jobs which do not pay enough money for people to put food on the family table. Driving a truck is not the easiest job. Some people just do not have the ability to do it. Why do you think their children should go hungry?

Maybe they should work 2 jobs or not have kids they can’t afford.
OK, I believe that. But you are still dodging the fact that our economy has millions of jobs which do not pay enough money for people to put food on the family table. Driving a truck is not the easiest job. Some people just do not have the ability to do it. Why do you think their children should go hungry?
I don’t think their children should go hungry. I have no problem with social safety nets, but they (benefits) shouldn’t be generational and job skills training, GED training and financial management training should be mandatory with few exceptions.
Joe Biden is a racist.
his Gun tax got me thinking...
He says he supports the 2a then proposed a racist Gun tax bill. A 200$ tax takes guns away from the poor (thanks to the welfare plans the Democrats push that enslave poor and most adversely affected the Black Community.) the black community will be once again punished.

Just a few of Bidens true feelings

-called the bankers “Shylock”
-Was Impressed at how clean and well spoken Obama is
-“If you don’t know the ain’t black
-“Poor kids are as smart as white kids”
-Integration of schools is bring them too the jungle.
-Has been accused of not wanting black SS agents assigned to him.
-“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”
-during a virtual campaign event that Trump is wrong to hold China accountable for the COVID-19 because Americans aren’t able to distinguish “between a South Korean and someone from Beijing.”

that’s our President.
By the way they voted, black people seemingly disagree.
That's the way Dems have learned to think keep people on welfare and food stamps and they supply it for them you get there vote.
It's basically slavery to being dependent.

I say vote for the person than wants to teach you how to fish.

Lookit, I am not about to sit here and talk as if I agree with everything the Democratic Party does. But I am sick and tired of seeing all this bull. Democrats support job training programs. Republicans don't. Democrats support eliminating the tax deduction for moving companies to China. They introduced legislation to eliminate it. Republicans blocked it. McConnel refused to bring it up for a vote in the Senate. You Republicans are voting for politicians who give companies tax right offs for all of their moving expenses when they pack up and move their factories to China. Why? Because you occupy your mind avoiding the truth by believing the lies they tell. That is all you do here, repeat the lies that are spoon fed to you.
Lookit, I am not about to sit here and talk as if I agree with everything the Democratic Party does. But I am sick and tired of seeing all this bull. Democrats support job training programs. Republicans don't. Democrats support eliminating the tax deduction for moving companies to China. They introduced legislation to eliminate it. Republicans blocked it. McConnel refused to bring it up for a vote in the Senate. You Republicans are voting for politicians who give companies tax right offs for all of their moving expenses when they pack up and move their factories to China. Why? Because you occupy your mind avoiding the truth by believing the lies they tell.

The Rs believe in removing barriers which hurt commerce. The Ds believe in creating more government.
What is progressive about a gun tax? What issues will it solve? Will crime in Chicago and other liberal sh*tholes be wiped out or will law abiding citizens simply be punished for being just that, law abiding citizens?
It's not progressive. I was applauding @Orangeslice13 for advancing a criticism of the tax based on it being regressive and wondered whether he thought the same about other forms of regressive taxation. Ends up he didn't, so his criticism of the tax as being racist/unjust was just fluff from him. He just wants deaths to be cheaper.
It's not progressive. I was applauding @Orangeslice13 for advancing a criticism of the tax based on it being regressive and wondered whether he thought the same about other forms of regressive taxation. Ends up he didn't, so his criticism of the tax as being racist/unjust was just fluff from him. He just wants deaths to be cheaper.

You talking about the regressive death tax?
It's not progressive. I was applauding @Orangeslice13 for advancing a criticism of the tax based on it being regressive and wondered whether he thought the same about other forms of regressive taxation. Ends up he didn't, so his criticism of the tax as being racist/unjust was just fluff from him. He just wants deaths to be cheaper.
You were almost making sense until you went full retard in the last sentence.
It's not progressive. I was applauding @Orangeslice13 for advancing a criticism of the tax based on it being regressive and wondered whether he thought the same about other forms of regressive taxation. Ends up he didn't, so his criticism of the tax as being racist/unjust was just fluff from him. He just wants deaths to be cheaper.
He was mocking your parties idiot tone deaf narrative. You girls bitch about a regressive tax and then turn around and propose one. He knows what it is and was pointing out the hypocrisy.

That spawned a discussion on a proper taxation method, consumption. And that turned into you trying to ignore the hypocrisy while calling out what we want, a consumption tax, and flailing badly.

If you’re poor living expenses are always going to be a larger portion of your income with or without any form of tax. Why in the hell is it’s government’s responsibility to fix that? It isn’t they need to get out of the damn way.
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I don’t think their children should go hungry. I have no problem with social safety nets, but they (benefits) shouldn’t be generational and job skills training, GED training and financial management training should be mandatory with few exceptions.
Reminds me of the time I was laid off from my job operating a CNC machine. The company's major contract ran out, and I survived longer than most, but finally got laid off because the work dried up. I wanted to get trained as a CNC 3D machinist, which was in constant demand and hunted up ways to do it, but there weren't any. If I went to a school for that training, I could not receive unemployment because you have to certify every week that you are searching and available for work. I spent a lot of time trying to get that training. In the United States of America, I could not do it. Republicans were responsible for that. You're going to say, "you could have done this or should have done that." Believe me, I worked a long time thinking there had to be a way. There wasn't. There used to be programs for six months courses for machinists. Nowadays, you have to go through a two year college program or start out as an assistant, so all of my education and experience was a dead end instead of an asset. That is messed up.
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