Joe Paterno Allegedly Told of Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse by Child in 1971 (Updated)

If any of this is true, and can be verified, Joe Pa should be expunged from the NCAA record books!!
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So the program shouldn't be punished for being made aware that children were being raped and doing nothing ? I got no problem releasing everyone, including the coaches and all players, the ability to GTFO.

The program isn't a living, breathing entity.
If any of this is true, and can be verified, Joe Pa should be expunged from the NCAA record books!!

I would support that. Taking wins doesn't hurt anyone. It's purely symbolic. Erase JoePa's wins as a lasting reminder of what happened, but don't hurt the current stakeholders.
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If any of this is true, and can be verified, Joe Pa should be expunged from the NCAA record books!!

Dead on, Gunner. If true, take away his legacy, we don't need people speaking of him in reverential tones 50 years from now. Leave the current program be, but take back any accolades from that part of history that the despicable acts of his subordinate, and his own reported inaction, tarnished.
I love how everyone believes accusations when it's not a team they root for.

None of us know what really happened. Why not leave it at that.

Except we know a lot of what really happened. And knowing what we do know, acting like this is some unbelievable accusation is quite stupid.

Also, I know you're a troll, but this is hilarious coming from you, Mr. "You all hate me cuz I'm black". Or do you only believe accusations when you make them?
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Name one person currently in the Penn State program who played any role in these events. That's like me taking your My Little Ponies because the guy that used to live in your house stole my easy bake oven.

Nah. Every "business owner" in Happy Valley that ever gave a discount to JoePa, Sandusky, or any coach who may have known and did nothing helped a predator prey on children because of his position with the football team. The school can still give an education to its students but that school and community should be made an example of that any person who ever knows of this kind of assault and doesn't report it is just as guilty as the perpetrator. Letting their precious football program survive gives the next person ANYWHERE an excuse to not report, which is precisely how this evolved since the 80s.

Sandusky would still have been a predator, but it's obvious that many people in the program and school had some knowledge and did nothing for decades because of their football team. Disgusting.
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Sandusky would still have been a predator, but it's obvious that many people in the program and school had some knowledge and did nothing for decades because of their football team. Disgusting.

I would appreciate it if you could give one single shred of support for this position.
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Based on the Judge's findings that were in the news today and everything else. Did you read the op?

Yes I did. In fact, I read the entire ruling that is the basis for this most recent revelation. Your determination of a vast coverup differs massively from my reading of the decision. So again, can you please give some support for your position?
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Jay Paterno going to be on Finebaum at 4 Eastern today. Should be very interesting.
I can't understand why JP kept the lid shut on this. He didn't even like Sandusky.
Nah. Every "business owner" in Happy Valley that ever gave a discount to JoePa, Sandusky, or any coach who may have known and did nothing helped a predator prey on children because of his position with the football team. The school can still give an education to its students but that school and community should be made an example of that any person who ever knows of this kind of assault and doesn't report it is just as guilty as the perpetrator. Letting their precious football program survive gives the next person ANYWHERE an excuse to not report, which is precisely how this evolved since the 80s.

Sandusky would still have been a predator, but it's obvious that many people in the program and school had some knowledge and did nothing for decades because of their football team. Disgusting.

Unless any of the coaches or administrators from the Sandusky era are still on the team, this is a terrible idea. You're proposing to punish 18-22 year old kids for the actions of others from years ago.

Take whatever action is necessary against former players, coaches, assistants, administrators... ANYONE who knew, if that can be proven in a court of law, but why would you "make an example of them" by making an example out of people who had nothing to do with the Sandusky era?
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The more I think about it, the more I view this just like Title IX lawsuits. The NCAA, the school, they should have NOTHING to do with these investigations.

These are serious CRIMINAL charges, and should be handled by whatever level of law enforcement, even federal, is necessary, not school administrators or people on a sports organization committee.
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