Joe Paterno Allegedly Told of Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse by Child in 1971 (Updated)

This isn't an NCAA issue anymore. It's a criminal issue. Like previous posters said, don't punish those with the program now, that weren't part of the Paterno and Sandusky era.
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Except James Franklin; punish him, just because.

I retract my former post. Burn the school. Salt the earth. Build an orphanage for wayward youth where it stood. Burn it down. Salt the earth again. Build the orphanage again except this time a little nicer.
From the very beginning, this had the look of a situation that would end up "going nuclear". And it did. When Penn State readily agreed to crippling sanctions, and unheard of fines, me...was a sign. You don't agree to a deal like that unless you know that if you let the whole process play out, the end result is probably going to be much, much worse. Through it all, I couldn't shake the belief that the administrators at PSU...Joe Pa included...knew or at least suspected what a monster Sandusky was.

It's unfortunate that some who were a part of this tragedy will never answer for their actions, or their failure to act. And that many who had nothing to do with it will be made to answer for the sins of others. Fair? No, but that's how it shakes out sometimes.

In the end, nothing will undo the damage that has been done, and nothing can make it right. But both the NCAA (I know I'm on an island here) and the criminal justice system (to the maximum extent it can) should do all within their power to extract the absolute maximum penalty from the individuals...and the institution...that turned a blind eye to a child predator.

It will be at least a couple of generations before anyone who hears "Penn State" won't automatically think "Jerry Sandusky", and all that goes with it.

And rightfully so.....

Go Vols.
Except we know a lot of what really happened. And knowing what we do know, acting like this is some unbelievable accusation is quite stupid.

Also, I know you're a troll, but this is hilarious coming from you, Mr. "You all hate me cuz I'm black". Or do you only believe accusations when you make them?

Well said. I hate racists.
Nah. Every "business owner" in Happy Valley that ever gave a discount to JoePa, Sandusky, or any coach who may have known and did nothing helped a predator prey on children because of his position with the football team. The school can still give an education to its students but that school and community should be made an example of that any person who ever knows of this kind of assault and doesn't report it is just as guilty as the perpetrator. Letting their precious football program survive gives the next person ANYWHERE an excuse to not report, which is precisely how this evolved since the 80s.

Sandusky would still have been a predator, but it's obvious that many people in the program and school had some knowledge and did nothing for decades because of their football team. Disgusting.

So the restaurant owner who gave JoePa a free meal or the barber who cut his hair helped aide and abet a molester? I'm sure they were well aware of what was going on in the showers....
[In the end, nothing will undo the damage that has been done, and nothing can make it right. But both the NCAA (I know I'm on an island here) and the criminal justice system (to the maximum extent it can) should do all within their power to extract the absolute maximum penalty from the individuals...and the institution...that turned a blind eye to a child predator.

It will be at least a couple of generations before anyone who hears "Penn State" won't automatically think "Jerry Sandusky", and all that goes with it.

And rightfully so.....

Go Vols.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I can't imagine being a player and walking past the showers with out thinking what all happened in there.
So the restaurant owner who gave JoePa a free meal or the barber who cut his hair helped aide and abet a molester? I'm sure they were well aware of what was going on in the showers....

Yes. Even though they knew nothing about the abuse they helped create an environment in which people came to the decision that it was better to not report sexual abuse with a minor because it would have hurt the football program.

Taking away football from PennState doesn't PUNISH anyone. Many universities throughout the country do not have football at the D1, power 5 conference level. My opinion is that having a football team and a top tier program is a privilege for a school, not a right. And if sexual abuse to a minor was unreported or reported and not followed through by ANYONE in the football administration than the school should lose the privilege of having a football program.

Sandusky and the people who failed to report or failed to investigate reports of Sandusky abusing children are the ones who ruined PennState football. It the shoe was on the other foot and it happened at UT I would argue the same position and start liking basketball or baseball more.
Yes. Even though they knew nothing about the abuse they helped create an environment in which people came to the decision that it was better to not report sexual abuse with a minor because it would have hurt the football program.

Taking away football from PennState doesn't PUNISH anyone. Many universities throughout the country do not have football at the D1, power 5 conference level. My opinion is that having a football team and a top tier program is a privilege for a school, not a right. And if sexual abuse to a minor was unreported or reported and not followed through by ANYONE in the football administration than the school should lose the privilege of having a football program.

Sandusky and the people who failed to report or failed to investigate reports of Sandusky abusing children are the ones who ruined PennState football. It the shoe was on the other foot and it happened at UT I would argue the same position and start liking basketball or baseball more.

That's called vengeance. It's not justice.
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Yes. Even though they knew nothing about the abuse they helped create an environment in which people came to the decision that it was better to not report sexual abuse with a minor because it would have hurt the football program.

Taking away football from PennState doesn't PUNISH anyone. Many universities throughout the country do not have football at the D1, power 5 conference level. My opinion is that having a football team and a top tier program is a privilege for a school, not a right. And if sexual abuse to a minor was unreported or reported and not followed through by ANYONE in the football administration than the school should lose the privilege of having a football program.

Sandusky and the people who failed to report or failed to investigate reports of Sandusky abusing children are the ones who ruined PennState football. It the shoe was on the other foot and it happened at UT I would argue the same position and start liking basketball or baseball more.

This is criminal, and one of the worst, but not NCAA. Those who were aware and did nothing will ultimately pay the price in one way or another IMHO. I'm sorry I don't believe the horrific and neglectful choices by 3 or 4 people should ruin a community. There have already been enough lives directly ruined by these people, why make it more?
I didn't see a thread about these recent developments but with the Baylor Scandal it may be worth a look back at Penn State

As a current Pennsylvania resident it baffles my mind how people here still want to deny any and all wrong doing, especially in regards to Paterno's legacy.

Now new reports are coming out that Paterno was told by one of the victims in 1976, that two separate staff members reported seeing inappropriate behavior in the 80's. But still the university is denying all claims (but did admittedly settle with all of the accusers).

All I can do is shake my head in disbelief that there is proof of a 40 year cover up but fans still stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to admit JoPa did wrong

Penn State settlements covered 1971 Sandusky abuse claim | Fox News

The latest allegations in the Penn State scandal, explained | For The Win
Too bad Joe Pa isn't still around, so he can deal with all of the scrutiny that he rightfully deserves.
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Paterno and Sandusky worked together for a LONG time; they were very tight for many years at Pa.State. And Sandusky, pervert that he was, was chasing kids for a LONG time. There is no way that Paterno could not have suspected or known that Sandusky was a pedophile or had some weird thing for kids--anybody would have picked up on it.

I believe Paterno chose to ignore it in the way that big football programs chose to ignore a lot of problems for decades--unflattering or illegal stuff, mostly involving players who were cheating in class or smoking pot or breaking laws, etc., was swept under the rug, quietly handled by university police who were friends of the program etc. I suspect the same 'let's ignore this and hope it goes away' instincts were in play with Sandusky. Paterno probably looked at the situation and thought: "Am I going to start a big investigation involving my best friend who may (or may not) be fooling around with boys?" He probably chose to take the easy route and do nothing--wanting to assume--perhaps against evidence to the contrary--the best about his coaching colleague.

Many people act the same way when faced with difficult situations that may require opening a can of worms: they don't want to be bothered, they don't want to get involved--very common weak-mindedness in people, I'm afraid. What if you have a best friend who you inadvertently discover is engaged in criminal activity? Would you turn him? Would you go to the police? Would you testify at a trial? A lot of people--probably most people--would do nothing. This is in no way meant to be a defense of Paterno-who stayed at Pa. State 20 years longer than he should have. I'm simply suggesting that his probable decision to ignore the situation is a very common--and deplorable--human instinct.
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I would support that. Taking wins doesn't hurt anyone. It's purely symbolic. Erase JoePa's wins as a lasting reminder of what happened, but don't hurt the current stakeholders.

And just put Bear up a notch.. I see what you did there!
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The details are pretty disturbing. Joe Pa basically told the kid to f*** off after he had been sexually molested by Sandusky in the locker room shower. Greg Schiano and Tom Bradley allegedly knew about Sandusky as well. Their heads are about to roll.
I really don't understand this, since Pa and Sandusky weren't even really friends...did Joe care that much about winning and he thought he needed JS? Even that seems like a stretch of an explanation.
I really don't understand this, since Pa and Sandusky weren't even really friends...did Joe care that much about winning and he thought he needed JS? Even that seems like a stretch of an explanation.

I don't know whether they were "friends" or not, but Paterno coached Sandusky at PSU, then pretty much hired him immediately after he graduated. By the time the time some of the earliest accusations were allegedly reported to him, Paterno had known Sandusky for a decade.
I would appreciate it if you could give one single shred of support for this position.

If you want video evidence, then its probably not going to happen, but multiple testimonies, (some from victims and some from former PSU employees), all independent of one another, tying the allegations into a reasonable time frame are enough to convict someone. These old files, some going back to the 1970s sure kill any hope of PSU being reimbursed by their insurance company. These are also the same files that prove to me that this was going on. Paterno knew about it and didn't pursue or try to stop it.
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Paterno knew about it and didn't pursue or try to stop it.

We already knew that. We've known that for almost five years. Paterno was just as terrible if he knew in the late 90s and did nothing than if he knew in the early to mid-70s and did nothing.

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