Joe Paterno Allegedly Told of Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse by Child in 1971 (Updated)

If those allegations are true, they ought to go to prison.

I have a hard time believing Bradley didn't know about Sandusky. He went from a player, straight to a GA, coached several position, upgraded to DC after Sandusky left and all the way up to interim head coach after Paterno was fired. 30 years under Joe Pa. The man must've known.

All of Paterno's past assistants during the Sandusky years should be looked into but Bradley is especially suspicious! I don't think McQueary...or the 150 John Doe's for that matter...have reason to fabricate such a huge lie. This type of thing went on for 30 years because of pricks like Paterno & Bradley.

From USA today;

The testimony comes from former assistant coach Mike McQueary, who said he witnessed Sandusky engaging in a sexual act with a minor in a Penn State shower in 2001, and raised the matter with former defensive coordinator Tom Bradley.

According to the court documents, Bradley, now the coordinator at UCLA, told McQueary that “another assistant coach had come to him in the early ’90s about a very similar situation” as had another individual “as far back as the early ‘80s about seeing (Sandusky) doing something with a boy.”

McQueary testified that Bradley said the assistant coach from the 1990s was Schiano, a Penn State assistant from 1990-95.

“I can’t remember if it was one night or one morning,” McQueary testified, “but that Greg had come into (Bradley’s) office white as a ghost and said he just saw (Sandusky) doing something to a boy in the shower.”

Schiano, in a statement to ESPN's Adam Schefter, said Tuesday, “I never saw any abuse, nor had reason to suspect any abuse, during my time at Penn State.”
I have a hard time believing Bradley didn't know about Sandusky. He went from a player, straight to a GA, coached several position, upgraded to DC after Sandusky left and all the way up to interim head coach after Paterno was fired. 30 years under Joe Pa. The man must've known.

All of Paterno's past assistants during the Sandusky years should be looked into but Bradley is especially suspicious! I don't think McQueary...or the 150 John Doe's for that matter...have reason to fabricate such a huge lie. This type of thing went on for 30 years because of pricks like Paterno & Bradley.

Agreed. Whatever the motivation, there was clearly a system of silence, and it's hard to believe it wasn't mandated by Paterno. I'm glad he lived just long enough to realize that everyone in the world now knew what a POS he always was.
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why wouldnt any of these men beat the crapnout of Sandusky is beyond me. I'm a father, and if I see another man molesting a little boy or girl, I'm beating them like the pedophile that they are.
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I'm starting to wonder that. There's no other earthly explanation for what he did.

Well yes, there is. It's the camaraderie you have with your assistants (co-workers, fellow officers, fellow soldiers, whatever) that says that it's impossible that one of your people could do such a thing, and you just refuse to address it. Because there is no way that someone who you regard as a friend and comrade could do such a thing.

Certainly not justifying it. Just another example of sorry-ass human behavior.
Well yes, there is. It's the camaraderie you have with your assistants (co-workers, fellow officers, fellow soldiers, whatever) that says that it's impossible that one of your people could do such a thing, and you just refuse to address it. Because there is no way that someone who you regard as a friend and comrade could do such a thing.

Certainly not justifying it. Just another example of sorry-ass human behavior.

Wrong. There's certain things decent human beings won't overlook. Especially in our community.
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Wrong. There's certain things decent human beings won't overlook. Especially in our community.

My inclination is to certainly agree with this. The whole thing is just bizarre to me. I've obviously never been confronted with anything like Bradley or Schiano were but I feel certain I would have done something to stop it.
I believe Paterno didn't want his legacy tarnished so he figured he would hide it and no one would find out. Regardless of motivation, what a POS man.
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I'm in Pennsylvania and marrying a penn state alum (thankfully not a Paterno apologist) and some of these penn state fans just disgust me. I mean they sit there and accuse these victims of every crime under the sun all so they can pretend Paterno did no wrong. They cannot admit that the man they elevated to God like proportions actually did willfully ignore what Sandusky was doing

And they are planning to build a Paterno museum and to bring back the statue.

I'll never understand it
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why wouldnt any of these men beat the crapnout of Sandusky is beyond me. I'm a father, and if I see another man molesting a little boy or girl, I'm beating them like the pedophile that they are.

That's always been the most puzzling thing to me. McQueary said something like body's slapping in the showers and upon visual saw Sandusky abusing a child. How a football player with their strength doesn't think he can overpower an old man is cowardly. Even if he couldn't my thinking is like yours. I'll hurt myself to get the child freed.
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That's always been the most puzzling thing to me. McQueary said something like body's slapping in the showers and upon visual saw Sandusky abusing a child. How a football player with their strength doesn't think he can overpower an old man is cowardly. Even if he couldn't my thinking is like yours. I'll hurt myself to get the child freed.

When seeing something shocking, people react in different ways. It's easy to say "I'd react like this..." when we aren't actually having it occur right in front of us.

It's likely McQueary was just too stunned to even think about stepping in and physically taking the child away from Sandusky.

That's just a possibility for why he didn't get physical and why people shouldn't just assume they would.

However this is not an excuse for not stepping up over the years after this event when it was clear Sandusky was still around children and no one including PAterno or the president of the university were saying anything about it. That's the part I cannot wrap my head around and the one question that trips up even the staunchest of Paterno apologists.

Even if you believe Paterno had no idea until McQueary told him, even if you believe that he truly did report this to "the proper authorities" (but not the cops). McQueary admittedly saw Sandusky raping a child, Paterno knew and believed McQueary saw Sandusky raping a child and supposedly he was barred from the locker room after that.

However, Sandusky was STILL on the sidelines year and year after this incident surrounded by children! Did neither one of them, especially McQueary, not think "hey, why is this guy still around kids?" and not try to warn parents or call the cops?
I don't condone Paterno's inaction but it also doesn't surprise me. The whole issue of pedophiles/child molestation has come out of the closet in the past 20 years. Before that, it was covered up. People of Paterno's generation couldn't wrap their heads around it so they ignored it.
In my opinion Sandusky should have been given the death penalty. I mean yes at his age that's what he has got more or less. But I think they need to juice his ass. Just my opinion.
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In my opinion Sandusky should have been given the death penalty. I mean yes at his age that's what he has got more or less. But I think they need to juice his ass. Just my opinion.

Imo, not only Sandusky but entire football program. The program should have been suspended entirely for a number of years. What went down in that program is irredeemable.
Imo, not only Sandusky but entire football program. The program should have been suspended entirely for a number of years. What went down in that program is irredeemable.

Sorry, but I disagree. Don't punish a community, a university for the horrible actions of several people. I just don't think you carpet bomb PSU.
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Sorry, but I disagree. Don't punish a community, a university for the horrible actions of several people. I just don't think you carpet bomb PSU.

Its true, I mean the vast majority of the people who worked at Penn State and in the program had no idea and did nothing wrong.

The people involved however should get the axe. And they are all gone from the school now anyways.

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