Jonathan Hefney

Drugs are there precisely because pain exists.
Please don't try to justify the elicit drug trade with legitimate needs!!!!!! Oxycontin was developed for terminal cancer patients who had nothing strong enough to dull their suffering. This is correct use. An otherwise healthy individual taking Oxys and Roxys just because it makes them high all the while having their addictions fed by scum trying to make an easy buck doesn't even come close to that. Cocaine, the drug in this case, has ZERO medicinal purposes, but it sure will make you bounce off the walls.
Secondly, the "Pain" I am referencing is the pain the loved ones of the addicts go through. Unless you have experienced, shut up.
Ive lost friends and family. Made everyone think they’d lose me too.
I don't cotton to drug smugglers/sellers no matter who they are or were. Sooner or later, this stuff finds its way to kids. So in my book, you're helping to kill America's future by killing kids or neutralizing kids' potential via addiction. So bye and stay gone.
Cigarettes and alcohol kill alot more people than coke....
Cigarettes and alcohol kill alot more people than coke....

You do realize I'm talking about how dope sellers rob the country of its future by poisoning kids, right? Numbers are less important to me than the future of our nation. Kid haters or folks who don't feel as I do about kids' potential have a right to think and feel that way. I just lean in the opposite direction and apologize to no one for it.
You do realize I'm talking about how dope sellers rob the country of its future by poisoning kids, right? Numbers are less important to me than the future of our nation. Kid haters or folks who don't feel as I do about kids' potential have a right to think and feel that way. I just lean in the opposite direction and apologize to no one for it.
I'm well aware, but you're missing the bigger picture. The CDC releases data every year of what killed how many people every year, give it a look. None opioid drugs are far down the list
I'm well aware, but you're missing the bigger picture. The CDC releases data every year of what killed how many people every year, give it a look. None opioid drugs are far down the list

I'm inclined to not doubt what you're saying. It doesn't change my attitude toward dope peddlers. I like the old Black Panther approach. See them selling? Shot them on the spot. Unfortunately, law enforcement disagreed as did social bias on their providing breakfast for hungry kids. But forget that, my point is I have no love for dope peddlers. Have/had family impacted by these parasites, counseled and taught hooked kids, if I could get away with it, I'd hunt these leeches.
Just love how he’s such a fine young man who gives back to his community and just made a “mistake”, he’s a POS drug dealer who wants to illegally make a lot of money while helping to ruin other people’s lives via drug addiction.
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I'm well aware, but you're missing the bigger picture. The CDC releases data every year of what killed how many people every year, give it a look. None opioid drugs are far down the list
Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under 50, our advice to give it a look, is good advice, you should have taken it. Not only are opioids killing large numbers, but 10 times that amount are addicted. Even Joe Biden, VP Biden's son, was kicked out of the Navy for Cocaine, fact.
Just love how he’s such a fine young man who gives back to his community and just made a “mistake”, he’s a POS drug dealer who wants to illegally make a lot of money while helping to ruin other people’s lives via drug addiction.
Looks to me like he made a bad decision to try to get out of 5-6 digit medical debt
Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under 50, our advice to give it a look, is good advice, you should have taken it. Not only are opioids killing large numbers, but 10 times that amount are addicted. Even Joe Biden, VP Biden's son, was kicked out of the Navy for Cocaine, fact.
His point was that opioids are the overwhelming cause of drug overdose.
His point was that opioids are the overwhelming cause of drug overdose.
Yes they are, drug dealers selling opioids this week, can be selling heroin next week, cocaine next, they don't care what they are selling, just how much they are making. Many dealers often change their product based on the market, but always based on Profit. The scum of the earth (dope dealers) profit from human misery, more misery-more the profit. No one selling an addictive drug, cocaine, heroin, opioids etc. should be shown any leniency.
In trying to "make a point", that opioids kill more than cocaine/or its derivatives such as Crack, the attempt is to single out a drug, not the act of being a drug dealer.
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Yes they are, drug dealers selling opioids this week, can be selling heroin next week, cocaine next, they don't care what they are selling, just how much they are making. Many dealers often change their product based on the market, but always based on Profit. The scum of the earth (dope dealers) profit from human misery, more misery-more the profit. No one selling an addictive drug, cocaine, heroin, opioids etc. should be shown any leniency.
In trying to "make a point", that opioids kill more than cocaine/or its derivatives such as Crack, the attempt is to single out a drug, not the act of being a drug dealer.
There are gobs of coke dealers who wouldn’t touch heroin with a 20 ft pole.
How many people died n 2017 from Cocaine in the US? (and the rate continues to rise, as does the number of deaths)
. Drug Overdose Deaths in the US Involving Cocaine and Psychostimulants On the Rise
"Deaths involving cocaine and psychostimulants have increased in the United States in recent years; among 70,237 drug overdose deaths in 2017, nearly a third (23,139 [32.9%]) involved cocaine, psychostimulants, or both. From 2016 to 2017, death rates involving cocaine and psychostimulants each increased by approximately one third, and increases occurred across all demographic groups, Census regions, and in several states. In 2017, nearly three fourths of cocaine-involved and roughly one half of psychostimulant-involved overdose deaths, respectively, involved at least one opioid. After initially peaking in 2006, trends in overall cocaine-involved death rates declined through 2012, when they began to rise again. The 2006–2012 decrease paralleled a decline in cocaine supply coupled with an increase in cost. Similar patterns in death rates involving both cocaine and opioids were observed, with increases for cocaine- and synthetic opioid-involved deaths occurring from 2012 to 2017. From 2010 to 2017, increasing rates of deaths involving psychostimulants occurred and persisted even in the absence of opioids."

Just because Opioids are killing more than Cocaine-to act as if Cocaine isn't killing ALOT of people is just stupid, and refusing to face facts. In 2017 alone, 23,000+ people died, that is a lot of people. When one looks at the total number of people killed by drug overdose in 2017-it is 10,000 more people (in 2017 alone) than we had killed in Vietnam. You can not sugar coat this type of behavior.
How many people died n 2017 from Cocaine in the US? (and the rate continues to rise, as does the number of deaths)
. Drug Overdose Deaths in the US Involving Cocaine and Psychostimulants On the Rise
"Deaths involving cocaine and psychostimulants have increased in the United States in recent years; among 70,237 drug overdose deaths in 2017, nearly a third (23,139 [32.9%]) involved cocaine, psychostimulants, or both. From 2016 to 2017, death rates involving cocaine and psychostimulants each increased by approximately one third, and increases occurred across all demographic groups, Census regions, and in several states. In 2017, nearly three fourths of cocaine-involved and roughly one half of psychostimulant-involved overdose deaths, respectively, involved at least one opioid. After initially peaking in 2006, trends in overall cocaine-involved death rates declined through 2012, when they began to rise again. The 2006–2012 decrease paralleled a decline in cocaine supply coupled with an increase in cost. Similar patterns in death rates involving both cocaine and opioids were observed, with increases for cocaine- and synthetic opioid-involved deaths occurring from 2012 to 2017. From 2010 to 2017, increasing rates of deaths involving psychostimulants occurred and persisted even in the absence of opioids."

Just because Opioids are killing more than Cocaine-to act as if Cocaine isn't killing ALOT of people is just stupid, and refusing to face facts. In 2017 alone, 23,000+ people died, that is a lot of people. When one looks at the total number of people killed by drug overdose in 2017-it is 10,000 more people (in 2017 alone) than we had killed in Vietnam. You can not sugar coat this type of behavior.
If you legalize and regulate it, this stops overnight and bring in tons of tax revenue that would have gone to dealers.
Insults aimed from ignorant origins don’t hurt.
Speaking of ignorant, you are the definition, as you appear to be Ignorant of what you stated. In case you forgot, you said, "There are gobs of coke dealers who wouldn’t touch heroin with a 20 ft pole." POST #67 OF THIS VERY STRING!!! I assumed you knew what you were talking about, and that you, in fact, know "Gobs" of coke dealers. Otherwise, you are not only ignorant, but you lie. Typical.
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Speaking of ignorant, you are the definition, as you appear to be Ignorant of what you stated. In case you forgot, you said, "There are gobs of coke dealers who wouldn’t touch heroin with a 20 ft pole." POST #67 OF THIS VERY STRING!!! I assumed you knew what you were talking about, and that you, in fact, know "Gobs" of coke dealers. Otherwise, you are not only ignorant, but you lie. Typical.
What in the blue **** are you babbling about?
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