Jones “I’ll say it again: There’s only one Tennessee.”

I was really pissed with this hire. I was certain UT was going to continue their mediocrity. I am being won over by CBJ. This guy will win here. Win big.
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CBJ = Volaholic.

Love what CBJ is doing...hope he finds some time to take a break.
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And Jones also drew a reaction from the high school students when he said tardiness and absences are the first items he looks at on a transcript in recruiting.
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Who is CBC?

Dunno. Maybe the poster meant it to be a chant. Coach Butch Coach! Coach Butch Coach! Coach Butch Coach! Make the other teams scream ouch, ouch, ouch!
or something like that. :)
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I knew what you meant. Just taking every opportunity to be a jerk :)

In all seriousness though, the guy really knows how to win people over. I believe I am gonna have a chance to eat lunch with him (or, at least be in the same room eating lunch) next week. Should be fun!
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I knew what you meant. Just taking every opportunity to be a jerk :)

In all seriousness though, the guy really knows how to win people over. I believe I am gonna have a chance to eat lunch with him (or, at least be in the same room eating lunch) next week. Should be fun!


Sounds like he doesn't ever stop.

Hate to be hoarding in on the OP, but as I have said since the O&W game, the way Coach Jones interacted with my son (6' 0") at 14 and he told coach Jones he wanted to play for Tennessee, and the way Coach Jones embarrassed him and interacted with him, Coach Jones has my respect, love and loyalty, and if my son, who attends all of the manning camps at Nicholas State and gets a chance to sign with UT, CBJ will lead my son to the heights he should ascend to.I for one am behind him 100%, and money is there also!

Coach Jones, it's time to lead us back to the top and I for one believe in you!!!!!I'm telling you, this man is tied to UT and will be here for years to come. If I'm wrong, then ban me and poke out my eyes. After he heard my son was a VFL, and I walked on here, he sat down,promised to view his film and then make a call one way or the other. I'm so impressed with this man, words can not express it....... Butch gets it, and I'm glad he does..... GO BIG ORANGE!:)
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Hate to be hoarding in on the OP, but as I have said since the O&W game, the way Coach Jones interacted with my son (6' 0") at 14 and he told coach Jones he wanted to play for Tennessee, and the way Coach Jones embarrassed him and interacted with him, Coach Jones has my respect, love and loyalty, and if my son, who attends all of the manning camps at Nicholas State and gets a chance to sign with UT, CBJ will lead my son to the heights he should ascend to.I for one am behind him 100%, and money is there also!

Coach Jones, it's time to lead us back to the top and I for one believe in you!!!!!I'm telling you, this man is tied to UT and will be here for years to come. If I'm wrong, then ban me and poke out my eyes. After he heard my son was a VFL, and I walked on here, he sat down,promised to view his film and then make a call one way or the other. I'm so impressed with this man, words can not express it....... Butch gets it, and I'm glad he does..... GO BIG ORANGE!:)

Pretty classy... Unlike your avatar. Come on man, that's someone's daughter just like your son.
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