Jordan Peterson

Ah, "rent free" guy. Used to be "I know you are but what am I" guy and then "your Mom" guy and now has graduated to "rent free"..

Bro, it's pretty fkn funny. Have a laugh.
What exactly has he said that you don't like? I have 2 of his books here at my house. I haven't read the second one I bought. I found nothing controversial that he said from what I read. Can you point me to the exact page number in his books and the statements of his that you disagree with?
What exactly has he said that you don't like? I have 2 of his books here at my house. I haven't read the second one I bought. I found nothing controversial that he said from what I read. Can you point me to the exact page number in his books and the statements of his that you disagree with?


IDK that I have any real issue with him. I kinda have a problem with his followers, tho.

He's fine. He's better than most intellectuals with his clout, but it's a bit cultish with him. I don't really find him problematic otherwise, and that's not even really a critique of him, it's moreso a critique of a portion of his audience.

He's just not for me because he focuses on **** I don't care about and I think he kinda treads carefully with the right to some degree with the application of his critiques.

If you really apply the principles that Peterson teaches, then (the rhetorical) you wouldn't be anti-woke, you'd be anti-tribalism and anti-victimhood, but many are just anti-woke white dudes who think they are victims of a reverse-racist, feminist society. They'll tell you they don't like identity politics and then you hang out with them long enough and you find out they are actually consumed by identity politics. I get why Peterson does it. He's getting paid. I don't get grown men fanboying over a guy telling them to stand with their shoulders straight and to pet a cat.

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