Jordan Peterson

Wait, degrees and credentials don't matter?
They matter a whole lot less than they did in my youth. You had to work to earn them. My experience with my own kids is thy high schools Will do almost anything to get that graduation percentage (everything except ensure that the student actually knows the purported material that is) and what I a seeing from colleges and their declining standards is that they have become diploma mills that merely convert hundreds of thousands of little green pieces of paper (with tiny pictures of Presidents) into one large piece of white paper suitable for framing. The fact that the credentialed graduate actually knows less than a sack of rocks (and has a critical thinking ability that is even lower than that) is of no concern as long as the tap of taxpayer funded “loans” keeps gushing (and we prepare to pay those of now in full) 😡
They matter a whole lot less than they did in my youth. You had to work to earn them. My experience with my own kids is thy high schools Will do almost anything to get that graduation percentage (everything except ensure that the student actually knows the purported material that is) and what I a seeing from colleges and their declining standards is that they have become diploma mills that merely convert hundreds of thousands of little green pieces of paper (with tiny pictures of Presidents) into one large piece of white paper suitable for framing. The fact that the credentialed graduate actually knows less than a sack of rocks (and has a critical thinking ability that is even lower than that) is of no concern as long as the tap of taxpayer funded “loans” keeps gushing (and we prepare to pay those of now in full) 😡

Yeah, but they still matter, which he was implying they don't.
Wait, degrees and credentials don't matter?
Well it's tricky here at Volnation. One minute all these college professors are nothing but a bunch of liberals and degrees are worthless. The next minute degrees and credentials are important and we need to believe everything that is in history books.
I would say the obsessed person is the one who I knew for a fact would come in here crying foul at fair play.

I think he's got a ton of interesting things to say. Mocking him for crying for 11 seconds during a talk is fine, but I would compare that to listening to Stephen Pinker talk and only coming away with "look at his weird hair!".
I think he's got a ton of interesting things to say. Mocking him for crying for 11 seconds during a talk is fine, but I would compare that to listening to Stephen Pinker talk and only coming away with "look at his weird hair!".

TBH, he seems a little unhinged and that's my biggest takeaway. It's funny but it's just chuckle funny.

Be honest, you're not embarrassed for him when you see him like that?
TBH, he seems a little unhinged and that's my biggest takeaway. It's funny but it's just chuckle funny.

Be honest, you're not embarrassed for him when you see him like that?
Unhinged and highly intelligent are often closely shared traits FWIW
Remember this when you're choosing your next surgeon or legal counsel ; )
When Duke medical school dean thought the insensitive patient needed counseling over the med student who missed a vein…, I’m sticking with old doctors who were primarily taught medicine not how to be woke
When Duke medical school dean thought the insensitive patient needed counseling over the med student who missed a vein…, I’m sticking with old doctors who were primarily taught medicine not how to be woke

What in God's name are you talking about? The context is degree/credentials or no degree/credentials .
TBH, he seems a little unhinged and that's my biggest takeaway. It's funny but it's just chuckle funny.

Be honest, you're not embarrassed for him when you see him like that?

I'm not embarrassed for him and I don't think he's unhinged. I watched the entire discussion, so the 0.6% of the whole conversation (roughly 22 seconds) in which he was crying did not seem out of place or odd to me. He probably cries more than most men (he has stated multiple times that he is more on the feminine emotional side of the spectrum), but it may also be more than just that. He had a near death experience while in a coma a year or so ago from withdraw from SSRIs. Near death experiences can change your body chemistry and have major affects on how you process emotions. But no, I'm not embarrassed for someone for crying who I view as being very authentic and who is exceptionally thoughtful and intelligent.
TBH, he seems a little unhinged and that's my biggest takeaway. It's funny but it's just chuckle funny.

Be honest, you're not embarrassed for him when you see him like that?
I agree with a lot of what he says, but he does seem different since he returned from the numerous health problems he ran into during 2019/20. He seems angry, is much more emotional, etc.
Unprovoked, he insults a stranger's appearance and then unironically bemoans the harsh nature of twitter engagement.


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