First, explain his work to me. Give us detaileed analysis of what he presented. Or are you just choosing another authority to agree with your choice of authprities?
You mean the one where he basically agreed with our premise, t
hat recruiting rankings are a loose overall reflection of talent and a "decent" indicator of future success, but not the predictive/causative agent you guys make them out to be?
A couple of thoughts, in case I missed it, what are the definitions of "talent rating"?
Can't really look at this graph and know whether it disproved the point that
@sjt18 made specific to this particular argument--and for the record, a point that he made by quoting data of his own.
The argument at hand is whether subjective rankings successfully predict how accomplished a school will be? And isn't that the actual point in question? sjt seemed to show, via a comparison of recruiting rankings and how schools ended up ranked, that the recruiting rankings seem to do a good job predicting the schools that traditionally finish high, and then fall off in their predictive success rates?
That's kind of like looking at the past few seasons of F1 and predicting that Red Bull, Mercedes, and Ferrari will all be jockying for the constructors. "Yes. After detailed analysis, we agree with the design and hiring deccisions those three made."