It may be simpler to only buy a plan that addresses what you need, but then wouldn't we miss out on the whole idea of benefit through group insurance. If we only bought insurance for stuff we knew we were going to use, it seems the premiums would pretty much equal the cost of those services. That's why I'm saying all employees of the private company would have to purchase the "private employer of moral objection" (if you will) rider. Otherwise, it isn't group insurance anymore and somewhat defeats the purpose.
Bill Maher received zero rebuke from the mainstream media for vulgarly calling Palin a MILF, dumb twat and c-word. Sarah Palin received zero sympathy from the mainstream media for Maher calling her a MILF, dumb twat and c-word.
What is the lefts response to racist comments about black conservatives and sexual insulting comments about conservative women? They laugh!
Conservative presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on the NBC Jimmy Fallon TV show and the band played Lyin A B-. For the most part, the mainstream media simply laughed.
So please forgive my uncontrollable gag response every time I hear mainstream media and democrats claiming to be defenders of minorities and women. If you are a black who rebels against your media assigned democrat massas and black plantation overseers, you are a stupid n, which I have been called on several occasions.
In essence, the mainstream media and democrats told black former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, Boy, you had better get your black butt back on our liberal plantation where you belong. Who do you think you are running as a Republican? Youre due for a severe whippin!
Meanwhile, President Obama holds the telephone consoling Sandra Fluke with one hand while accepting a million dollar super PAC check from Bill Maher, an unrepentant brutal abuser of conservative women with his other hand.
Mainstream media how dare you ever again insult the intelligence of the American people telling us you care about women. You are nothing more than an arm of the Democrat National Committee and Obama Reelection Campaign. You sold-out your country to make a deal with the devil who promised you a Socialistic/Progressive hostile takeover of America. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Carbonite (CARB), the online data backup provider that launched its public offering in August, is getting a double whammy over the media brouhaha emanating from Rush Limbaugh calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute."
Many of the firms that pulled advertising from Limbaugh's show seem to have weathered the storm, but Carbonite has been zinged by a few lightening bolts. A blog post by the Daily Caller news website revealed a flurry of people saying they have canceled their subscription to Carbonite's data backup service, or plan to.
The main theme of the Daily Caller blog post was that Carbonite shares had "plummeted nearly 12%" since Monday morning (through Tuesday's session), with the writer implying it was in reaction to blowback from Carbonite halting its advertising.
don't disagree but do you think it is constitutional for the govt to tell any religious institution that they must provide services that are clearly against their beliefs?
this is a cause not a simple case of some woman wanting BC. If that was true she wouldn't be trotting out the $3k number when it's been shown that is a lie. If she needs it for health reasons then rename it since BC is clearly not what the drug should be called
I could say the same about those republicans who choose to hate gays and lie about Jesus hating contraceptives, which weren't even available in biblical times. I know a Hell lot more about the Bible than fundamentalist Christians who simply spew Leviticus 18:22. A few sentences later, it says eating shrimp is an abomination. Next thing, insurance companies will refuse treatment of shellfish allergic reactions because of religious beliefs.
And to answer your question about contraceptives being a need, well, if you had read the Fluke (Hell, just read the quote I posted) testimony you would know that her friend was prescribed contraceptives as treatment for cysts on her ovaries. The insurance company denied coverage because they were "sure" she was lying and really using them to prevent pregnancy. Then, she ended up in the emergency room with terrible pain and lost some of her ovaries.
This is what we want in America, isn't it? Insurance companies robbing you blind and then denying you healthcare because of their "beliefs." It's BS. Do you honestly believe that insurance companies are doing this because of their religious beliefs? Hell no. They are doing it to increase profit by a less than marginal amount. They'll be in Hell soon enough though. God have mercy on them.
ah but the repubs want to ban the church from performing same sex ceremonies don't they? Two sides of the same coin
Actually, that's not accurate. Any church (or any other religious institution) can perform whatever marriage ceremony it likes. It simply won't be a marriage recognized in most states. But legal marriage and religious marriage are totally different things.
sorry- so the repubs want to allow certain religious ceremonies to be recognized but others they disagree with to be useless ceremony performed by heathens. Better?
Forty-six advertisers have reportedly dropped Limbaugh.
Heard a story on this I think it was yesterday. His show is run over 600 stations across the country with most (if not all) of them having local sponsorship/advertisers for their stations. It was estimated to be above 15,000 different advertisers for those 600 stations. From the story, that is where the 30 or 40 advertisers are coming from that have pulled their spot. They are not necessarily advertisers for his program, but for the individual stations. They have decided that they did not want the spot running during his time slot.
From what I've read, this number is based off of companies that have stated (via Twitter or other media) that they have pulled their advertisements from his show. On today's show, he had two segments where it was just dead air in place of adverts. Not sure if that was just on one local station or nationally, though.