Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

I never said Trump supporters are horrible and despicable. Some are. Some Obama and Biden supporters are horrible and despicable. Trump does get a larger percent of that crowd.

I've 100% maintained that Trump is a horrendously despicable human and proudly stand by that assessment.
It’s baseless BS comments like this that lets everyone know you’re full of huge sht
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I’l just go ahead and admit I would have cheered.

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Democrats Fear Dianne Feinstein Not Up for SCOTUS Fight: ‘She Has Noticeably Slowed’


Democrats are said to fear that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is not up for the task of leading her party’s effort to stop Senate Republicans from confirming the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement on the Supreme Court.

Politico reports:
Feinstein, the oldest member of the Senate, is widely respected by senators in both parties, but she has noticeably slowed in recent years. Interviews with more than a dozen Democratic senators and aides show widespread concern over whether the California Democrat is capable of leading the aggressive effort Democrats need against whoever President Donald Trump picks to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. […]

Feinstein sometimes gets confused by reporters’ questions, or will offer different answers to the same question depending on where or when she’s asked. Her appearance is frail. […]

[A] senator said there have been discussions among some Democrats about making changes to the seniority system next year due to their concerns over Feinstein.​
“She’s not sure what she’s doing,” a Democrat senator said about Feinstein.

Dems Fear Dianne Feinstein Not Up for SCOTUS Fight: 'Noticeably Slowed'
Then the game will continue . Eventually , one way or the other , the left and it’s win at all cost ideology will have to be re-evaluated from inside the party as long as the right refused to give into their demands . It’s inevitable, it’s a short term bad game plan .

The communists will never stop tearing down this country
But you have no problem with them legislating immorality or pushing it down our throats

What is the basis for what's moral or immoral? After you answer that, ask yourself whether it's constitutional.

You should probably also consider what the purpose of our government is in the first place.
How about Luther's support for Stacey Abrams and her $54,000 in back taxes that she owed to the IRS, plus the other $116,000 in credit card and student loan debt? Sounds like good character.
Plus all the undeclared money from the aunt Jemima empire. She must be pizzed that she lost that.
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