Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

To the neoliberals, like @zeppelin128 : after a very superficial review of her limited record, you could do a lot worse than Amy Coney Barrett.
I haven't done a deep dive into her record yet, most of that would come out during the hearings anyways. But some early thoughts after some quick reading:

As far as her resume goes, seems pretty solid to me.

I've read some short summaries of her cases: she's had some rulings that I liked concerning restoration of gun rights to non-violent felons (they were convicted of mail fraud, I believe) and other criminal justice stuff (another one involved her ruling in favor of some dudes that were the victim of a prank call to police, in which the police violated their 4th rights with illegal search and seizure). But, she's had some rulings on immigration matters that I didn't agree with.

Regarding abortion, she's said that she doesn't believe Roe will ever be overturned due to 40 some odd years of precedent. She did say changes to the law would involve late term procedures and allowing states to expand some restrictions. For a conservative justice, that is probably about as good as it will get.

Not really much out there on her, honestly. I know her confirmation a few years ago was pretty contentious, so I imagine round 2 will be even more so. I'll withhold judgement until I hear more from her and do some more reading.
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I truly believe these people want him dead. They hate this country.

Speaking only for myself, I love my country and hate our President. You can do both.

Love most the people here too. Yeah, we disagree on stuff, but we're connected through UT.

There's a reason people say you shouldn't talk about politics and religion with others....
What is the basis for what's moral or immoral? After you answer that, ask yourself whether it's constitutional.

You should probably also consider what the purpose of our government is in the first place.
The constitution seeks to enforce morality, and sets a standard for doing so. Are you claiming that the constitution is unconstitutional?
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The constitution seeks to enforce morality, and sets a standard for doing so. Are you claiming that the constitution is unconstitutional?

I'm not much into political philosophy but my understanding based on reading people like Locke is that the role of government is essentially just protecting life, liberty, and property rights. So that's essentially where it ends and government shouldn't concern itself with what two consenting adults do with one another, what a person does to himself, and so on.
I'm not much into political philosophy but my understanding based on reading people like Locke is that the role of government is essentially just protecting life, liberty, and property rights. So that's essentially where it ends and government shouldn't concern itself with what two consenting adults do with one another, what a person does to himself, and so on.
For lack of a better word, I'm pretty much a libertarian. You aren't getting many arguments from me.

My confusion per your comment may be semantic, but the roles you just listed are enforced morality--murder, kidnapping, theft, vandalism, etc... Those wouldn't escape your appeals to a basis for morality.
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you don’t think he was there to pay his respects or that the ones there threw a tantrum?
I was responding to headhunter's comments at the bottom of his post: "I truly believe these people want him dead. They hate this country."
My response was not about the video.

I don't think any of the people in the video hate this country, I actually believe most love this country far more than does Trump.
For lack of a better word, I'm pretty much a libertarian. You aren't getting many arguments from me.

My confusion per your comment may be semantic, but the roles you just listed are enforced morality--murder, kidnapping, theft, vandalism, etc... Those wouldn't escape your appeals to a basis for morality.

I only meant that government should not be passing legislation on moral issues that are not related to life, liberty, and property rights. Although you're right, that's not exactly what I said. Sodomy and new age paganism may be moral issues, but not ones government should be interfering in.
I only meant that government should not be passing legislation on moral issues that are not related to life, liberty, and property rights. Although you're right, that's not exactly what I said. Sodomy and new age paganism may be moral issues, but not ones government should be interfering in.
No worries. I'm not trying to paint you into a gotcha. I appreciate the clarification.
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