Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

The unintended consequence of this will be 60 and 70 year olds will be nominated instead of 40 and 50 year olds. They will be just as senile when they leave, and judges will play the musical chair game to stay on a bench

I’m fine with putting an upper age limit on federal judges, Senators and Presidents. All but federal judges have a lower limit on age so why not an upper limit?
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I'm glad it's being discussed but another problem with it is the very people they are trying to term limit will be the people who decide if its constitutional.

Are you implying that the people judging whether they have to give up a lifetime cushy job is a conflict of interest?

Man, those eyes. Just can't help but be reminded of this:

The fact that this was brought on by an 87 year old that wouldn't retire is rich.

The notion that people who aren't term limited would suggest term limits in another branch is pure comedy.

Congress pretty much did that to the executive branch. Sure it was a constitutional amendment, but it didn't get started by itself, and they didn't see fit to put congressional term limits into play which kinda goes back to hog's question about the constitutionality question and judicial branch term limits. Apparently some branches are more equal than others.
I'd bet money that the woman that they have been touting as the next nominee isn't the one.

I've been wondering when Coney was getting changed to Conan. You know the congressional dems fully believe the barbarians are already in the door.
I’m fine with putting an upper age limit on federal judges, Senators and Presidents. All but federal judges have a lower limit on age so why not an upper limit?
While there are several people who retain mental sharpness into their 90's, a lot of these politicians (both parties) and SC Justices, need to go.
Will be entertaining to watch the sheit show the libs dial up with her nomination.
Also, hearing Biden may not debate. Pelosi may pull him out... can't think of one reason they would do this???? :)
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While there are several people who retain mental sharpness into their 90's, a lot of these politicians (both parties) and SC Justices, need to go.

It‘s not always a point of mental sharpness or whatever you want to call it. It’s IMO more about being in touch with the times. How are we supposed to expect 70+ year old judges to rule on technology issues that can’t turn on a computer. Not to mention the fact that people insulated from normal society for years lose sense of real life and its issues.
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It‘s not always a point of mental sharpness or whatever you want to call it. It’s IMO more about being in touch with the times. How are we supposed to expect 70+ year old judges to rule on technology issues that can’t turn on a computer. Not to mention the fact that people insulated from normal society for years lose sense of real life and its issues.
True, too.

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