Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

I have no problem with those things? You need govt to tell you stealing is wrong? Your posts get dumber by the day ( which is a monumental task)

Man, calling names isnt nice. You being a mod,you should know better.

Stealing Being wrong is as subjective as sexual morality. Ask the protesters of steeling is wrong, and they'll tell you no. Do you every think past your nose?
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I don't like the way they are trying to do a constitutional end-a-round and I think 12 would be better than 18 years. I also question the wisdom of limiting a POTUS to 2 picks in 4 years, what happens if 3-4 die off/retire in the first year of a Presidential term?

I'd rather them go through the amendment process and cap ALL federal judges to 12 year terms, move up to a higher court or be out completely.
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I don't like the way they are trying to do a constitutional end-a-round and I think 12 would be better than 18 years. I also question the wisdom of limiting a POTUS to 2 picks in 4 years, what happens if 3-4 die off/retire in the first year of a Presidential term?

I'd rather them go through the amendment process and cap ALL federal judges to 12 year terms, move up to a higher court or be out completely.
I had the same thoughts about limiting it and I do believe you would have to do a an amendment. I am glad to see some discussion about it.
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I don't like the way they are trying to do a constitutional end-a-round and I think 12 would be better than 18 years. I also question the wisdom of limiting a POTUS to 2 picks in 4 years, what happens if 3-4 die off/retire in the first year of a Presidential term?

I'd rather them go through the amendment process and cap ALL federal judges to 12 year terms, move up to a higher court or be out completely.

The fact that this was brought on by an 87 year old that wouldn't retire is rich.

The notion that people who aren't term limited would suggest term limits in another branch is pure comedy.
I don't like the way they are trying to do a constitutional end-a-round and I think 12 would be better than 18 years. I also question the wisdom of limiting a POTUS to 2 picks in 4 years, what happens if 3-4 die off/retire in the first year of a Presidential term?

I'd rather them go through the amendment process and cap ALL federal judges to 12 year terms, move up to a higher court or be out completely.
The pick limiting is sour grapes and won’t be passed. I’d like lower than 18 also but hell I’ll take 18 at this point.
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Man, calling names isnt nice. You being a mod,you should know better.

Steeling Being wrong is as subjective as sexual morality. Ask the protesters of steeling is wrong, and they'll tell you no. Do you every think past your nose?
Didn't call you a name just insulted your posts which is completely valid

It's not subjective just because thieves exist anymore than rape or murder. You shouldn't need the govt telling you that
Video: College Students Reject SCOTUS Pick – Before Announcement


In interviews with Campus Reform this week, students pushed back against President Donald Trump’s pick to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States. The problem? President Trump had not selected a replacement at the time of the interviews.

Video: College Students Reject SCOTUS Pick - Before Announcement
Video: College Students Reject SCOTUS Pick – Before Announcement


In interviews with Campus Reform this week, students pushed back against President Donald Trump’s pick to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States. The problem? President Trump had not selected a replacement at the time of the interviews.

Video: College Students Reject SCOTUS Pick - Before Announcement

The sheer stupidity of today’s young people is shocking.
I don't like the way they are trying to do a constitutional end-a-round and I think 12 would be better than 18 years. I also question the wisdom of limiting a POTUS to 2 picks in 4 years, what happens if 3-4 die off/retire in the first year of a Presidential term?

I'd rather them go through the amendment process and cap ALL federal judges to 12 year terms, move up to a higher court or be out completely.
The unintended consequence of this will be 60 and 70 year olds will be nominated instead of 40 and 50 year olds. They will be just as senile when they leave, and judges will play the musical chair game to stay on a bench

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