Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

If Trump loses, I think there is a better than even chance that Thomas quickly retires, setting up Trump and McConnell to pick another one.
Joe, this is exactly why Mitch continues to steal your lunch money everyday. You gotta learn, he's not gonna stop.

I expect another bloody fight over confirmation. I do have one question for the masses. Why is it always the Democrats who throw hissy fits over these confirmations? That was the case with Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh. Republicans don't lower themselves to such tactics. RBG was the most liberal Justice on that court and her vote for confirmation was 96-3.
I expect another bloody fight over confirmation. I do have one question for the masses. Why is it always the Democrats who throw hissy fits over these confirmations? That was the case with Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh. Republicans don't lower themselves to such tactics. RBG was the most liberal Justice on that court and her vote for confirmation was 96-3.

Kavanaugh came in where Garland should have. The dispute over this nominee is also I think going to be less about her (some about her,yes) and mostly about the hypocrisy of the Republicans in entertaining it.

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