Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

I expect another bloody fight over confirmation. I do have one question for the masses. Why is it always the Democrats who throw hissy fits over these confirmations? That was the case with Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh. Republicans don't lower themselves to such tactics. RBG was the most liberal Justice on that court and her vote for confirmation was 96-3.

Because their whole political philosophy is based on emotions and feelings. They don't think or use logic. They use jealousy, envy, hate to pit groups against each other.
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Democrats want judges they can own & approve of to the SC so they will rule & implement laws on their far left-wing loony agenda because they know that the American people would never vote for any of that stupid liberal agenda to ever become law here in the United States.

Exactly. They know they could never get two thirds of the country to nullify parts of the Constitution such as the second amendment so they seek out the courts to do it.
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He was an example of the repercussions to manipulating the system.

So walk me through this. The Dems treated this man like crap, accused him of leading gang rapes, had a circus with a gal who had no corroboration for her story, kissed up to a guy who's now in jail for fraud and other things...all because they didn't like that Senate Republicans didn't vote on Merrick Garland? Do I have that right?
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So walk me through this. The Dems treated this man like crap, accused him of leading gang rapes, had a circus with a gal who had no corroboration for her story, kissed up to a guy who's now in jail for fraud and other things...all because they didn't like that Senate Republicans didn't vote on Merrick Garland? Do I have that right?
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Democrats want judges they can own & approve of to the SC so they will rule & implement laws on their far left-wing loony agenda because they know that the American people would never vote for any of that stupid liberal agenda to ever become law here in the United States.

The sad part for dems is that Trump has made ten appointments to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That's a pretty big number when the entire circus is at 29, and the changes are beginning to pay off in the form of far less radical rulings. It's not the same liberal "go to" that it used to be.

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