Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

The system is working as designed. If you do not like this system of government I would suggest moving to a country that is more suitable to your beliefs.

Complaining about winning the popular vote when you lose the point of the election (Electoral College) is like complaining about losing a football game when you outgained your opponent in total yards. Both candidates knew the rules and how a winner would be determined. If the purpose was to win the popular vote strategy would be different. Very few Western Countries elect their Presidents/Head of State by direct votes of the people. Canada doesn't. Great Britain doesn't. Spain doesn't. Sweden doesn't. Switzerland doesn't.

If this is really important to you, jump the border to the south. Mexico is waiting
Horse Shat excuses for being un-civil.

Wait, Trumpsters are going to claim about lack of civility????

You're making my point. Say what you want about "Trumpsters" or any other subset of Republicans, they have not behaved like Democrats did vs Kavanaugh

The party that consistently portrayed Obama as a monkey and/or a Kenyan Muslim, consistently still does portray Michelle Obama as a man, wants to lock up Hillary and pushed the idea of a Pizzagate child sex trafficking conspiracy is the civil one? Not sure either "fanbase" has a ton of room to talk here
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Kavanaugh came in where Garland should have. The dispute over this nominee is also I think going to be less about her (some about her,yes) and mostly about the hypocrisy of the Republicans in entertaining it.

Actually, that's Gorsuch.

Not that you'd remember with the hissy fits being tossed around by your side.
The party that consistently portrayed Obama as a monkey and/or a Kenyan Muslim, consistently still does portray Michelle Obama as a man, wants to lock up Hillary and pushed the idea of a Pizzagate child sex trafficking conspiracy is the civil one? Not sure either "fanbase" has a ton of room to talk here
Nothing but blather. Name me any Senator that did what you say...
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Kavanaugh came in where Garland should have. The dispute over this nominee is also I think going to be less about her (some about her,yes) and mostly about the hypocrisy of the Republicans in entertaining it.
No, Gorsuch came in where Garland “should have.” Kavanaugh replaced Anthony Kennedy.
The party that consistently portrayed Obama as a monkey and/or a Kenyan Muslim, consistently still does portray Michelle Obama as a man, wants to lock up Hillary and pushed the idea of a Pizzagate child sex trafficking conspiracy is the civil one? Not sure either "fanbase" has a ton of room to talk here
So democrat senators are the same as republican voters?
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"Ignore what civilians do, look at politicians. But not the top politician, he doesn't count either, just Senators. We have the most civil Senators." Lol ok

I gave a specific example. I gave you the vote in favor of RBG, you make up quotes (and put them in quotations) and yet all you can do is bring up Trump, Trump, Trump. Do you realize now why you have no credibility?
Horse Shat excuses for being un-civil.
You think the repubs thought they could pull off that sh!t without the dems becoming uncivil.?
They were willing to sacrifice civility by manipulating the system in order to basically steal a seat on the SC.
You think the repubs thought they could pull off that sh!t without the dems becoming uncivil.?
They were willing to sacrifice civility by manipulating the system in order to basically steal a seat on the SC.

How was Kavanaugh an example of "manipulating the system"?
You think the repubs thought they could pull off that sh!t without the dems becoming uncivil.?
They were willing to sacrifice civility by manipulating the system in order to basically steal a seat on the SC.

My bad..."Ignorant troll" is the forum acceptable label?
The party that consistently portrayed Obama as a monkey and/or a Kenyan Muslim, consistently still does portray Michelle Obama as a man, wants to lock up Hillary and pushed the idea of a Pizzagate child sex trafficking conspiracy is the civil one? Not sure either "fanbase" has a ton of room to talk here

Weak Sauce
I gave a specific example. I gave you the vote in favor of RBG, you make up quotes (and put them in quotations) and yet all you can do is bring up Trump, Trump, Trump. Do you realize now why you have no credibility?

Yes, it's extremely narrow, and I only "brought up Trump" to further illustrate that point. I think it's disingenuous to imply that either party has some civil high ground in general, and that now is a strange time to be celebrating the behavior of Republican Senators as we all watch them walk back what they said in 2016
My mistake.

What do you think of the GOP hypocrisy on this?

Well, it's been a while since I opined on this website, but I seem to recall a saying. How did it go?

Oh yeah, "elections have consequences."

Basically, with the utter and complete ****** way Kavanaugh was treated, I don't blame McConnell one bit for bringing up the nomination to the Senate. It's the least your party deserves for acting the way they did and will probably do again.

I'm also pragmatic enough to realize if the DNC controlled the Senate, they'd "Garland" Barrett in the same fashion as 2016. And you would call it justified.

Sure, it's hypocrisy. So is threatening to "pack the court" like petulant children that didn't get their way.
And one more thing, @lawgator1

You better hope Breyer stays healthy. Because when Trump wins his second term and the Senate stays red, there isn't **** you can do when his replacement is nominated.


Trump's only chance is to find a way to keep ballots from being counted after midnight on the 3rd. He will try. But could lead to bad juju if he does

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