Kamala Harris Is A Racist

What's also interesting is how every single person BLM is rioting over is a criminal. Every one of them.
Not "interesting" at all; hell, I'd be surprised if these people getting shot weren't people with criminal records. I'd venture a guess that most people shot and killed by police, even if the particular incident where they were killed is questionable or unjustified, probably aren't "salt of the earth" individuals and probably have had prior run-ins.
I bet you're one of those people that says just because someone points a gun at a cop, it is conjecture for the police to claim they were about to be attacked.

There is no area of your brain you are unwilling to disable to maintain the party line, lol.

I’m just not willing to entertain your hypotheticals in the name of victim blaming, and you don’t like it. Oh well.
If you are defending this guy then there is zero hope for you..he literally sexually assaulted the mother of his kids minutes before, resisted arrest, went for a knife to do who knows what

When did I defend anyone?
Libs staying far away from this one because it's indefensible....and they are the ones repeating the "good people on both sides" lie
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This is one of the finest examples of projection I have ever seen. Keep up the good work OP.
So a white dude started this thread calling a black woman a racist? Am I getting that part right?
If you are defending this guy then there is zero hope for you..he literally sexually assaulted the mother of his kids minutes before, resisted arrest, went for a knife to do who knows what
Has he been charged with any crime related to incident?
So a white dude started this thread calling a black woman a racist? Am I getting that part right?
Yep someone started a thread to get the peanut gallery riled up when this tweet could have easily been put in the kenosha thread. Race bating thread for sure.
I’m just not willing to entertain your hypotheticals in the name of victim blaming, and you don’t like it. Oh well.
Not a victim. And telling the judge to use the critical thinking ability God gave chimps to see that there are only two reasons he would be getting into his vehicle after fighting cops is exactly why no cop will ever be charged in this shooting.

With that said, I would much rather be a "victim blamer" in this case than to support someone canonizing a rapist.

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