Kamala Harris Is A Racist

So a white dude started this thread calling a black woman a racist? Am I getting that part right?

Which part is difficult for you to grasp? Kamala Harris keeps praising the family and this dude as great people, while the father is an actual racist and the son is a piece of sh** rapist who was attempting to drive away with children he had no right driving away with. Do you agree with her or not? I thought you liberals were all in on “me too”, and believing women when they accuse someone of sexual assault? Kamala believed Biden’s accuser, right up until he asked her to be Vice President 😂😂😂 but then again she also believed jussie and went on tv talking about his “modern day lynching”, you probably fell for that load of horse sh** too .
Not a victim. And telling the judge to use the critical thinking ability God gave chimps to see that there are only two reasons he would be getting into his vehicle after fighting cops is exactly why no cop will ever be charged in this shooting.

With that said, I would much rather be a "victim blamer" in this case than to support someone canonizing a rapist.

You’re regurgitating a party line about some incident that has no direct effect on your life. I, on the other hand, haven’t canonized anyone, just conversing about facts. Not sure why so defensive...
He sexually assaulted their mother and she had a restraining order against him..he then assaulted her again on the day of the arrest.

I'm aware of that and I think he deserved to be shot. I just don't know where the custody stuff is coming from.
She called to tell confirmed rapist Jacob Blake she was proud of him, but demonified Justice Kavanaugh over bogus accusations. Blake was also attempting to steal a car and kidnap his kids while assaulting police officers.

They are seeing reductions in black support so they have to do something. This ain't it.

I can't believe they don't have the answers in the platform manifesto.
If you are defending this guy then there is zero hope for you..he literally sexually assaulted the mother of his kids minutes before, resisted arrest, went for a knife to do who knows what
Also not sure where this is coming from. Thought the sexual assault allegations were previous to the day he was shot. But again, he deserved to be shot. Can't resist arrest and open your car door when cops are telling you not to.
They are seeing reductions in black support so they have to do something. This ain't it.

I can't believe they don't have the answers in the platform manifesto.

It is quite amazing to see this move though. I mean are Dems trying to lock up the BLM vote? Do they think there are alot of undecided voters that would be swayed by comisserating with a rapist?
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It is quite amazing to see this move though. I mean are Dems trying to lock up the BLM vote? Do they think there are alot of undecided voters that would be swayed by comisserating with a rapist?

Biden Kamala surrogates are hoping people are stupid enough to buy the Biden Manifesto on his website.
Biden & Harris don't know how to answer any questions asked of them but we hate Trump. Orange man bad.. Everything is Trump's fault ..... that's all they're programmed to say all day every day. That's all they have to run on....not even the old hope & change for the better. Both are low-down lying scum buckets of dirty slime.

Read their Manifesto on their website. Trump is all they talk about. It reads like operatives leaflets in North Korea.

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