Karen Bass, VP contender for Biden, renounces her praise of Fidel Castro

In before "That's The only response needed".

What will I win?
If that idiot gets elected it's going to be awesome trying to watch them defend him because at that point they will have to come up with something other than but but but Trump
Has Trump withdrawn his praise of Putin, a guy paying people to kill our soldiers?

No. He admires him.
One post about the woman before you made it about Trump. Can we not have a thread that you don't bring your boy up in?
One post about the woman before you made it about Trump. Can we not have a thread that you don't bring your boy up in?

Ha, well that tells you something right there.

A poster attacks a possible Biden running mate and I reply by pointing out a completely valid comparison to Trump's questionable allegiances and which undermines that attack. So its a thread about the election in November.

And your response is to stop pointing out the idiocy, hypocrisy, and complete ineptitude of the top of the GOP ticket? A guy that even an increasingly large percentage of GOP voters is embarrassed by?

Ummm ... no. I won't stop talking about President Oompa Loompa's crimes and general chicanery.
Ha, well that tells you something right there.

A poster attacks a possible Biden running mate and I reply by pointing out a completely valid comparison to Trump's questionable allegiances and which undermines that attack. So its a thread about the election in November.

And your response is to stop pointing out the idiocy, hypocrisy, and complete ineptitude of the top of the GOP ticket? A guy that even an increasingly large percentage of GOP voters is embarrassed by?

Ummm ... no. I won't stop talking about President Oompa Loompa's crimes and general chicanery.

How can you call anyone a hypocrite and then vote for VP Biden?
How can you call anyone a hypocrite and then vote for VP Biden?

I got news for you. We are all hypocrites. Politicians are that, x a thousand.

That includes Trump. Even though he ran as an outsider, and "different" than the usual politician, it turned out that in many respects he is far worse.
Its just hilarious when the Republicans get desperate. They have zero subtlety in every transparent tactic they try.
So, you're claiming it's equivalent, mocking the republicans for bringing it up, and claiming a complete lack of subtlety in tactics...

After the Dems started the fake TrumputinGate dialog and then impeached him?

You sure that's the tactic you want to go with?
I got news for you. We are all hypocrites. Politicians are that, x a thousand.

That includes Trump. Even though he ran as an outsider, and "different" than the usual politician, it turned out that in many respects he is far worse.
You are correct, we are, but lets get all "Luther" on this. If you are willing to vote for VP Biden then you share the same spot on the continuum of hypocrisy as someone that would vote for President Trump because of the stuff VP Biden has done.
You are correct, we are, but lets get all "Luther" on this. If you are willing to vote for VP Biden then you share the same spot on the continuum of hypocrisy as someone that would vote for President Trump because of the stuff VP Biden has done.

The search is not for a perfect candidate. There is no such thing.

Its a comparison between the two imperfect alternatives, and this is not erven close. Biden is infinitely better qualified to be President than is Trump. Its just not even a close call.
The search is not for a perfect candidate. There is no such thing.

Its a comparison between the two imperfect alternatives, and this is not erven close. Biden is infinitely better qualified to be President than is Trump. Its just not even a close call.

What has Biden done to make him qualified to be POTUS? Take Trump out of the equation and say Biden is running against Romney or whoever. What has Biden accomplished over the last 40 years in office that makes him qualified to be POTUS?
The search is not for a perfect candidate. There is no such thing.

Its a comparison between the two imperfect alternatives, and this is not even close. Biden is infinitely better qualified to be President than is Trump. Its just not even a close call.
Because he has been there longer? Sorry, but they are both democrats and both share a ton of the same undesirable character traits. You are just buying into the hype of Biden being different than Trump.

Let's play name the candidate.

1: Quid pro quo with Ukraine?
2: Accused of sexual assault?
3: Proven Liar?
4: Nepotism?
5: Big government spender?

If you hold your nose and vote for either one of these douche nozzles you are part of the problem.
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Because he has been there longer? Sorry, but they are both democrats and both share a ton of the same undesirable character traits. You are just buying into the hype of Biden being different than Trump.

Let's play name the candidate.

1: Quid pro quo with Ukraine?
2: Accused of sexual assault?
3: Proven Liar?
4: Nepotism?
5: Big government spender?

If you hold your nose and vote for either one of these douche nozzles you are part of the problem.


He's all that times 100 over Biden.
No way Bass gets the VP nom. Her past Castro comments make her a non-starter; Cubans in South Florida ain't having that. With Florida being in play this election, no way she gets the nom.
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This lady fits right in with the modern dem party. There’s not a better fit for O’Biden than this lady.
O’Biden/Bass 2020 has a good ring to it
This lady fits right in with the modern dem party. There’s not a better fit for O’Biden than this lady.
O’Biden/Bass 2020 has a good ring to it

Biden will be picking Susan Rice as his VP. She'll be the first black woman POTUS for 4 long f**ked up years.

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