Karen Bass, VP contender for Biden, renounces her praise of Fidel Castro


Yep, still ugly as sin.
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Don’t let him change the topic on this thread, this is about his candidate potentially picking a person for his VP who loves a murdering dictator. If Tyler is so obsessed with David Duke he should go start a thread about him

Says the guy who sucks the teet of Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un's puppet.
Plea Deal in L.A. Bribery Case Could Hide Evidence Against Karen Bass


A plea bargain in a bribery case involving a University of Southern California (USC) official and a former local city council member could ensure that evidence implicating Los Angeles mayoral candidate Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) is not revealed.

Last year, Marilyn Flynn, 83, former dean of USC’s school of social work, was indicted for a scheme to bribe council member Mark Ridley-Thomas by giving one of his relatives admission, scholarships, and employment in exchange for local contracts.

Federal prosecutors had recently revealed that Bass was connected to the case because USC granted her a $95,000 scholarship to pursue a part-time graduate degree that USC allegedly hoped would encourage her to secure federal funding for the school.

Plea Deal in L.A. Bribery Case Could Hide Evidence Against Karen Bass
wonder if the soros backed flunky da will let these two go scot free?

LAT: Arrests made in gun theft burglary at Karen Bass’s home

Guns for me, but not for thee?

“Last night, I came home and discovered that my house had been broken into and burglarized. LAPD was called, and I appreciate their assistance. At this time, it appears that only two firearms, despite being safely and securely stored, were stolen. Cash, electronics and other valuables were not. It’s unnerving and, unfortunately, it’s something that far too many Angelenos have faced,” the Congresswoman wrote in a statement issued Saturday morning.
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It’s very common among thieves to steal firearms which have serial numbers and can be traced and leave behind US currency. This story sets off the ******** detector in about 3 different ways.
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It’s very common among thieves to steal firearms which have serial numbers and can be traced and leave behind US currency. This story sets off the ******** detector in about 3 different ways.
Paper currency usually includes a serial number.

But yea, point taken…

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