Karen Bass, VP contender for Biden, renounces her praise of Fidel Castro

This lady fits right in with the modern dem party. There’s not a better fit for O’Biden than this lady.
O’Biden/Bass 2020 has a good ring to it
Surprised you didn't say she's only fit to clean the bathroom.
What has Biden done to make him qualified to be POTUS? Take Trump out of the equation and say Biden is running against Romney or whoever. What has Biden accomplished over the last 40 years in office that makes him qualified to be POTUS?

The answer is the same one I get every time I ask a leftist what Trump has specifically done that has negatively affected them personally besides hurt feelings.

It's 100% accurate in your case
I despise all you antifa dems equally regardless of color. But we know you all have to claim every R is a racist, thankfully most just ignore you all because your side has screamed it too many times
I despise all you antifa dems equally regardless of color. But we know you all have to claim every R is a racist, thankfully most just ignore you all because your side has screamed it too many times
Some of that may be true, but like I said before it's 100% accurate in your case. Interesting how you don't deny it either.
Some of that may be true, but like I said before it's 100% accurate in your case. Interesting how you don't deny it either.
I don’t see the need to waste my time trying to prove something to a left wing lunatic who doesn’t know me. I don’t care what you or any other radical leftist thinks of me
Again just because some tweets dumbass things doesn’t mean anyone cares
If you bothered to read anything you'd notice that he's been influencing tons of angry racist white dudes via the internet for over 20 years.
I was going by what Tucker Carlson was saying on his show tonight about Rice & how it all makes sense.

Again just because some tweets dumbass things doesn’t mean anyone cares
Don’t let him change the topic on this thread, this is about his candidate potentially picking a person for his VP who loves a murdering dictator. If Tyler is so obsessed with David Duke he should go start a thread about him

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