Kate Steinlle's accused killer found not guilty of murder

Just giving him the equally broad, one dimensional response he deserves.

So yes, I agree. It's lame.
In a way though, he's right. The prosecutors swung for the fence... again. Common sense would tell you that a bullet that ricocheted into its' victim is hardly the stuff of premeditation or intent. (Unless he was auditioning for a job as a trick shot artist)

So they go for a murder charge. Really? I think the lawyers' egos got the better of them by appealing to the lynch mob mentality of the media thinking that would carry the day. Idiots.

But at least now we have case 1 for a handgun killing someone without someone actually pulling the trigger, so the liberal forest of San Francisco now has legal precedent. Congrats LG.
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So hypothetically lets just say a guy from Tennessee for instance was visiting San Fransisco (upstanding citizen, No criminal background) and had a his own (Not Stolen) gun and also had a CCL (in TN) but traveled with his gun and somehow he accidentally "dropped" it and it goes off and he ends up killing someone.

Do you think that same jury would find him innocent?
So hypothetically lets just say a guy from Tennessee for instance was visiting San Fransisco (upstanding citizen, No criminal background) and had a his own (Not Stolen) gun and also had a CCL (in TN) but traveled with his gun and somehow he accidentally "dropped" it and it goes off and he ends up killing someone.

Do you think that same jury would find him innocent?

He admitted to aiming at seals. He said he “stepped” on the gun and it went off and they found gun shot residue on his right hand. Yet he shoots this woman just walking along.

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he had a GUN. funny how fast you get limp wristed on gun crime when its an illegal. Coming from someone who has called anyone who owns a gun a killer and culpable to all gun crime you have flipped really fast here.

Guns don't "just go off". he pulled the trigger, he is guilty. Doesn't matter if he didn't know what he was doing, he is an adult and should be punished.

I agree with you that he should not have have had a gun. I also agree that he should not have been in the country, having been arrested before as an illegal immigrant. he was convicted of possession of a firearm, and as an illegal immigrant he is going to be set back. But that is not the issue, here. People want him convicted of second-degree murder, but they don't know the facts and didn't hear the evidence as to whether that charge was proven.
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Speaking of “flipping really fast,” tons of Republicans who have been scoffing at the idea of bias in our criminal justice system are now claiming exactly that.

then they haven't been paying attention. the courts have been biased for a long time. yes to both sides.
I agree with you that he should not have have had a gun. I also agree that he should not have been in the country, having been arrested before as an illegal immigrant. he was convicted of possession of a firearm, and as an illegal immigrant he is going to be set back. But that is not the issue, here. People want him convicted of second-degree murder, but they don't know the facts and didn't hear the evidence as to whether that charge was proven.

Not sure if it was the OP bump, but I agree murder might be a bit much to prove, but no to manslaughter? his actions directly lead to someone dying.
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I think there are more similarities than most people are comfortable with. really it just seems to be about which side you agree with. as per usual.
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I think there are more similarities than most people are comfortable with. really it just seems to be about which side you agree with. as per usual.

I agree there are similarities, but that doesn't merit an equivalency. The big difference is the large majority of BLM supporters are not extremists. White nationalists by definition are extremists.
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I agree there are similarities, but that doesn't merit an equivalency. The big difference is the large majority of BLM supporters are not extremists. White nationalists by definition are extremists.

White nationalist/neo-nazi/KKK gets thrown around a lot. How often has a person who might have voted for or support Trump been labeled such?

I didn't vote for him and can't wait for him to leave office, and yet because I don't immediately jump on the train that he has to be kicked out right now people on this board have applied that label to me.

the extremists are just the ones you hear about. And because of that label no one looks past it and lumps anyone who agrees in with the extremists.
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White nationalist/neo-nazi/KKK gets thrown around a lot. How often has a person who might have voted for or support Trump been labeled such?

I didn't vote for him and can't wait for him to leave office, and yet because I don't immediately jump on the train that he has to be kicked out right now people on this board have applied that label to me.

the extremists are just the ones you hear about. And because of that label no one looks past it and lumps anyone who agrees in with the extremists.

I'm not talking about people being falsely accused of being white nationalists. I'm talking about white nationalists.

There is also a big difference between a minority group behaving as victims and fighting for "justice" and a majority group behaving as victims and fighting for "justice". One is obviously more justifiable in their victimhood. The other is more paranoid tribalism.
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I'm not talking about people being falsely accused of being white nationalists. I'm talking about white nationalists.

There is also a big difference between a minority group behaving as victims and fighting for "justice" and a majority group behaving as victims and fighting for "justice". One is obviously more justifiable in their victimhood. The other is more paranoid tribalism.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people out to get you. again the line seems to be do you agree with them or not.

who are you to say that these white nationalists aren't victims? you don't know their side of things, you just assume because they are white that things can't be THAT bad for them and they have to wait for everyone else's problems to be fixed before they get their say.
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