Kavanaugh Confirmation

I'm enjoying the usual suspects in here taking one or two really extreme people and labeling all Democrats as typified by them.

For the record, I think interrupting the hearing is stupid and pointless. Also, these folks clearly have no idea of how easily it is that the entire opposition/minority will be described as just like them. How bad the logic will be of the right. They should protest outside, like everyone else.

I think the problem with this is it gives the right an excuse to ignore the legitimate questions being raised about the document blocking by giving the right something else to make a big deal over.

You're right. That would be my guess as to why they didn't take control of the hearing or clear the galley. To associate the entire left with the looneys.
Cornyn: Kavanaugh Hearing Is First I’ve Seen Run ‘Basically According to Mob Rule’

Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) sharply criticized the manner in which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing proceeded on Tuesday, condemning the "mob rule" behavior of Democratic senators.

"I have not been in as many confirmation hearings as some of my colleagues, but this is the first confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court Justice I have seen basically according to mob rule," Cornyn said. "We have rules in the Senate. We have norms for decorum."

Senate Democrats began interrupting the hearing almost immediately after it began. Democrats on the Judiciary Committee yelled at chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) as he started to welcome attendees.

Protesters also screamed periodically, and Capitol Police swiftly acted to remove them in an attempt to maintain order.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.),(and close friend of Phil Bredesen), led a phone call with Democratic senators over the holiday weekend to coordinate a protest strategy, NBC News reported. Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) confirmed that a conference call took place on Monday and did not deny that a protest strategy was discussed.

"Any one of our colleagues can step out here and talk to the press and make whatever comments they want to the press and tell the world how they feel about this, but the fact is, it's hard to take it seriously when every single one of our colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Democratic side have announced their opposition to this nominee even before today's hearing," Cornyn said.

Cornyn: Kavanaugh Hearing Is First I've Seen Run 'Basically According to Mob Rule’
MSNBC: Kavanaugh Will Be ‘Illegitimate Supreme Court Justice,’ Trump Is a ‘Dictator in the Making’

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski and analyst Steve Schmidt had strong language Tuesday for President Donald Trump and his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, calling the former a "dictator in the making" and the latter "illegitimate" before he's even been confirmed.

Schmidt, the ex-Republican strategist and vociferous critic of the Trump White House, previously helmed the successful confirmations of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito while working in the George W. Bush administration. He and other Trump opponents have been a sharp critic of the administration's handling of Kavanaugh's process.

"What we see here is an illegitimate process that will yield an illegitimate Supreme Court justice and further degrade in the public's mind the legitimacy of the institution of the Supreme Court itself," Schmidt said on "Morning Joe."

MSNBC: Kavanaugh Will Be 'Illegitimate Supreme Court Justice,' Trump Is a 'Dictator in the Making'
Blumenthal said Kavanaugh would have an asterix beside his name. I guess that depends on who gets to write history. He could be onto something.
Brett Kavanaugh stares down his critics as he finally gets his say at chaotic SCOTUS confirmation - as 70 are arrested and Howling protesters dressed as Handmaids force his daughters to be escorted out for their own safety

Brett Kavanaugh vows to be an 'umpire - a neutral and impartial arbiter' on the Supreme Court as the first day of his confirmation hearing was disrupted by protesters and Democrats alike.

'A good judge must be an umpire—a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no litigant or policy,' Kavanaugh told senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday afternoon, over two hours after he was originally scheduled to speak.

Day one of his time before the Senate committee was interrupted continuously by protesters expressing concerns about his record on abortion rights and Democratic senators demanding the hearing be postponed so they could have more time to read the documents from his time in the government.

Seventy protesters were arrested, according to a statement from U.S. Capitol Police.

The day grew dragged on and grew so contentious that Kavanaugh's two young daughters were escorted from the room although they returned in the afternoon to hear their father's opening statement.

Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh hearing hit by protest after protest | Daily Mail Online
Really amazing stuff. If this guy had no track record the Democrats would be whining that he's an unknown. But he has 300 filed opinions and the Democrats are whining that there's too much to look at.
Really amazing stuff. If this guy had no track record the Democrats would be whining that he's an unknown. But he has 300 filed opinions and the Democrats are whining that there's too much to look at.
It’s.... it’s almost.... like there’s no pleasing the whiney bastards they will find fault in anything! Almost...

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