Kavanaugh Confirmation

The unhinged left is accusing Zina Bash of flashing a white supremacy sign.

Sounds like she's half Jewish half Mexican ("Dr. Gelman is a second-generation Polish-American Jew whose parents barely escaped the Holocaust and found solace in America. Dr. Gelman met his wife, Maria Esperanza, in Monterrey, Mexico, and the couple was married in 1979. They have four children together, Zina, Alexander, Rachel and Sharon."). So I think it's more likely that she's just popping a pimple on her arm.
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Sounds like she's half Jewish half Mexican. So I think it's more likely that she's just popping a pimple on her arm.

That's correct. Her grand parents are Polish Jews that barely escaped the holocaust.

Her mother is a Mexican immigrant.
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I am truly grateful the Fascist Left are exposing themselves today for everyone to see in all of their repugnant nastiness.








Daily Mail photos of Leftist Fascists being evicted from Kavanaugh hearing.
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Sounds like she's half Jewish half Mexican ("Dr. Gelman is a second-generation Polish-American Jew whose parents barely escaped the Holocaust and found solace in America. Dr. Gelman met his wife, Maria Esperanza, in Monterrey, Mexico, and the couple was married in 1979. They have four children together, Zina, Alexander, Rachel and Sharon."). So I think it's more likely that she's just popping a pimple on her arm.

I notice how people never say half Catholic and half Mexican or Half Muslim and half Mexican.
Why is that? Being Jewish is not a race, it's a religion.
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I notice how people never say half Catholic and half Mexican or Half Muslim and half Mexican.
Why is that? Being Jewish is not a race, it's a religion.

It's considered both a race and religion. You can be one without the other.
It's considered both a race and religion. You can be one without the other.

Really? So what race are Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists and Protestants? I'd really like to know so I can be racist more.
Ben Sasse Goes After Cory Booker For Using Kavanaugh Hearing To Fundraise

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, used the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as an opportunity to raise money, sending out a fundraising email during the hearing.

“We should all be concerned about what it would mean for our country if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court,” the email began. “I will be questioning Judge Kavanaugh at length in this week’s Judiciary Committee hearing to shed more light on his views and record — but here’s what we already know.”

The email, titled “Stop Kavanaugh,” goes on to reveal that Booker’s mind is already made up before he has the chance to question Kavanaugh. He writes: “We can only make a difference if everyone steps off the sidelines. Add your name to join me in this fight and oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.”

“This stuff will make us sicker, not healthier,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) tweeted in response to the letter. “Sending out fundraising emails DURING A HEARING about opposition to a Supreme Court nominee is not the job of a Senator. It is cynical play-acting for a political base.”

Ben Sasse Goes After Cory Booker For Using Kavanaugh Hearing To Fundraise

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I'm enjoying the usual suspects in here taking one or two really extreme people and labeling all Democrats as typified by them.

For the record, I think interrupting the hearing is stupid and pointless. Also, these folks clearly have no idea of how easily it is that the entire opposition/minority will be described as just like them. How bad the logic will be of the right. They should protest outside, like everyone else.

I think the problem with this is it gives the right an excuse to ignore the legitimate questions being raised about the document blocking by giving the right something else to make a big deal over.

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she was glad a group of protesters gathered inside the Hart Senate office building during the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh Tuesday, saying she thinks they should stay.

“I’m glad they’re here, they are exercising their free speech,” Warren said when asked by The Daily Caller News Foundation if she supported the protesters’ actions.

She also responded affirmatively when asked if she believed the protesters should stay.

Liz Warren Supports Protesters Who Interrupted Kavanaugh Hearing, Wants Them To Stay

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