Kavanaugh Confirmation

Trump: Democrats ‘Mean, Angry, and Despicable’ During Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings
President Donald Trump denounced Senate Democrats for grandstanding during the confirmation hearings for his nominee to the Supreme Court.
“The Brett Kavanaugh hearings for the future Justice of the Supreme Court are truly a display of how mean, angry, and despicable the other side is,” Trump wrote.

Democrats began the hearings by interrupting and speaking outside of regular order, leaving Republicans like Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley frustrated.

At one point, Kavanaugh’s daughters were taken out of the hearing proceedings as tensions in the room grew.

“They will say anything and are only looking to inflict pain and embarrassment to one of the most highly renowned jurists to ever appear before Congress,” Trump wrote. “So sad to see!”

Trump: Dems 'Mean, Angry, Despicable' at Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings
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How many Dims met with BK prior to this sh!tshow?

They already knew they were gonna disrupt the hearing. That’s what obstructionist do.
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Hollywood Melts Down During Kavanaugh Hearings: ‘Motherf***ing Soulless GOP Scum’

Hollywood celebrities reacted to SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing on Twitter Tuesday with unhinged angry attacks on President Donald Trump and Republican Senators.

Before the hearings began, comedian Chelsea Handler called for the Senate to block the Brett Kavanaugh nomination.
“We can’t let them roll back the progress we’ve made on women’s rights. We’ve got to keep fighting. The hearings start Tuesday. We’ve tied up their phone lines, now let’s flood their mailboxes! Send this postcard to urge your Senator to BlockBrett,” Handler tweeted.
I wouldn't even let the Dims into the meeting. They already said they were voting NO the day he was nominated so why confuse the issue. Just count them as no votes and move forward with the process. Why listen to their dribble, they are not debating simply obstructing the process.
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Ted Cruz: Kavanaugh Confirmation an Attempt to Re-Litigate 2016 Election

WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) focused his opening statement in Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court as an attempt by Senate Democrats and their leftwing allies to re-litigate the 2016 election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

Cruz began by saying what the Kavanaugh confirmation fight is not about.

“First, this hearing is not about the qualifications of the nominee,” said Cruz. “Judge Kavanaugh is, by any objective measure, unquestionably qualified for the Supreme Court… Indeed, I have not heard anyone even attempt to make that argument.”

“Second, this hearing is not about his judicial record,” Cruz continued, noting that Kavanaugh “has over 300 published opinions, which altogether amount to over 10,000 pages issued in his role as a federal appellate judge.”

Everyone agrees that a judge’s record is by far the most important [evidence] of what kind of justice that nominee will be,” the Texas senator continued. “And, tellingly, we’ve heard very little today from Democratic senators about the actual substance of Judge Kavanaugh’s judicial record.”

Instead, Cruz said the entire confirmation fight had little to do with Kavanaugh.

“I believe this fight is nothing more and nothing less than an attempt by our Democratic colleagues to re-litigate the 2016 presidential election,” asserted Cruz. Noting that the Supreme Court became central to the election after the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia – whom Cruz called “one of the greatest jurists ever to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court” – Cruz explained that “Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were both clear about what kind of justices and judges they would appoint.”

Ted Cruz: Kavanaugh Confirmation an Attempt to Re-Litigate 2016 Election
It said on PBS 60 people were escorted from the hearing and there were only 40 public seats. So if it was all protestors they were all kicked out and replaced by more people who got kicked out. Genius.

And I saw the women dressed up like the handmaids tale. Don’t worry ladies, if it comes to pass you definitely won’t be sex slaves. You’ll be working in a mine somewhere.
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I just heard some of the "protests" from yesterday, these people have serious issues, just screaming and screeching about nothing I couldn't even understand what they said. Unhinged and radical group are the modern day democrats
I just heard some of the "protests" from yesterday, these people have serious issues, just screaming and screeching about nothing I couldn't even understand what they said. Unhinged and radical group are the modern day democrats

Can you imagine the uproar had conservatives gone in and protested the hearings of Sotomayor and Kagan?
I just heard some of the "protests" from yesterday, these people have serious issues, just screaming and screeching about nothing I couldn't even understand what they said. Unhinged and radical group are the modern day democrats

From the looks of most them, I just assumed they were screaming all men are pigs, RBG is my spirt animal and toxic masculinity is killing our utopia .
If the far-left idiots of the Democratic Party act this way in public & how they conduct their meetings on TV for everyone to see NOW just imagine how they're going to be acting towards people WHEN & IF they ever regain power of the Oval Office. Democrats are such an embarrassment & they think Trump has problems.
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Funny, the Democrats on the committee acted so childish today even CNN was embarrassed to cover it.
You sure do watch a lot of CNN. You and WD40 and a few other mouthbreathers source it all the time and whine about how it's ratings are worse than Married With Children reruns. Weird.
Today’s opening shots.

Sen. Chuck Grassley just asked Judge Brett Kavanaugh, in the first segment of questioning led by the Chairman, to speak to his thoughts regarding judicial independence from the executive branch -- a key subject for anyone concerned about how Kavanaugh would rule on issues directly related to President Trump.

"No one is above the law in our constitutional system," said Kavanaugh. "Under our system of government, the executive branch is subject to the law, subject to the court system... it is an important part of the constitutional structure."

"We are not supposed to be influenced by political pressure from the Executive or from the Congress. We are independent," He added. "We make decisions based on law, not based on policy, not based on political pressure, not based on the identity of the parties, no matter who you are in our system, no matter where you come from, no matter how rich you are or how poor you are, no matter your race, your gender, no matter your station in life, no matter your position in government."

Yeah yeah I know. He’s in Trumps pocket, he’s beholding to Trump, blah blah

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