Kavanaugh Confirmation

Basically he's a despicable human who represents nothing you would ever want a child to aspire to be. Some find that off putting in a president.
You are defending and excusing the most recent low rent politics of your party. You have rl responded Machiavellian morality repeatedly. You gave away your high ground.
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Several experts on this issue (how to detect accurate accounts of sexual assault from concocted accounts of sexual assault) have said that Ford's account did not contain features typically found in a bogus account. I note that that is NOT true of Swetnick's account.
Dude, it's clear that having a grandparent alumnus qualifies you for legacy status at Yale. That's clear from the article. There's also nothing to indicate that the failure of an alumnus (grandpa) to donate can rob an applicant (Lyin' Brett) of legacy status. Finally, the claim was he had no "connection" to Yale. He has a clear connection to Yale. End of discussion. You need to sober up before you continue this because you're not processing info. You out drinking with Bart?

So do you assign the same liar status to Ford?
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Several experts on this issue (how to detect accurate accounts of sexual assault from concocted accounts of sexual assault) have said that Ford's account did not contain features typically found in a bogus account. I note that that is NOT true of Swetnick's account.
“Experts” “typically”....
There is no standard of proof. It's on the individual senator to decide.

Only the left doesn't care if he's guilty or innocent. They don't care he's totally qualified for the position. You and I both know they will vote no simply because of political ideology. Whether or not Ford is being truthful, whether or not her claims are true, the Dems don't care. They saw a way to create a political circus and delay the process and they took it. They reveled in trying to destroy Kavanaugh's reputation simply because he's a Trump/Republican nominee.

But you're okay with these tactics because your still butthurt over Garland. I agree with you that the GOP was wrong to deny him a vote, but that in no way excuses the current behavior of the Dems. Wrong is wrong, Luther, and what is happening here is wrong. Kavanaugh is being crucified over an accusation that cannot be proven true or false. It's been blown up and K's wife and children have to hear these things in the MSM that has already concluded his guilt. And the left thinks this is acceptable behavior. I guarantee when the Republicans use the same tactics(and they will because all politics is dirty), that's when the Democrats will decide this is unacceptable behavior.
Dude, it's clear that having a grandparent alumnus qualifies you for legacy status at Yale. That's clear from the article. There's also nothing to indicate that the failure of an alumnus (grandpa) to donate can rob an applicant (Lyin' Brett) of legacy status. Finally, the claim was he had no "connection" to Yale. He has a clear connection to Yale. End of discussion. You need to sober up before you continue this because you're not processing info. You out drinking with Bart?
No... dude. Your inference is there was assistance to entry. No evidence has been shown except that one generation removed he got in.

You show me where he knew grandpa set it up and ok. Btw grandpa died in 1978. So only way this hunts is a) if Kavanaugh knew somebody greased the skids then b) he would have made a false statement.

Unless money was heading to Yale before Brett appiled I’m satisfied he didn’t get any special treatment. If they afforded some consideration to him without him knowing due to ole grandpa that’s not on him.

I didn’t drink today. If I did I wouldn’t have stopped. Thanks for caring though!
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I know, I know, those fancy PhDs with their nuanced and peer reviewed work. We just gotta go with our black and white, knee-jerk decisions reached by consulting our gut.
Yeah and they’re the same experts that found the Duke lacrosse accusers credible.

“Move to strike. Experts are noted and documented dumbasses your honor!”
Did someone say moral depravity from the party of Trump? You know, the guy who pays hush money to porn stars and playmates?

I'm sorry. I always roll my eyes when someone from the left talks about the moral depravity of Trump. Not because I disagree, but simply because they overlook their party claims the likes of the Clintons and Ted Kennedy.
They just took the cowards way out. They could have let it come to a vote and then voted him down, but they knew they had no justification to support a no vote.

So the Democrat way is when you have no justification for a no vote, create one?
Kavanaugh's testimony was embarrassing to say the least, he came off as a whiny, spoiled rotten frat boy. His ranting about left-wing conspiracy theories and how the Clinton's are out to get him was straight out of the Trump playbook (no facts).
11th hour grenade accusations that are unprovable doesn't wreak? I'm 4 hours from dc and i can smell it. They have more planned.
He's legitimized all of the worst qualities for a number of people and made our country a sadder, more bitter, and ignorant place in which to live.

While I agree Trump is an obnoxious asshat, I just don't buy this excuse. How many times did Dems support Ted Kennedy after he killed a girl? You seem to accept the qualities you despise in Trump if they're in a Democrat. And the Dems have had their fair share of obnoxious asshats as well.
While I agree Trump is an obnoxious asshat, I just don't buy this excuse. How many times did Dems support Ted Kennedy after he killed a girl? You seem to accept the qualities you despise in Trump if they're in a Democrat. And the Dems have had their fair share of obnoxious asshats as well.
It seems to be well spread out between parties doesn't it.

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