Kavanaugh Confirmation

Ah! Now we see the difference, and the admission of your ethic!

Slander is the act of damaging a person's reputation via false statements.

Thous shalt not bear false witness. It doesn't say, "unless you convince yourself of a greater good, or can come up with a really good reason."

Your fluid ethic embraces immorality if you perceive it as useful. Mine defines evil as evil and doesn't feel that we can improve the world by bringing more into it. My ethic says that if I have to become evil to stop evil, I don't trade my integrity for the bargain. So I trust the providence of God where my integrity leaves me helpless.

Your integrity is relative to your desired end result. Well, so is Trump's. You rightly call him immoral and a monster, yet your admissions make you the same. You are the monster in the mirror. Your integrity is for sell. You embrace immorality for the convenience it can provide.

Thank for the admission. Good day.
Thou shall not kill. About that brick to the head scenario? If a drug crazed lunatic is strangling an innocent child, do you have the moral right to smash his head in with a brick?
If someone breaks into your house and attacks your wife, do you have the moral right to shoot him?
Even if you were a centipede you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
It's an attempt to label him someone who might not remember attacking someone. There's a reason Ford's testimony repeated assertions that he and Judge were totally wasted. Forgive me if I'm skeptical that a 15 year old can accurately assess how wasted another teenager is.
especially when she herself is wasted.
The FBI, as far as I know, cannot subpoena evidence. Even then, there is none to subpoena. All they are obliged to do is take statements, which will be a regurgitation of the circus from last week, only in a less public setting.

With that said, this could’ve been wrapped up by 12:00 ET today.

I thought this was made abundantly clear when the investigation was opened. An investigation at this point would essentially be adding content to his background check file. All they will be doing is conducting interviews with individuals and reporting on that to the judiciary committee. Anyone who thinks that this is going to be a full on CSI cold case investigation is being severely misled.

There are democrats on the judiciary committee who have to know this. Some of them have probably been a part of these proceedings not once prior but more than likely several times prior. If they don't understand these things by now I would highly question their fitness for their current positions. Their making statements to the public that this investigation is short and a sham are nothing but a diversion to their base....... And their base with no doubt will blindfully believe them.
This is just as absurd as asking if the right would have celebrated if the same happened to Obama.
It would result in utter chaos and further intrusions into privacy and civil liberties. I
think violence among the more extreme wings of the parties wouldn't be out of the question either. I'd much rather Trump have his two terms than for **** to hit the fan.

I don't see the question as absurd. My own opinion, I think some(not all) on the left would celebrate. Those out on the fringe left. And if Obama had been assassinated, it wouldn't have surprised me if fringe right elements celebrated. Both sides have crazy people.

I'm just glad the left doesn't believe in guns.:)
If Trump were assassinated, would the left celebrate?

Note to Mr.FBI, NSA, or whichever government agency may be monitoring, I am NOT advocating this, just simply asking a question. Please do not show up at my door.
Absolutely, the dimwits on this site Would cheer. Then they will start going after the Vice President. The totalitarian party has no shame, they have no morals and no ethics
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Thou shall not kill. About that brick to the head scenario? If a drug crazed lunatic is strangling an innocent child, do you have the moral right to smash his head in with a brick?
If someone breaks into your house and attacks your wife, do you have the moral right to shoot him?
Even if you were a centipede you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

If you're going to quote the Bible, quote it properly. Check the term you're throwing out here idiot.
I'll tell you what will happen. The FBI will investigate and there will be accusers coming out of the woodwork. There will be witnesses that will completely lie against Cavanaugh. They will do their best to smear this man's name
Thou shall not kill. About that brick to the head scenario? If a drug crazed lunatic is strangling an innocent child, do you have the moral right to smash his head in with a brick?
If someone breaks into your house and attacks your wife, do you have the moral right to shoot him?
Even if you were a centipede you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
Study up Luther.

That's "thou shalt not murder". Remember, you agreed that we're using the Word of God as the standard, so we'll need to go by what it actually says. Not your relativity. It goes back to what's actually considered immoral, not justifying immoral acts after the fact. (A distinction you've seemed incapable of comprehending.)

So, the Word of God tells us when it's immoral to kill someone and when it's moral to kill them. Go study up on the ethics and morals that you agreed to use as the standard. Belly up to the table. Figure out what's immoral, when it's immoral, and why it's immoral.

The short of it is that you look incredibly ignorant.
Thou shall not kill. About that brick to the head scenario? If a drug crazed lunatic is strangling an innocent child, do you have the moral right to smash his head in with a brick?
If someone breaks into your house and attacks your wife, do you have the moral right to shoot him?
Even if you were a centipede you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

You know nothing about the Bible.
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I don't think either Ford or Kavanaugh were credible witnesses. There are serious discrepancies in her story, and the timing is suspect to say the least. And his demeanor during the hearing Thursday didn't do him any favors. He would have thrown out someone in his court that conducted themselves in such a terrible manner.

With that said, that doesn't disqualify him imo. I don't see proof, just he said, she said with wildly different witness statements. Can't convict a person on that alone.

Also, I don't think it matters that he liked to drink, still likes to drink, whatever. As long as he doesn't throw up on RBG during court, his former or current drinking habits shouldn't matter.

I think he gets confirmed on strict party lines (with the addition of Manchin maybe). But who knows, this entire process has been a Butch Jones' level circus.
When I read your posts, I do it with Kavanaugh rage voice. Seems fitting.....
I don't see the question as absurd. My own opinion, I think some(not all) on the left would celebrate. Those out on the fringe left. And if Obama had been assassinated, it wouldn't have surprised me if fringe right elements celebrated. Both sides have crazy people.

I'm just glad the left doesn't believe in guns.:)
Fair point, I agree.

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