It has been and always will be beyond me how ANYONE can support a political ideology who's basic tenant is to take from people that work hard every day at jobs that they have trained themselves for by either working up through a trade union, going to school and getting a USEFUL degree, or have just put in the years to gain the experience and give to those who do not work. Not because they are unable to work in some way, but simply because they want to party, are lazy, and want to be fruitful and multiply. Those that can't work deserve assistance in this country. However, a large number of those currently unemployed are in that situation because they simply don't care and know that their party will support them. The left has moved so far in the direction of one payer everything that I simply don't understand how anyone that has grown up in this country can support it. This whole joke of a process has been caused by this party simply trying to delay a vote in the hopes that they can impeach a rightfully elected president and load the court with more socialist/activist judges. How can anyone in their right mind support this? Are your lives so secure that you really don't care about your health or your financial independence? I'm not speaking out for the right side of the aisle, just against the left side that has moved so far left that they make JFK look like a right wing nutjob.
Trolls need not answer, you know who you are.