Does anyone know the answer to this, Does Vandy have the benches at the end because the floor is elevated and the benches on the side would be a safety concern or block view of side sunken fans? OR if Vandy got a new arena they would still do the odd and different from everyone layout to keep an advantage. Never saw the thinking behind this. Vandy supposed to be known for research and innovation, maybe they need George Constanza as their Architect.I guess that UK sucks as bad as TN since they can’t beat Vandy at Vandy’s house of horrors.
Does anyone know the answer to this, Does Vandy have the benches at the end because the floor is elevated and the benches on the side would be a safety concern or block view of side sunken fans? OR if Vandy got a new arena they would still do the odd and different from everyone layout to keep an advantage. Never saw the thinking behind this. Vandy supposed to be known for research and innovation, maybe they need George Constanza as their Architect.
Yep. A lot did. Go back and look at posts on RR's. A lot of the more sane KY fans ( I know sane KY fans is an oxymoron) know their teams strengths and weaknesses. Many seen this coming.They saw their team losing to Vandy? Really?