Kentucky vs #6 Ole Miss

I'm not sure one game will do it, but this might be an indictment of sorts on the heavy portal approach to building a team. The first team they came up against with a pulse punched them in the mouth. Can a team full of players who already bolted from one program stay together if the season begins to go south?

Truth be told, even though UK beat them up at the LOS all day, they still needed a 4th and 7 conversion and a fluke TD to win. Then Ole Miss had the ball well into UK territory and had to settle for a 51 yd FG try. Ole Miss went out of their way to gift this game to Kentucky.
Ole Miss also converted a 4th and seven and lost a fumble that should have ended the game but a Kentucky lineman was offsides. Truth is Kentucky looks good in this game and going back to the Georgia game. Not sure what happened when they played USC but they look like the third best team we will play this season to me.

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